The guard looked over at Alburet, “Are you the person in charge of this guild, sir?”
“Alburet is my name and I am indeed the leader of this guild.”
“A complaint was filed with the guards that demons were being summoned in the city by the leader of this guild in order to threaten a citizen. I have been tasked with looking into the charge. Can you shed any light on this complaint, sir?”
Chuckling softly, Alburet nodded, “Indeed, I can. I did in fact summon a Destroyer to my defense not that long ago. We had an irate person who refused to leave the establishment and I felt the need for more security.”
The guard frowned, then appeared to be reading something in the air in front of him. He nodded. “I see this building as well as the Dead Man Inn are places where Infernals may be summoned without breaking the law now, in addition it now being permissible in the Summoner’s self-defense. Well, this is closed, then. I am sorry for wasting your time, sir.”
“It’s fine. I’ve dealt with enough similar issues in my time.” Alburet gave a small bow to the guard, “Keep doing your job, sir, and have our thanks for your service.”
With a salute the guard went on his way. Kim sighed, “Thank goodness for that order, otherwise we would all be accomplices to demon summoning.”
“That bad?” Alburet asked.
“A hefty fine at the minimum, ranging up to time in the stockades. If the Infernal damaged property or hurt someone you could be sent off to one of the mines to work off the costs.” Kim shook her head as she finished, “Those laws have some wiggle room in them now, though.”
“Good for us, then,” Alburet told her. “Anything we need to know before we retire for the day?”
“Until what time do you want the desk staffed?”
“Two hours after sundown, please, and open an hour after sun up. Once you have Erin trained up then devise a schedule for you both, please.”
“I will do so. Have a good day,” Kim replied, allowing Stacia and Alburet to escape back to their house.
“Okay, no more answering the door for the day,” Alburet said as he bolted it once they were inside.
“Just wha’ I have been wantin’ to hear, master,” Stacia said, her voice filled with heat as she pressed herself against his back. “Ya had been sayin’ somethin’ about us enjoyin’ the day in…”
Chapter Twenty-Four
Alburet woke the next day to pleasure coursing through his body. He felt his body clench as Stacia brought him to release just after his eyes fluttered open. Panting, he glanced down to see Stacia staring up at him, her eye alight with mischief. Once she released him from her mouth she smirked, “Mornin’, master.”
“Kitten, you are such a naughty little vixen,” Alburet replied before pulling her up to him to wrap her in an embrace. “How did you not wake me before that?”
Stacia giggled, “Oh, ya almost woke up a couple of times. I ha’ been workin’ on ya for almost twenty minutes, master. It was quite fun watchin’ ya start to wake then go back to sleep when I stopped.”
Laughing, Alburet rolled her over so her naked body was under his. “I’m sure it was, Kitten, but now it’s time for me to repay your work.”
For the next hour Alburet worked hard to bring Stacia to the edge over and over again while denying her and himself release. Finally, he tipped her over the edge before he went along with her. Panting and shuddering he lay on top of her, his arms and legs holding him just high enough not to crush her under him. Once they had caught their breath, they bathed before heading into the front room so Stacia could make breakfast.
After eating, Alburet wondered what they should do today. He wouldn’t be here with Stacia tomorrow, due to the downtime. As he considered it he watched Stacia cleaning the kitchen and felt a momentary pang of worry. What if Mindblown didn’t need him to test immersion in the game now that they had others? Alburet froze as the thought went through his mind. Would they give him the option? Would they yank him for a different testing experience? He didn’t know and now the thought sat there in his mind festering at him.
“Master, be ya okay?” Stacia asked with worry clear in her tone as she knelt before him, looking up at him.
Alburet blinked. He had become so focused on his fears that he had stopped paying attention to what was going on around him. Letting out a deep breath, Alburet pulled Stacia into his lap and held her tight. “Just had a moment of fear is all, Kitten. It will pass.”
“Be ya sure?” Stacia asked, still clearly concerned.
“Yes, Kitten. We need to figure out what to do with ourselves today,” Alburet said, trying to distance his thoughts from where they had been.
“Ya will be leavin’ again tonight?” Stacia half asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yes, and I should be back after twenty-four hours. If it’s going to be longer I will get word to you again. While I’m gone, you are in charge of the guild.”
Stacia nodded as she got to her feet, “We should be checkin’ with Kim today then, for anything tha’ needs ya attention today. After that’ maybe we can go huntin’, just the two of us, with Bob and Tiny.”
“Sounds good to me, Kitten,” Alburet got to his feet as Stacia helped him up, so he could get his gear together.
A bit later they stepped into the guild side of the building to find the front room empty except for Erin. Alburet looked around for Kim but didn’t see her, “Where is Kim?”
Erin tilted her head at the back door, “She is setting some things up in the meetin’ room. Should be done soon. Can I do anythin’ to help?”
“Just wondering if anything of import needs to be handled in the next day or two,” Alburet asked as Stacia went towards the back rooms to check on Kim.
“Aye,” Erin said, handing him a dozen letters. “Those be the ones Kim set aside. She was sayin’ ya should send them a reply in the next day. She has paper and envelopes here for ya to use.” Erin pushed a stack of blank paper and envelopes across to him, along with a signet ring that bore the guild emblem. “She said once ya have signed the envelope to press the ring against the flap to seal it.”
Alburet thanked Erin, picking up all the stuff and sticking it into his bag. “Thank you, Erin. I’ll just check the meeting room. After that me and Stacia will be out hunting.”
“Wish I could go,” Erin muttered as he walked to the door behind her.
Alburet paused at the door, “Have you asked Wilbur?”
Erin flushed, not having expected to be heard, “Why should I?”
“He very well might like to take you out hunting,” Alburet replied as he opened the door, pausing there for a moment. “Your father would have a fit, but if you do want to go it can be arranged. Ask Wilbur first though, if you like him that is. If he won’t take you then in a few days you can go with me and Stacia during your day off.”
Erin’s head spun around, her eyes wide, to stare at him, “Ya promise?”
“If you ask Wilbur first and he declines, then yes. That is the deal. If he does say yes, you will need to be extra cautious. I don’t want to tell your father about your final death.”
Erin frowned slightly but nodded, “Fine. I will ask him tonight.”
Alburet nodded to her then let the door close behind him. He went to the meeting room, pausing as he took in the additions to the room. The table now sat on a large red and black rug. Before each chair sat a mug that was upside down as if waiting for use. In the middle of the table sat a pot for tea, also upside down, with the lid beside it. The three walls that didn’t have the door now contained wood carvings of the guild emblem.