and they sway in the wind
quite short pause
and there are bright birds there too
there in Rambuku
and many people I know
and many people you know
are already in Rambuku
quite short pause
they are there
quite short pause
yes all those I miss
are there
quite short pause
all those I haven’t seen
for a long time
they’re there
yes and your friends too
they too are there
yes they’re there in Rambuku
you know that
quite short pause
and if you don’t know it
it doesn’t matter
yes not as long as
I know it
quite short pause
for Rambuku exists
whether you know about it
or not
I know that
Short pause
And in Rambuku
there are
quite short pause
such big trees
and such big birds
laughs to herself
yes big birds
quite short pause
no the birds are not as big as houses
but they’re still big
very big
quite short pause
and you can hear songs
in Rambuku
fine songs
sung by voices
so very thin and light
so very deep and dark
quite short pause
and the songs
they swing
like the thin branches of a tree
in a strong wind
laughs to herself
yes the voices swing
round and round
they are fine songs
quite short pause
and the sea there
in Rambuku
is as blue and deep
as the bluest sky
and the waves there
yes they are like clouds
and when you get there
yes to Rambuku
you don’t feel cold and you don’t feel pain
I know that
You can look forward to it
quite short pause
yes look forward to it
Quite short pause
It’s true
Quite short pause
For that’s how it is
in Rambuku
Short pause
And in Rambuku
there are good people
quite short pause
there I can be with
quite short pause
my sister
my grandparents
quite short pause
for they are in Rambuku
short pause
and those who live there
in Rambuku
they understand everything
quite short pause
yes you can see it in the light of their eyes
quite short pause
in the sudden light of their eyes
short pause
don’t you agree
quite short pause
yes I know you agree
don’t you
don’t you agree
quite short pause
why can’t you answer
say something
don’t just stand there
quite short pause
you must say something
short pause
but of course you agree
quite short pause
because you know
of course
that it’s like that
in Rambuku
quite short pause
and of course you know
that today we are going
to Rambuku
quite short pause
how could I think
that you don’t know that
for you and I
standing here
quite short pause
are ready to go to Rambuku
Everything is ready
And today it will happen
I know that
quite short pause
for now
Rambuku is coming
quite short pause
and then we shall go
across seas
across land
across sky and sea
and all the way to Rambuku
you and I shall go
and there we shall be
and live in Rambuku’s being
quite short pause
there I shall live in a song
she laughs briefly to herself, quite short pause
I shall live in Rambuku’s song
She laughs a little to herself
And we shall be together
in Rambuku
you and I
in a house
which is not a house
in a day
which is not a day
in a night
which is not a night
yes there
in Rambuku
shall we be
you and I
quite short pause
and everything’s ready
quite short pause
everything that can be done
has been done
quite short pause
and I’ve spent many years
getting it ready
quite short pause
yes you know that
Quite short pause
You know that
Quite short pause
But you don’t say anything
quite short pause
no matter what I say
you just stand there
and look and look
Quite short pause
But you
quite short pause
can hear the song
from Rambuku
quite short pause
how could I’ve thought
quite short pause
that you couldn’t hear the song
and not know that today’s the day
quite short pause
when Rambuku will open up
Short pause
Today Rambuku is coming
so now
quite short pause
yes now it’s over
quite short pause
now this is over
quite short pause
do you understand that
now this no longer exists
quite short pause
for now Rambuku shall begin
short pause
and I know you can hear the song
quite short pause
from Rambuku
can you hear it
the song is far away
and very near
yes it is
can you hear it
can you hear Rambuku sing
quite short pause
yes I know you can
quite short pause
I know you can hear Rambuku sing
for everyone who listens
can hear Rambuku sing
Quite loudly
Rambuku shall come to us
quite short pause
and it’ll happen today
quite short pause
and then we shall no longer be
quite short pause
in this unbearable here