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A few days later, I was checking the video feed in the living room. The ladies were sitting around the table talking. As I listen in mom was telling the others what Dave and Tim did to her Thursday night.

"Damn they did that with Jack and Mike in the house?" Sue asked.

"Yes, I’m sure glad Jack was watching the game. You know he doesn’t hear anything else going on if it’s a good game," Mom said.

"I’m not going to take my choker off at school. I sure don’t need those two assholes coming to my house," Jane said.

"I wonder if what you did is why we have to be at the school early Monday," Kay mused.

"Who knows. They said they wouldn’t mess with us at school if we kept that damn choker on. Hope you didn’t ruin that for us Kathy!" Jane added.

"Damn, I still hate this shit but those huge cocks… I’m hooked on them now. I don’t want it to end but they can ruin us. You’re right I messed up by taking that damn choker off," Mom admitted.

"God I know you’re right I’m also addicted to those big ass cocks. If we don’t want them fucking us over we better do everything they want from now," Sue said.

"I agree with you two. I better go find Mike and fuck him. Kathy, are you ready to take a few pictures to send Dave so that he knows I did it? I don’t know what they would come up with for a punishment if I didn’t," Jane said.

"God I said this before but I sure hope they keep their word keeping everything a secret," Kay said.

"I hate the new rule they gave us, because of you Kathy," Sue said.

"I’m with you, we have to be at the school an hour earlier so they can inspect what we’re wearing. Plus we can’t go home until they give us permission. Which means we’ll most likely be there until after football practice," Kay added.

"I’m just glad that Jack and Mike didn’t come down into the basement. I’d hate to find out what would’ve happened," mom said.

"I like to chat more but I have to find Mike," Jane said.

"He’s up in his room, Jane," Mom informed her. I watched Jane get up and leave the room. Mom said goodbye to the other ladies.

I just got the tablet turned off as Jane knocked on my door. As she enter my room we just looked at each other for a moment. It took us no time at all for us to get out of our clothes. I pushed Jane on her back on the bed. Grabbing her ankles spreading her legs wide ramming my cock deep into her already wet pussy. As I was fucking her with no mercy, I noticed my mom peeking in the door and taking a few pictures to send to Dave to prove Jane did what she was told.

* * *

A few weeks later, I noticed a definite upgrade for the group. They were all wearing outfits that were more upscale than they use to wear at school. They weren’t slutty but much more revealing. It was part of the dress code for all female teachers to wear bras, but with some of their outfits, they could get away without one.

They also were wearing stockings and high heels. I wasn’t sure if Dave and Tim were allowing them to wear panties. Each of their dresses and all of the blouses had low cut neck lines. If you got close enough you got a great view looking down their blouse. Everyone got to see lots of soft teacher-cleavage.

As always, I was eating lunch with Dave when he handed me a envelop with money in it.

"It’s your share of the money the sluts are paying us. I took out some to pay your share for the chokers we bought them," Dave told me.

"Guess you’ve been leaving them alone?" I asked.

Dave chuckled. "Not really, had to do something after your mom took off her choker."

He took his phone out and then showed me pictures of the women. He had them posing nude in their classrooms. A few had them sitting behind their desk, some where they were standing looking like they were giving instructions to the class. A few more pics had them posed throughout their class room. All of the pictures looked like they were talking to the class even though you never saw any of the students.

"What the fuck!!" I shouted getting looks from other class mates.

"Keep it down man. We don’t need anyone catching a glimpse of what’s on my phone," Dave said

"I thought you weren’t going to mess with them at school?" I asked

"Look we’re leaving them alone, but we had to do something to make sure they understood who’s the boss. So we made them take some pictures in their classroom. You know a little insurance in case they want to rebel," Dave said.

"Damn you’re pushing the limits now," I said.

"Don’t worry, it’s all under control."

* * *

Our last football game came about and Coach T got all the senior football players together to thank us for a great year, even though we lost more games than we won. Dave grabbed my arm.

"Hey Tim and I are planning a party at Tim’s this Saturday."

"I’ll be there," I answered.

On Saturday, the party started around 3 PM. As I was leaving, I noticed my mom was gone. I figured she was already at Tim’s for the party. Even though I knew she was most likely at Tim’s, I left her a note letting her know I was going to be at Tim’s for a party, just in case she wasn’t at Tim’s.

Arriving at Tim’s I notice I was the first to arrive, as there weren’t any other cars around. Tim must have noticed me outside because he had the door open before I even got to it.

"Hey man glad you got here early," Tim said.

As I entered the house, I noticed there were four women with hooded masks on. The hood was made from light material. It covered their whole head with eyes holes and holes for their noses and mouths. The hoods were numbered one to four. Each woman wore a skirt and a pull over blouse, with high heels.

I looked at Tim. "I guess the entertainment is already here."

"Yeah man, Dave wanted them here early so that he could put masks on them. The women don’t want anyone to know who they are. Dave had these masks made special just for our party."

As I checked them out, I tried to discern who was who. After a bit of inspection, I recognized each of them from their tits and nipples. After all, I’d fucked them all. Well, all except mom. I didn’t let on that I knew who they were as I checked each one out. The women seemed to be nervous, either because they knew I was there, or maybe they didn’t know why they were there.

"Well, Tim it sure does hide their identities." I continued to check each lady out. I knew who they were, but for show I asked, "So who are they?"

Tim chuckled. "I can’t tell you man. They don’t want anyone to know including you."

"So, is this it for the party?" I asked Tim.

"No, no Dave just wanted you here early in case we didn’t have everything ready. But as you can see with the help of these fine ladies, we got it all done."

Just then Dave walked in, noticing me right away. "Hey Tim, have you introduced Mike to our entertainment yet?"

"No, I didn’t. These ladies don’t want anyone to know who they are," Tim answered with a smirk on his face, damn well knowing I knew them.

The games we played to keep the ladies from not knowing that I know.

"Of course, he won’t know their real names. Line up ladies!" Dave ordered. All the ladies lined up and I knew they all knew me.

"Now by the numbers!" he barked.

After the women finally got lined up, Dave introduced them "Mike as you can tell by the numbers on their mask this is number one, Number two, number three, and finally number four. And ladies this is Mike a good friend of ours, and soon yours. Make sure you treat him right tonight or you’ll be punished."