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We just look at Dave so he continued, "they didn’t say much as I got out of there as quickly as I could. I just told them to call me if they have any questions. I figured after they look at the pictures they will be calling or texting me," Dave informed us what he was thinking.

Tim smiled at Dave. "So we’re going to do this?" he asked.

"You bet your ass we are. I don’t think it will be too long before they call so let’s play some games," Dave said.

We started to play on his x-box when Dave got a phone call. He looked at us and mouthed, "It’s them." He went into the hall so the ladies didn’t know we were there, which meant we couldn’t hear what was being said either.

Dave came back into the room laughing. "Man oh man them four are so fucking pissed off. They had me on speaker, so they all could talk. First they asked if they were drugged. Then they asked what I wanted. They kept yelling so much that I couldn’t understand half what they were saying. So I told them to calm down and text me. I would come over to their house and talk to them one at a time. The first one to text me first is whom I would talk with first. Mike you’re going to get the third degree when you get home. Just be prepared because they’re going to want to know if you know anything about what I want."

Tim was laughing. "Love it when a plan comes through."

"What plan? What the hell are you talking about?"

Dave looked at me and explained, "that’s right we didn’t tell you. The party was all a set up. I was telling Jake about how hot these four teachers were and he and I came up with a plan. He would get some wine from his friend who would lace it with drugs. The wine had very little alcohol in it but would cover the taste of the drugs. I don’t know what drug it was but whoever drinks it won’t say no to anything. Well you saw how Jake talked them into everything. Sean took the pictures, now we will see if they will do what we want."

"That’s blackmail Dave! They could lose their jobs!" I yelled. They were now both looking at me. I continued, "Look guys I don’t think I can’t stop you from doing whatever you have planned, but I don’t want any part of it."

Dave jumped in, "That’s ok Mike, and you don’t have to be involved. Tim and I are just letting you know it’s going to happen."

"I think it will be hot dominating these four teachers," Tim added. Dave give him a wicked wink with a grin on his face.

I sat there dumbfounded. I didn’t know what to do but even though I didn’t want to get involved, my cock was getting hard thinking about what Dave and Tim were planning.

"So let me get this straight, you don’t want to be involved but you won’t stop us from doing what we’re going to do?" Dave asked.

I started to say something but Dave continued, "How are you going to act after we blackmail your mom? You know we don’t need you getting all upset and fucking everything up." Now they both looked at me and waited for my reply.

"Look guys first, I don’t want to be actively part of helping blackmail her or her friends. I’m not sure about committing incest, but as you know I would fuck the other three. Second, I want you two to keep me informed as to what is going on. Third, I want to watch all copies of pictures and videos you record of the women, and fourth, we’ll see what happens from there. Finally I’m not against them being dominated by you two. I personally don’t think they will fall for your blackmail. All four are pretty sharp. If you succeed, more power to you and I won’t interfere."

Tim spoke first. "Ok we can deal with that, but you do know you will be involved a little bit since you will know what’s going on. When it’s all said and done they will know that you knew we were doing this from the beginning."

I looked at the two of them and nodded.

"Alright then we’ll keep them in the dark about you. Plus we don’t want them to lose their jobs. We’re just going to make them think they could if they don’t do as we want. I hope they don’t call our bluff. I think all three of us could have some fun. So one more time are you in or are you out?" asked a smiling Dave.

"As long as you guarantee no one loses their job or gets into trouble yeah. I’m just hoping they won’t find out I’m involved with the blackmailing. My mom would kill me."

"That’s probably the best, but you need to be prepared in case they do. Just so you know we’re going to have to be assholes to make this work. I know you couldn’t do that with your mom."

It was almost an hour after Dave talked with the women before the first text came in. It was Jane. Dave set up Monday for the meeting to discuss the deal Dave had for them. After he set up the meeting, he told us he would make sure she wouldn’t tell the others until he had met with all of them. He didn’t want them to know what they discussed. Next text was Kay she got Tuesday, Jane ended up with Wednesday, and after about two hours my mom sent him a text and got Thursday. It was decided that I wouldn’t be at home when Dave met mom.

"Hey, since I’m not going to be there how will I know what has been decided?" I asked Dave and Tim.

Dave thought about it for a moment then said, "we’re going to talk about the same things with each of them. What happens is up to each one. You’ll need to set up spy cameras in your living room with a live feed to the internet. If you want to watch then you will need to be at some other location with internet access. That way you can watch what happens with your mom. Tim is going to be our camera man for all the meetings.

You can view them after we are done. As you view the one with your mom you can text us if you want some input as it goes along. Only problem is we might not be able to answer your text if we’re busy and no guarantee we will do as you ask."

We talked about it some more and came up with a plan where I could review the first three meetings and watch my mom’s meeting. I would come to Dave’s after work and view what they recorded each night. Then I was going to go to the mall and sit in my car and watch my mom’s meeting remotely and text input to them.

When I got home that night from Dave’s house, Mom jumped right in asking questions about Dave and when was the last time I had seen him. She wanted to see my phone. I’m glad I had deleted his texts from earlier today.

She never said anything to me about the pictures, but she did ask if she was drugged during the party. I just told her that she and her friends drank about eight bottles of wine between them and that is probably why what happened, happened.

She then asked me if I would be home on Thursday. I lied, telling her I was scheduled to work all day. I hated to be lying, but I had to see if she would fall for Dave’s and Tim’s blackmail. If she did then I would have to decide what to do.

* * *

It took me a couple days to find cameras to install. I finally asked around at work and one of the guys had some that he used to keep an eye on his kids but didn’t need them any longer. He didn’t ask why I needed them and sold them to me at a very low price. He also gave me a tablet which already had the cameras programmed. It cost me a week’s pay, but I hoped it was worth it.

He showed how to set them up and use them. The program would save whatever was recorded, and I could watch them at any time if for some reason I couldn’t watch live.

It was Wednesday before I got a chance to place the cameras. They were very small with an adhesive back so I was able to stick them on almost any surface and no one would notice them. They had lithium batteries and were motion-activated. I waited for mom to go to the store and got busy setting them up. I placed one on a book in our bookcase. It gave a view of the couch. The next one was behind the couch stuck to a picture on the wall. The third was on the smoke detector on the ceiling. I tested them to make sure they worked and that the room was completely covered.