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She reaches down and slowly pulls her top over her head. I watch every move she makes. I’ve seen her in a bathing suit but for some reason this just seemed different. As she pulls her top off, her bra comes into view. Its just a plain white bra. Not sure how she figured she was going to win. As her top passes her bra, her boobs bounce a little. She finally gets it over her head. Jake holds out his hand for her to give her top to him.

Dave makes sure he checked her out by looking over every inch of her. Dave then says, "Next."

Jane is next Dave moved over to stand in front of her. She also pulls off her top over her head and hands it to Jake, who was handing over to Bob. He puts them on a counter by the dryer. Her bra was red and lacey. Dave makes sure he checks her out too. Kay is next she was wearing a large black bra.

I’m thinking Sue’s got this if she has on anything but a plain bra. Dave is now in front of Sue. She has on a white button-down blouse. She slowly unbuttons her blouse starting at the bottom. As she unbuttons her brown bra slowly comes into view. Then she opens her blouse and takes it off. I am disappointed all the women had on plain white bras.

Dave announces, "It looks like it’s a four-way tie."

Sam says, "we got to have a winner." All of us guys agreed. Even the women seem to be in agreement.

Jake smiles at Dave, "Let me think. You four go ahead and have some more wine."

I was off to the side when I hear Dave say, "Why don’t we exchange phone numbers, that way I will be able to thank you for a wonderful party."

The MILF’s all laugh and one says, "okay I don’t see the harm." Dave smiles as all of the girls added their numbers to his phone, then added his to theirs.

Sue finishes adding her number to Dave’s phone and grabs her glass. "Hey we’re almost out of wine. Do you have any more? It really tastes good."

"Got it covered," Sam says as he runs up the stairs.

The women are sipping on their wine and talking with Jake and Bob. I try to listen in but can’t hear them. A few minutes later, Sam comes back down the stairs with four more bottles of wine.

I was starting to wonder where all the wine was coming from. The girls must have finished off at least two bottles each. I would have expected them to be completely drunk by now. They aren’t acting drunk but seem to be okay with any suggestions Jake gave them.

Jake turns around and smiled at Dave and the rest of us and says, "ok the women have agreed to see which one of them has the sexiest panties on." He crows. "Ok ladies line up again same as last time. Dave get over here you’re still the judge."

Everyone moves into position. I make sure I have a good view again. I can’t believe mom and her friends are going along with all of this. I’m not sure why, I guess because of the wine, but neither mom nor her friends would ever have agreed to stripping normally.

I think about putting a stop to it all, but my cock is hard as a rock and overrides my thoughts.

Jake makes a few adjustments with where the women are standing. "Ok Dave start with Kathy first again."

Dave moves in front of my mom, "Ok, Kathy let us see what you got on."

She smiles at Dave, then reaches down and slowly unzips her jeans and then pulls them down her long legs. As her white granny panties come into view everyone kind of sighs because there is nothing sexy about her plain white panties. After she finished stepping out of her pants, Dave just smiles and checked her out from head to toe. I look at him and chuckle. He is practically drooling looking at my mom almost naked.

Dave moves down the line, inspecting each woman. None of them are wearing anything that even looks sexy. Jane has on blue panties, Sue has on s red thong, and Kay has on white panties with red dots all over them.

Dave announces, "sorry to have to say this again but it’s a tie."

Sam adds, "guess we’re going to have to think of something else to get a winner."

Jake looks at Bob and nods. Bob goes over and picks up the ladies jeans and puts them on the counter with the tops.

Sue notices what Bob did and says in a loud voice, "hey give us our clothes back!"

"Not until we have a winner. Anyway, you sexy ladies need to dance with the judge. Hey Rich, lets listen to your play list. I think you have a much better song selection."

Rich hooks his phone up to the speakers and turns on his tunes, which are nothing but slower dance songs. Sue is already swaying to the first song and steps up to dance with Dave.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing as I watch each women dance with Dave with just their bra and panties on. When Sean walks passed me, I notice he had now switched from a still camera to a video camera. He moves around the room making sure he films each one in their bra and panties dancing with Dave. When each lady finishes her dance with Dave, one of the other guys quickly steps up to dance with her. I make sure that I get to dance with Sue and Jane.

When everyone is done dancing, the ladies end up back over with Jake, Sam, Rich, and Bob talking. I watch closely and notice that the women are the only ones drinking the wine. I’ve seen my mom drunk before but she still doesn’t seem drunk at all even though she must have drank over two bottles. She isn’t acting normal though. I’ve never seen my mom or any of her friends be so submissive. I just couldn’t figure out why but I wasn’t going to stop it either.

Just then I hear Sam loudly say, "we still have to have a winner and I think we have figured out a way."

Jane and Kay shake their heads no. I don’t know what was said when they were talking, but I guess it means more stripping.

"He’s right we have to have a winner," Sue gushes. "I’m in."

Jane and Kay don’t say anything but nod and follow Sue.

Before anyone else can say a word, Josh shouts out, "ok, bitches you know the drill! Get in line! Dave get over here!"

Again everyone is up and moving around. Dave stands in front of my mom and says, "ok, what am I judging this time."

Jake was taking charge now. "These fine MILF’s have agreed that we do need a winner. Rich suggested that we find out who has the best-looking tits. So Dave one at a time they will remove their bra for you to decide who boobs are the best."

"Now that is something I will love to judge!" Dave says.

Damn, I couldn’t believe what I just heard, but I make sure I had a great place to view the contest. Man, I am getting excited. I always wanted to see my mom’s and her friend’s tits, and tonight is my lucky night. I was going to have my first view of them. I didn’t know why the women were doing this. Maybe it’s their competitiveness between them. Or Jake has some kind of power over them, or possibly the wine. Whatever it is I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.

Mom being first slowly moves her hands behind her back to unfasten her bra. I watch as she slowly unsnaps her bra. Damn, she is making this into a show that I will never forget! After unsnapping her bra she reaches up to her left shoulder, pulling down her bra strap and letting it slowly slide down her arm. Now holding on to the front of her bra, she reaches up and slowly pulled down the other strap. She smiles at everyone and slowly pulls it from her body.

Dave holds out his hand for her to hand him her bra. As she reached out and hands her bra to him her tits bounce free. Her boobs are hanging there fully exposed in front of Dave and all us. As I look at her breasts for the first time, I noticed they sagged but still looked great. Her nipples are hard as a rock, pointing straight out from her areolas, which are a nice light color.

Dave made sure he got an eye full, then decides to get a hand full. He reaches out and roughly grabs hold of her boobs and fondles them, tweaking her nipples. I look at mom’s face and her eyes are closed. She looks like she is having trouble breathing. He leans forward, sticks out his tongue and licks her nipple. I watch mom’s mouth and her eyes fly open, but Dave isn’t finished. He open his mouth and sucked it into his mouth. Mom must like it because everyone hears a loud moan escape from her.