Alburet walked Stacia up to the counter, keeping his smile in place, “Mrs. Wilson, I have brought you someone very important to me. She needs a variety of clothing. The only outfits she has to her name are her old work clothes, and this one adventuring outfit. So, I brought her here as I know you do excellent work. Let me introduce you both. Margret Wilson, owner of Silken Needles, this is Stacia who is to become my wife in four days.”
Stacia smiled with a bow of her head, “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Wilson.”
Margret returned a real smile, “It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Stacia. What kind of clothing are you looking for exactly?”
“I’m not sure, it seems I will be accompanyin’ me husband into the wilds to hunt monsters mostly, but I think a few sets of clothin’ for the city would also be good.” Stacia looked at Alburet, wondering if that was the right response.
“She is correct,” Alburet said as he dropped ten gold onto the counter. “If you need more, just let me know. I’ll be sitting out of the way.” He gave Stacia a quick kiss before he retreated to one of the chairs in the shop.
Margret swept the gold up before she came around with her measuring tape and began to take Stacia’s measurements. Alburet ended up taking a small nap during the next few hours as the women worked on Stacia’s outfits. He woke to find his message notification flashing, just as Stacia was coming out of the back. He checked the message, to find it from Karen.
Message from Karen:
Hey you. If you’re around I was thinking of hunting orcs today if you’re up for it. Message me back if you are up for it and ready for some fun.
Alburet sent a reply that he was interested if she was okay with having an NPC along. He got another message just a few seconds after he sent his.
Message from Karen:
If you think they can hack it, then sure thing. I’m interested to see how that works. Meet up at the portal guild in say fifteen minutes?
He sent back an affirmative, looking up as Stacia came over to him with a broad smile on her lips, “I am done, master.”
Alburet smiled and kissed her, “Glad to hear it. Mrs. Wilson, a pleasure as always. I am glad you are tolerating my presence.”
Margret frowned slightly at the title Stacia used, but otherwise ignored it, “The young lady has done nothing but sing your praises, Alburet. Makes me think I shouldn’t have been as hasty as I was just because of your vocation. Her clothing will be delivered to the inn you’re staying at as I get them completed. I do wish to congratulate you on your pending nuptials, as well. It is the first time I’ve heard of a two-souled in a relationship with one of us normal folks.”
“Thank you, Margret,” Alburet gave her a bow of his head. “It is good to know that my choice of vocation isn’t going to be held against me, at least by you. I’m sure we will be back for any other clothing needs we have.” He offered his arm to Stacia, who accepted it as they said their goodbyes and exited the shop.
As they walked towards the portal guild it struck him he had never dismissed Stacia after summoning her just before the patch. “Stacia, I want to find something out. Step into this alley with me.” Once they were in the alley he told her what he had in mind. “I want to dismiss you, then I’ll summon you back to me. That means you are going to have to switch back to human form after I do, okay?”
“Yes, master,” she said and vanished in a puff of smoke.
Alburet waited about a minute as he tinkered with the spell, changing the words needed to summon her. Once he had it ready he tapped his hip, “Come to me, my fiery Kitten.” Another puff of smoke and Stacia appeared in all of her Infernal glory. A second later she changed her appearance to become her normal self in her adventuring gear. He dismissed the pop up offering him the chance to change the minion. “Where did you go when you got dismissed?”
“Our room, master,” Stacia said, puzzled. “I thought I would be sent to the Infernal realm, so why was I sent there instead?”
“Good question, I don’t know. Maybe because you’re a half blood and not a full blood. But it does answer a question. It will be impossible to hide that you are my succubus from Karen and Fluff. I don't think it will impact your family any though if they know about you. Are you okay with them knowing?”
“Yes master, I trust them both as well.” She molded herself to him and kissed him passionately.
When he finally surfaced from the kiss he was breathing fast. “Okay, then. Let’s go meet up with Karen.”
They arrived a few minutes later to find Karen in front of the building. Alburet waved at her as they trotted over to her, “Morning, you dangerous and devious mynx.”
Chapter Four
“It’s good to see you again,” Karen said to Alburet before hugging Stacia. “You’re the one coming with us, Stacia?”
“Aye,” Stacia said returning the hug. “Master has taken me huntin’ with him a few times before.”
“Wait, you went out with her before the patch?” Karen said, looking over at Alburet with a single raised brow.
“Yeah, she was out with me and a few others. In fact, she was with us when we killed off the Orc Chieftain the night of the patch.”
“I want to do that, but I need to get another level or two first,” Karen replied. “Well then, I guess she knows what she’s doing. I wonder about that outfit, though. It doesn’t seem very practical, Stacia.”
“It belonged to me Ma’. She used it when she was adventuring with Da’. I’ve only taken a single hit both times we’ve gone huntin’, so it works well enough.”
Alburet chuckled, “If we are done with the fashion critique for now, maybe we should head inside to see how long the wait time is now?”
“Good point,” Karen said, leading the way. “Ladies first, right?” She let her hips sway as she walked.
“Oh,” Stacia said catching up to Karen and linking arms with her, swaying her hips in unison with the assassin. “Ah he likes tha’, does he?”
Alburet stopped dead watching the two well-formed posteriors swaying along before him. He coughed while looking away before following behind them. “Ladies first in all things, though I would swear I proved that point when you joined the two of us in bed, Karen.”
Karen glanced back over her shoulder, “Oh yes. Letting me get off twice and Stacia three times before you did was ample proof that you do indeed follow that motto.” She winked, “I did thank you for that evening, but I’ll say it again. Thanks. It was a fun celebration.”
“Can we invite her again, master?” Stacia asked, looking back at him as they entered the doors to the portal guild.
“I’m not opposed to the idea, but that is up to her, Kitten,” Alburet replied, shaking his head. He suddenly wondered if having the two highly sexual women out hunting with him was a good idea.
Inside, a line formed at the reception desk. It stretched almost back to the door, even with two receptionists working the desk. “I thought they fixed this,” Alburet sighed.
“Right?” Karen shook her head as she looked over to the waiting area. “No one is in the waiting area, which is odd.”
Alburet confirmed her observation, “That is odd. Well, the line does seem to be moving decently so maybe this won’t be so bad.” He did note that the line was kind of single file, save for the small groups of two or three clustered in the line in places. One of the groups had just gotten to the desk and had to approach the receptionists one at a time. “Doesn’t look like you can do a whole group at a time anymore, either.”
“Well, guess we wait and see,” Karen said, pulling one of her daggers and checking its edge. “Going to need new daggers in a level or two. What was the name of that shop? Grimgar’s Weapons?”