GUELESFORT citadel in Guelemara
GUELEMARA capital of Guelessar; banner: red with gold Castle
HOLY FATHER, HIS HOLINESS title, highest Patriarch in Quinalt sect
LYN soldier, messenger sent from Tristen to Idrys with Rys-sandʼs treasonous letter
MARHANEN surname, Cefwynʼs house: Gold Dragon, surname of Cefwyn, Selwyn, Efanor, Inreddrin
MASTER CROW, RAVEN nickname, refers to Idrys
RED CHRONICLE Marhanen history book THE MERRY LASS FROM ELDERMAY country song played at Cefwynʼs harvesttide festival
WYS-ON-WYETLAN Guelen village
UMANON lord of Imor Lenalim, Quinaltine
Places, Titles, et cetera
HEDYRIN river south of Imor
IMORIM of Imor
CEVULIRN lord of Ivanor, southern baron, Teranthine
GEISLEYN Cevulirnʼs man, captain of light horse, from Toj Embrel, Ivanim
ERION NETHA friend of Cevulirn, Lord of Tas Arin in Ivanor, wounded at Lewen field
Places, Titles, et cetera
CRYSIN horse breed of Ivanim
EMBREL, TOJ Toj Embrel, Cevulirnʼs summer palace
IVANIM of Ivanor
IVOR district
IVORIM of Ivor
TOJ EMBREL Toj Embrel, Cevulirnʼs summer palace
PELUMER duke of Lanfarnesse
FELEYN, FELEYNʼs a Lanfarnesseman
Places, Titles, et cetera
LANFARNESSEMEN people of Lanfarnesse
SULRIGGAN lord of Llymarin, cousin to the Quinaltine Patriarch
EDWYN nephew of Sulriggan, attends Efanor
Places, Titles, et cetera
LLYMARISH of Llymarin
SARMYSAR duke of Marisal; personal banner: lily
The Nobles
PRICHWARRIN duke of Murandys
CLEISYNDE Lord Prichwarrin of Murandysʼniece
LURIELCefwynʼs most recent lover, niece of Duke Prichwarrin of Murandysʼ
ORDINIAN younger sister of Luriel, Duke Prichwarrin of Murandysʼ niece
Other Persons
ROMYND Quinalt patriarch of Murandys
Places, Titles, et cetrea
ASLANEY capital of Murandys
Places, Titles, et cetera
NELEFRENIAN men of Nelefressan
SOVRAG lord of Olmern (rivermen), in Olmernhome
BRIGOTH Lieutenant of Sovrag of Olmern
DENYN Cefwynʼs door guard, Olmern youth, Keiʼs-son
Places, Titles, et cetera
CAPAYNETH Olmern village, traded with Mauryl
OLMERNHOME Sovragʼs capital
OLMERNMAN person of Sovragʼs province
MORDAM duke of Osanan
Places, Titles, et cetera
MAUDYN lord of Panys, commander of Cefwynʼs forces on the riverside
RUSYN, Lord Maudynʼs second son
Other Persons
UTA UTAʼS-SON squire of Magan village
Places, Titles, et cetera
MAGAN village
CORSYWNDAM lord of Ryssand
BRUGAN Corsywndam of Ryssandʼs son and heir
ARTISANE Corsywndam of Ryssandʼs daughter, one of Ninvrisʼs ladies-in-waiting
Places, Titles, et cetera
RYSSANDISH of Ryssand; also, an ethnic group distinct from the Guelens, but closely tied to them
SUMAS eastern province
TEYMERYN northeastern province
URSAMIN northeastern province
The Regency
ULEMAN SYRILLAS Regent of Elwynor, father of Ninvris
NINVRIS SYRILLAS daughter of Uleman
Lesser Nobles
AESELF lieutenant of loyal force
ANGIN companion of Aeself, q.v.
TARWYN ASWYDD ancient warrior
ELFHARYN Elwynim lord, loyal to Ninvris, holding throne and regency for her
HAURYDD Ninvrisʼs man, earl of High Saissond
PALISAN one of Ninvrisʼs men
TASIEN earl of Cassissan, Ulemanʼs man, captain of his army, related to Ninvris through her mother
YSDAN Ninvrisʼs man, earl of Ormadzaran
ASEYNDDIN rebel earl of Elwynor, enemy of Ninvris, died at Lewen field; banner: Griffin
CASWYDDIAN rebel Elwynim lord, earl of Lower Saissond, enemy of Ninvris, killed by Shadows at Althalen
TASMRDEN Elwynim rebel lord, enemy of Ninvris
UILLASAN companion of Aeself
Places, Titles, et cetera
ANSYM bridge, at border of Elwynor