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He unzipped his pants and drew out his bulging erection, then pressed the head against her pussy slit and eased it inside.

"This is your job now, sweety," he sighed. "All you gotta do is fuck. That's what you were made for anyhow."

His thick boner slid deep into her pussy, until his hips were pressed tight against her buttocks. He sighed and ground himself against her, then began to pump.

Meghan felt his cock with something like relief. She had already been raped several times today, so this was no great shock, and it would hurt far less than what he had been doing. She lay there unmoving as he pumped his cock inside her, only wincing a little as his hips slapped against her buttocks. the warden pumped harder and faster, running his hands up and down her body as he thrust his cock into her warn, tight pussy tunnel.

He reached down and gripped her thigh, lifting it up high and hard, then rolling her over onto her back with his cock still inside her. He held her legs and split them apart as she lay there, shoving them down hard against the desk.

Meghan gasped and moaned, trying to reach up to him, but couldn't reach him as he slammed both legs down flat on the desk. Her thighs ached fiercely as he forced her to do the splits there. His big hands gripped her legs just above her knees and force both legs out to either side right along the edge of the desk.

He put his weight down on them as he began to fuck his cock into her gaping cunt cleft, enjoying the way she squirmed and moaned in pain, pounding iris cock up hard into her slit as her insides jerked and quivered around his pistoning prong.

He let them go then and dropped his upper body down on her, gripping her hair and jerking her head back as he mashed his lips down onto hers. His other hand groped and squeezed and mashed her tender breasts as he humped lustfully against her, his cock slicing through her pussy lips with relentless speed and power.

He mashed and crushed her round breasts in his hands as he ground his body against her. He revelled in the soft, warm heat of her body against him, in the scent of her hair, the tormented look of fear and pain on her face, and the tightness of her crack as it squeezed down on his jutting cock.

His hands plunged beneath her and gripped her ass cheeks, clawing and squeezing them, jerking her up to meet his hard driving thrusts, making her legs bounce and up and down as he rammed his cock down into her body.

He grunted happily, a smile of gratification and pleasure on his face as his cum boiled up out of his balls and burst out the tip of his pumping cock. It spilled down her tight, sucking fuck tunnel and flooded her womb with his hot seed.

"Ahhhhh," he groaned, still humping, still jerking her ass upwards, jamming her slit up on his cock.

"Dirty little sluuuuut," he groaned.

He rested on her a long moment, then slowly pushed himself up, smiling tiredly as he stroked her breasts.

"There's just nothing I like more than hot girl flesh," he sighed. Amy was taken out of the shower room naked, then led down a hallway to another room. There she was given another pair of shoes, ones with even higher heels than the ones she'd had before. She was given a super tight orange jumpsuit too, so tight and thin it was more of a bodysuit than a jumpsuit.

It hugged every curve and angle of her body so tight that she felt practically naked. It gripped her titties and nipples like a second skin, and gulled up into her slit, revealing it to anyone who cared to look. She kept trying to peel the stuff away, but it was made of some kind of super elastic stuff, very, very thin, but very tight.

Finally, she gave up. A guard cane and got her and led her through a series of corridors until they came to one hallway that was lined with cells on both sides. The woman brought her up to one cell door, then halted and unlocked the door.

There were three women inside, and they all looked up with interest as Amy was shoved inside and the door closed again. Two of them sat up and looked her up and down. They were wearing orange jumpsuits too, but their jumpsuits were much looser, and made of denim, or some other stiff material.

"Well, well, well," one of them said.

"Looks like we have a little boy toy here," the other snorted.

Amy blinked her big eyes at them and backed against the bars fearfully.

"How come they put you in with us, fuck-toy!" one of the women asked.

"I don't know," she gulped.

"Pretty little thing," another said.

"Nice tits," the third grunted.

"Nice hard tits," the first said. "They look real tasty."

Amy folded her arms over her chest worriedly. These women seemed like more of those "lesbian" types. She wondered if they were, or if they were just being mean to her for some reason. She was in a prison, after all, and it stood to reason that there were a lot of nasty types in prison.

"Come here, kid," one of the women said.

"W… why!" she gulped.

"Because I said so."

That was something Amy had often heard from her parents. It wasn't something you could argue with. Nor, from the nasty glare on the woman's face, was she willing to be argued with. Amy was locked in this little room with the three women, and desperately afraid one of them would hurt her, even beat her up or something.

She shuffled forward to the edge of the lower bunk the woman was sitting on. The woman swung her legs over the edge and then patted the place beside her. Amy didn't want to sit down, but didn't see any way not to. She slowly sat, arms still folded over her chest.

"What's your name, honey!" the woman asked.

"Amy," Amy squeaked.

"MY name's Donna," the woman said. "That's Slade up above us, and Karen across from us."

"Hu… hullo," Amy gulped.

Donna was a lithe woman with curly black hair and a narrow face. Slade was a black woman who had long dreadlocks. Karen had collar length blonde hair. That was all Amy could tell without her glasses. Facial features were very difficult to discern, even when she squinted.

Donna put her arm over Amy's shoulder and hugged her.

"Now why don't you tell us why you're here, honey!" she purred.

"I… I don't know," Amy whimpered.

"You don't know! She doesn't know," Donna snorted.

"How many times you had your pussy pumped today, baby!" Slade called down from above.

"What do they say you did!" Donna smiled, fingers moving through the bangs over Amy's eyes.

"They… said I had drugs in my car," Amy said, trembling a little. "But I didn't. I know I didn't."

"You're very pretty," Donna smiled, eyes flicking down Amy's body.

"Tha… thanks," Amy whispered.

"Move your arms."

"Wha… what! Why!" Amy gulped.

"Because I said so."

Reluctantly Amy eased her arms aside a little at a time, until Donna and Karen, and Slade, who was looking down at them from above, could see her body in it's glistening orange, skintight suit.

Donna slid her hand up and down Amy's back, then gripped a thick mass of curly hair and slowly gently pulled back, forcing Amy's head up. Amy was too frightened to even protest.

She gasped as Donna slid a finger up and down her slit. She could feel it easily through the tight, thin material.

"Talk about tight," Donna smiled. "If I had a cock I could practically fuck you without taking the jumper off."

"Have her take it off anyway," Slade said.


Donna slid the zipper down all the way to near Amy's crotch, then pulled the fabric open to bare her rounded breasts.

"Nice, huh!" she said to the others.

"Nice and firm," Karen said.

"Please don't," Amy whimpered.

"Okay," Donna said.

She let go of Amy's hair and eased back a little. Amy pulled her head forward, then reached for the zipper.

"Stand up, Amy," Donna ordered. Amy got to her feet quickly, zipping the jumpsuit up to her throat.

"Go and stand over there against the bars," Donna said.