The Malwa commander looked away. "Much as you predicted. Cunning as a mongoose." Damodara blew out his cheeks. "With barely ten thousand men, Belisarius managed to force our army all the way back to the sea."
"And now?" asked Sanga.
Damodara shrugged. "It is not certain. The Persian Emperor is marshalling his forces to defeat his brother Ormazd, who betra-who is now allied with us-while he leaves a large army to hold Babylon. Belisarius went to Peroz-Shapur to rest and refit his army over the winter. After that-"
Again, he blew out his cheeks.
"He marched out of Peroz-Shapur some weeks ago, and seems to have disappeared."
Sanga nodded. He turned toward the many Rajput soldiers who were now standing nearby, gathering about their leader.
"Does one of you have any wine?" He lifted the sword in his hand. "I must clean it. The blood has dried."
One of the Rajputs began digging in the pouch behind his saddle. Sanga turned back to Damodara.
"He will be coming for us, now."
The Malwa commander cocked a quizzical eyebrow.
"Be sure of it, Lord Damodara," stated Sanga. He cocked his own eye at the Roman traitor.
Narses nodded. "Yes," he agreed. "That is my assessment also."
Listening to Narses speak, Sanga was impressed, again, by the traitor's ability to learn Hindi so quickly. Narses' accent was pronounced, but his vocabulary seemed to grow by leaps and bounds daily. And his grammar was already almost impeccable.
But, as always, Sanga was mostly struck by the sound of Narses' voice. Such a deep voice, to come from an old eunuch. He reminded himself, again, not to let his distaste for Narses obscure the undoubted depths to the man. A traitor the eunuch might be. He was also fiendishly capable, and an excellent advisor and spymaster.
"Be sure of it, Lord Damodara," repeated Rana Sanga.
His soldier handed him a winesack. Rajputana's greatest king began cleaning the blade of his sword.
The finest steel in the world was made in India.
He would need that steel. Belisarius was coming.
Chapter 1
Spring, 532 A.D.
When they reached the crest of the trail, two hours after daybreak, Belisarius reined in his horse. The pass was narrow and rocky, obscuring the mountains around him. But his view of the sundrenched scene below was quite breath-taking.
"What a magnificent country," he murmured.
Belisarius twisted slightly in the saddle, turning toward the man on his right. "Don't you think so, Maurice?"
Maurice scowled. His gray eyes glared down at the great plateau which stretched to the far-distant horizon. Their color was almost identical to his beard. Every one of the bristly strands, Maurice liked to say, had been turned gray over the years by his young commander's weird and crooked way of looking at things.
"You're a lunatic," he pronounced. "A gibbering idiot."
Smiling crookedly, Belisarius turned to the man on his left. "Is that your opinion also, Vasudeva?"
The commander of Belisarius' contingent of Kushan troops shrugged. "Difficult to say," he replied, in his thick, newly learned Greek. For a moment, Vasudeva's usually impassive face was twisted by a grimace.
"Impossible to make fair judgement," he growled. "This helmet-" A sudden fluency came upon him: "Ignorant stupid barbarian piece of shit helmet designed by ignorant stupid barbarians with shit for brains!"
A deep breath, then: "Stupid fucking barbarian helmet obscures all vision. Makes me blind as a bat." He squinted up at the sky. "It is daylight, yes?"
Belisarius' smile grew more crooked still. The Kushans had not stopped complaining about their helmets since they were first handed the things. Weeks ago, now. As soon as his army was three days' march from Peroz-Shapur, and Belisarius was satisfied there were no eyes to see, he had unloaded the Kushans' new uniforms and insisted they start wearing them.
The Kushans had howled for hours. Then, finally yielding to their master's stern commands-they were, after all, technically his slavesthey had stubbornly kept his army from resuming its march for another day. A full day, while they furiously cleaned and recleaned their new outfits. Insisting, all the while, that invented-by-a-philosopher-andmanufactured-by-a-poet-civilized-fucking caustics were no match for hordes of rampaging-murdering-raping-plundering-barbarian-fucking lice.
Glancing down at Vasudeva's gear, Belisarius privately admitted his sympathy.
He had obtained the Kushans' new armor and uniforms, through intermediaries, from the Ostrogoths. Ironically, although the workmanship-certainly the filth-of the outfits was barbarian, they were patterned on Roman uniforms of the previous century. As armor went, the outfits were quite substantial. They were sturdier, actually, than modern cataphract gear, in the way they combined a mail tunic with laminated arm and leg protection. That weight, of course, was the source of some of the grumbling. The Kushans favored lighter armor than Roman cataphracts to begin with-much less this great, gross, grotesque Ostrogoth gear.
But it was the helmets for which the Kushans reserved their chief complaint. They were accustomed to their own light and simple headgear, which consisted of nothing much more than a steel plate across the forehead held by a leather strap. Whereas these-these-these great, heavy, head-enclosing, silly-horse-tail-crested, idiotsegmented-steel-plate fucking barbarian fucking monstrosities They obscured their topknots! Covered them up completely!
"Which," Belisarius had patiently explained at the time, "is the point of the whole exercise. No one will realize you are Kushans. I must keep your existence in my army a secret from the enemy."
The Kushans had understood the military logic of the matter. Still Belisarius felt Vasudeva's glare, but he ignored it serenely. "Oh, surely you have some opinion," he stated.
Vasudeva transferred the glare onto the countryside below. " Maurice is correct," he pronounced. "You are a lunatic. A madman."
For a moment, Vasudeva and Maurice exchanged admiring glances. In the months since they had met, the leader of the Kushan "military slaves" and the commander of Belisarius' bucellarii-his personal contingent of mostly Thracian cataphracts who constituted the elite troops of his army-had developed a close working relationship. A friendship, actually, although neither of those grizzled veterans would have admitted the term into their grim lexicon.
Observing the silent exchange, Belisarius fought down a grin. Outrageous language, he thought wryly,from a slave!
He had captured the Kushans the previous summer, at what had come to be called the battle of Anatha. In the months thereafter, while Belisarius concentrated on relieving the Malwa siege of Babylon, the Kushans had served his army as a labor force. After Belisarius had driven the main Malwa army back to the seaport of Charax-through a stratagem in which their own labor had played a key role-the Kushans had switched allegiances. They had never had any love for their arrogant Malwa overlords to begin with. And once they concluded, from close scrutiny, that Belisarius was as shrewd and capable a commander as they had ever encountered, they decided to negotiate a new status.
"Slaves" they were still, technically. The Kushans felt strongly that proprieties had to be maintained, and they had, after all, been captured in fair battle. Their status had been proposed by Belisarius himself, based on a vision which Aide had given him of military slaves of the future called "Mamelukes."
Vasudeva's eyes were now resting on him, with none of the admiration those same eyes had bestowed on Maurice a moment earlier. Quite hard, those eyes were. Almost glaring, in fact.
Belisarius let the grin emerge.
Slaves, of a sort. But we have to make allowances. It's hard for a man to remember his servile status when he's riding an armored horse with weapons at his side.
"How disrespectful," he murmured.
Vasudeva ignored the quip. The Kushan pointed a finger at the landscape below. "You call this magnificent?" he demanded.