ARREYBURN camping spot of Emuin on the way back to Henasʼamef from retreat
AVERYNE CROSSING crossing to Guelessar from Amefel on the way out of Henasʼsamef
ARYS district/town, Arys Emwy, Emwy village: destroyed when Inreddrin was killed; district contains Althalen and Lewen field
ARYS BRIDGE bridge near Emwy to west, where Elwynor rebels could enter Amefel
ARYS DISTRICT near Heansʼamef, contains villages of Emwy and Malitarin
ASFIAD old name for Aswyth
ASMADDION place in the province
ASSURN FORD river border of the province
ASWYDD, ASWYDDS surname, Herynʼs house, also Orienʼs,Tarienʼs; there is Sihh blood in this line
ASWYDDIN of the Aswydds
ASWYTH a village
ATHEL Amefin district bordering Medidenʼs land
BARADDAN Drummanʼs district, contains orchards
BRU MARDAN Taras district
BRYN Cuthanʼs estate
CEYL, TRYS TRYS CEYL Amefin village south of Henasʼsamef
DOR ELEN Anzantʼs district, orchard district
DRUN, TRYS DRUN next to Trys Ceyl, village south of Henasʼamef
EALDORMAN, EALDORMEN council of Henasʼamef
EDLINNADD old name for Ellinan
ELLINAN a village
EMWY village/district, see: Arys, Arys Emwy, Emwy village
EMWYSBROOK brook near Emwy
FOREST OF AMEFEL near Althalen
GRAYFROCK, GRAYROBE nickname for Emuin
HEN AMAS old name for Henasʼamef
HENASʼAMEF capital of the province
KATHSEIDE old name of Zeide, fortress in Henasʼamef
LEVEY Amefin village, part orchard, part pastrurage for flocks
LEWEN brook giving its name to area of battle
LEWEN FIELD, LEWEN PLAIN near Althalen, battlefield where Hausfin was destroyed
LEWENFORD area of battle, see Lewen field
LEWENSIDE area of battle, see Lewen field
LYSALIN Amefin village
MALDY VILLAGE Amefin village with crossing to Elwynor
MALITARIN Amefin village two hours from Henasʼsamef
MALLORN, ANAS, ANAS MALLORN Amefin village on riverside
MARGREIS ruined village, haunt of outlaws, near Emwy
MARNA, MARNA WOOD haunted forest
MARSHAL OF ALTHALEN Tristenʼs title, bestowed by Cefwyn
MASSITBROOK camping spot on way to Lewen field for Cefwyn and troops
MASTER GRAYROBE, GRAYFROCK nickname, refers to Emuin, wizard/tutor/priest, Teranthine
MAUDBROOK on the way to Henasʼamef
MAUDBROOK BRIDGE bridge on the way to Henasʼamef
MEIDEN sheep district; banner: blue with gold sun
PACEWYS Amefin village, sent troops to Lewen field, commanded by Lord Ardwys, thane of Sagany
PADYS SPRING one hour south of Henasʼamef, once called Batherys
RAGISAR Amefin village
RAVENʼS KNOB past Emwy on way to Lewen field, Lewen brook near Althalen
SAGANY Amefin village on way to Althalen and Lewen field, sent troop to Lewen field commanded by Lord Ardwys, thane of Sagany
SAGANY ROAD on way to Althalen and Lewen field
TAS ADEN town in Meiden
TRYS, TRYS CEYL Amefin town near Trys Drun
ZEIDE shortened name for Kathseide fortress in Henasʼamef
SELWYN MARHANEN Cefwynʼs grandfather, king of Ylesuin; banner: gold dragon on red
INREDDRIN MARHANEN king of Ylesuin, father of Cefwyn and Efanor
CEFWYN MARHANEN third king of the Marhanen dynasty, brother of Efanor
IDRYS Lord Commander of the Dragon Guard
ANNAS Cefwynʼs chief of household in both Amefel and Guelessar. Later Lord Chamberlain
LASIEN senior page at Henasʼamef
EFANOR MARHANEN His Royal Highness, Duke of Guelessar, Prince of Ylesuin
GWYWYN soldier, Inreddrinʼs captain at Althalen, made captain of Efanorʼs guard at Guelemara
Lesser Royalty / Household
ALWY Ninvrisʼs maid and one of Cefwynʼs former lovers
BRYSAULIN Lord Chancellor after Cefwyn is crowned
CRESSEN Lady, one of Cefwynʼs former lovers
FISYLLE Lady, one of Cefwynʼs former lovers
TRALLYNDE Lady, one of Cefwynʼs former lovers
PARSYNAN Guelen gentry, Cefwynʼs viceroy at Amefel until
Tristenʼs appointment as lord of Amefel
ARYNY heavy, warhorse, full sister to Dys and Kanwy
DANVY Cefwynʼs light horse
DRUGYN Idrysʼ warhorse, black stablemate of Cass, Kanwy, and Dys
KANWY Cefwynʼs warhorse, black
SYNANNA blaze-faced black, usually Efanorʼs horse
PATRIARCH priest, absolute head of Quinalt sect
JORMYS Quinaltine priest, serves Efanor
BENWYN Bryalt sect, assigned as Ninvrisʼs priest
BAREN Quinaltine doctrinist
NEISWYN doctrinist among the Quinaltines
UDRYN Quinaltine doctrinist
ANWYLL captain of the guard, assigned to Amefel under Uwen
KERDIN QWYLLʼS-SON Kerdin, second-in-command under Idrys, captain of Guelen Guard, died at Lewen field
ESSAN captain of Guelen Guard in Guelessar
ANDAS soldier, eleven years in Dragon Guard; Andasʼ son, Tristenʼs banner-bearer, was killed at Lewen field
BROGI soldier
BRYS soldier in Anwyllʼs company
COSSELL soldier in Anwyllʼs company
HAWITH soldier killed at Emwy, one of Cefwynʼs men
JEONY soldier, killed at Emwy
LEFHWYN soldier, rode with Cefwyn at Emwy
NYDAS soldier, rode with Cefwyn at Emwy
PELANNY soldier, Guelen scout, presumed dead or taken by Aseynddin at Lewen field
PEYGAN armorer for Cefwyn at Henasʼamef, old friend of Uwenʼs, married to Margolis
PRYAS King Cefwynʼs messenger
Minor officials / Household
MARGOLIS wife of Peygan the armorer. One of Ninvrisʼs ladies
MESINIS slightly deaf clerk
TAMURIN Cefwynʼs accountant
Other Persons
ROSYN Cefwynʼs tailor in both Henasʼamef and Guelemara
Places, Titles, et cetera
AMYNYS river, old boundary of Guelemara
ANʼS-FORD town, on road between Guelemara and Henasʼamef
ANWYFAR Teranthine retreat near Arreyburn
BLUE HALL place, in Guelemara, in palace
CLUSYN, CLUSYN MONASTERY Quinaltine religious house in Guelessar
CRESSITBROOK town near Guelemara
CROWN WALL Guelenfortʼs official limit
DARY Guelen village at first ring road outside Guelemara
DRYSHAM Guelen village
DURY Guelen village
GUELEN of Guelessar
GUELENFOLK people of Guelessar
GUELENISH of Guelessar
GUELENMEN people of Guelessar