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Before my mom could say anything Sue answers, "Thanks Jake, we’ll enjoy your gift."

My mom gives Sue a dirty look. Then turns and smiles at Jake, "Thanks Jake for the kind offer and we do accept."

Jane heads to the kitchen, "I’ll get some glasses for the wine. Don’t worry Kathy I know where they are."

Kay follows Jane and says, "I’ll help her."

"Ok guys we’re in the basement let’s go." I tell the guys. As the guys headed down to the basement Jake was still talking to my mom and Sue while Sean took pictures. I’m not really understanding what or why Sean felt he needed to film everything.

I was waiting on Jake not really paying attention to what Jake was talking about with the women. I did notice my mom and Sue laughing at what he was saying. Jane and Kay return with the glasses and Jake opens the bottle of wine for them and even pours their first glass.

As I close the gap between me and the group I could hear what Jake was saying, "This wine is home made by one of our customers. It’s very good and I hope you enjoy it. I’ll come back up in a while to see if you liked it."

"Thanks for the wine and I’m sure we will enjoy it, but if it’s not good we will be honest and tell you," Sue says.

"That’s all I can ask for, enjoy." Jake gives me a smile on his way downstairs.

As I head down after him, I hear Jane say, "That Jake sure is cocky."

"Yeah, he may be arrogant, but dam he’s hot," says Sue.

"Damn all of them are Hunks!" adds Kay. Then I was out of ear shot and didn’t hear anything else.

* * *

We are shooting pool and getting to know one another. Jake, Sam, and Bob try to see who could bullshit the best; all three of them have silver tongues. They should have been used car salesmen, because they could talk about anything and everything. They were guys who could walk into a room of strangers and you would think they have been friends with them for years.

To myself I think, "The women were right these guys do have an arrogant cocky attitude, especially Jake."

It is Bob who shouts out, "Fuck Dave hands down your right. Those four bitches are MILF’s."

"So you believe me now," Dave answers Bob.

"Maybe we should invite them down here to join us," adds Rich.

"You guys know they’re married," I say.

"Doesn’t bother me Mike, not one bit," Josh says laughing.

"Hey Sam come with me. I think I’ll go check and see if they enjoyed the wine." Jake says.

We all watch Sam and Jake walk up the stairs. I look at Dave, "You having a good time?"

"I think it’s going to get a lot better in a few."

"You mean once we get to the club?"

Dave laughs for some reason, "I’m hoping before we go to the club."

Bob, Rich, and Josh break out laughing. I look over at Tim and he doesn’t get the joke either. Sean must be real shy because he hasn’t said much all night so far. He just takes pictures and smiles.

It must have been about 30 minutes since Jake and Sam went upstairs, but I wasn’t really paying much attention since I was in the middle of a pool game with Tim. Then I hear footsteps on the stairs coming down to the basement.

It’s Jake and damn he has the ladies right behind him. Jake sees me looking and with a smirk, says, "Hey Dave you didn’t tell me these girls are teachers. Plus they teach at the same school you go to. Damn I would have done better in school if we had fine bitches like this at our school."

I thought for sure mom and her friends would have hit Jake for calling them bitches, but nothing happens. They are just smiling and each of them has a bottle of wine in their hands.

Dave is smiling. "I didn’t think about telling you."

"Well, they have decided to come down and join us. They like the wine so much they’re going to drink the other bottles that I gave them. Hope you guys don’t mind but Kathy still insists that you all don’t drink while you’re here."

I noticed Sean is taking pictures of the group coming down the stairs. As they walk into the room, Jake takes them over to where Dave was standing. I also notice Sam wasn’t with them.

With a smirk Jake is talking with the ladies, then says to Dave, "Ok, Dave you’re in luck tonight. These bitches told me they’re going to give you a big birthday kiss."

I still don’t understand why these four teachers have not jump down Jake’s throat for calling them bitches. Something just doesn’t feel right to me.

"OK who’s first?" Dave asks.

Jane walks up to Dave and gave him a kiss on the check.

Jake frowns. "NO, NO, NO! We agreed on a good proper kiss. On the mouth with tongue. Come on Jane do it right now. It is his first time being kissed as an adult, after all."

Jane looks at Jake then leans in and gives Dave a big wet kiss on the lips. Their kiss quickly turns to them playing tongue hockey! When she is done Sue takes her turn and gives Dave another big sloppy kiss. Then Kay takes her turn.

When it is mom’s turn, she looks at me first. Maybe she wants me to intervene. But I’m just watching.

She smiles at Dave and says, "Happy birthday Dave. I know you’ve wanted this for a long time." She then leans in and gave him a wild kiss which also included a lot of tongue.

Jake again smirks. "Ok Mike let’s get some dancing music on. Now, ladies you all need to give Dave a good slow dance and then dance with the rest of us."

I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Mom and her friends are doing everything Jake tells them. I would never have believed my mom would kiss Dave like that, and now she is dancing with him! I guess the wine must be pretty strong.

I make sure to cue up some slow dance songs. We watch as each one of the mature women give Dave a long slow dance. When they finish dancing with Dave they start dancing with the rest of us. As everyone danced Sam came back down the basement with a few more bottles of wine.

"Ok, Just as you asked for: a few more bottles of wine." Sam says, looking at me he continued, "They enjoyed the wine so much they wanted more for later."

After a while Jake and his friend have the women off to one side of the room. The women, along with Jake and his crew seem to be having a good time. Everyone is laughing and smiling.

Dave, Tim and I are shooting pool when Jake yells out, "Hey Dave we need a judge over here. We’re having a contest to see who has the sexiest bra on."

My mom whispers something to Jake. He laughs, then looks at me. "You don’t mind, I hope because your mom thinks she is going to win."

"Knowing how competitive these ladies are even if I did mind they’re going to do it anyway," I reply, laughing.

Dave moves over to Jake. "Ok how does this work?" he asks.

Jake takes charge. "Ok line up ladies. Make sure there is some room between you. Kathy since this is your home you’re first. Dave get over here and stand in front of Kathy." The women all move until they were in a line. Dave gets in front of my mom. Tim and I move to where we could have be a better views. Sean is still taking more pictures.

The women are all wearing jeans, with my mom, Jane and Kay having on pull over tops. Sue is wearing a button down top. Nothing sexy, just normal tops.

Jake looks around and seems happy where everyone was. "Ok, Kathy take your top off. Don’t worry about Mike. He must have seen you in a bathing suit before?"

Mom smiles at Jake and looks at everyone but me before she starts pulling off her top. I am excited about seeing my mom take off her top not just in front of me but also in front of Tim and Dave. Dave has had the hots for her as long as I can remember. This is so hot. Plus there are six guys she hasn’t met before.