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Amy was glad to, backing against the bars again as she had been before.

"Now strip," Donna grinned.

"Wha… what!" Amy gasped.

"Strip. We wanna see you naked."

"Yeah, get your clothes off, fuck-toy," Slade said.

"But I… I don't… I don't…"

"Strip, slut," Donna ordered.

Amy looked desperately from one face to the other, but saw only scowls and threatening looks. She was terribly frightened of these women, who were, after all criminals. Who knew what they might do to her if she made them mad. They might hurt her badly, or even kill her.

Her hands trembled as they moved to the zipper, then she slowly, haltingly pulled it down to her lower belly.

"Take it off," Donna growled.

"Yeah, take it off, slut," Karen sneered.

Shaking with fright, Amy pulled the tight elastic thing down over her shoulders, down her arms, then shoved it down her body. She turned bright red as the stuff bared her breasts entirely, then her lower chest, then her belly, then her hips, then her groin. She shoved it down to her ankles, bent over, then undid the spiked heels and removed them. After that she tugged the orange fabric off and stood up, trying to cover herself with her hands.

"Put the shoes back on," Donna ordered.

"Why?" Amy trembled.

"Because I fucking said so! Stop asking stupid questions!"

Amy slipped the shoes on, then bent over and buckled them, trying to keep an arm over her breasts as she did so they wouldn't hang down below her like udders.

"That's sure a nice looking pussy," a voice called from behind her.

She gasped and straightened, then turned around to see four women in the cell right across from hers staring at her with lewd expressions.

"Amy. Amy." Donna had to call twice to get her attention. "Reach above you and grab the bars."

Amy almost asked why, but then stopped in, time. The look on Donna's face said she was almost ready to hit Amy if she didn't obey.

Frightened and ashamed, the trembling blonde teenager reached up above her and gripped the bars, baring her body to the three women's eyes.

"Higher," Donna ordered.

Amy started to sniffle as she reached way up and gripped the bars, stretching her body out to it's limit.

"Nice. Very nice. What do you say, girls!" Donna sighed.

"Nice piece of ass," Karen grunted.

"Valuable merchandise," Slade said.

Donna reached over to a shelf next to her bed and turned on a little radio there. She turned back to Amy then.

"Let go of the bars, baby," she said. Amy did so gladly.

"Now dance."

"Wha… what!" Amy gasped, bewildered.

"Dance for us. You know how to dance, don't you?"

"But… but I don't… I can't," Amy whined.

"If you don't, Slade is gonna jump down and smash your face in," Donna shrugged.

Amy stared up at the menacing black woman in terror, then looked back at Donna.

"Dance," Donna ordered.

"Yeah. Dance, pussy," one of the women across from them yelled.

"Shut the fuck up," Donna yelled back.

Amy began to slowly wiggle her hips, mortified at having to dance naked in front of all these women, who were almost certainly lesbos. She was too frightened not to, though. Better to be humiliated than beaten up.

"Faster!" Donna cried.

"Move your ass, girl," Slade snapped.

"Shake your ass. Move those legs," Karen laughed.

Slade jumped down and began to gyrate energetically in front of the blonde, motioning her to copy her. Amy did her best, continuing as Slade sat back on the lower bunk next to Karen. Donna stood up then and began to dance.

"Let me see you do this," she said. She undulated her body, swinging her hips from side to side, then humping them rapidly in and out. She ran her hands up and down her body, stroking it sensually as her head rolled from side to side. She cupped her breasts through her jumpsuit, then turned and wiggled her ass at Amy.

Amy copied her exactly, even thought it embarrassed her even more to do so. She slid her hands up and down her shaking body as she humped and wriggled and undulated in front of the woman, stroking her breasts and then bending over to wag her ass.

The women hooted and clapped and called out obscenities, as did the ones in the cell across from them. Amy continued to dance, her head in a shocked daze, moving like an automaton as her mind was overwhelmed by the fright and mortification she was suffering.

Her hands moved above her head as she imitated Donna, who had jumped to her feet again and was facing her, Donna slid her hands seductively up the sides of her body and through her curly hair. Amy dazedly did the same, her hips swaying from side to side, then grinding in a circular motion.

"Nice fat fucking tits!"

"They hardly even jiggle!"

"Lookit that pretty little ass!"

"What a hot little slut!"

"I want a piece of that fuck-toy!"

Donna pushed forward suddenly, her hands gripping Amy's high above her head as she pushed the girl back against the bars. She looked down on the quivering girl with a hard, hungry stare, her body grinding against the naked teenager as she pressed her into the bars.

She bent and stuck her tongue out, then licked a long trail up the side of Amy's face. The other woman laughed and urged her on as the brunette slid her tongue along the side of Amy's throat, then bit down, sucking hard as she continued to grind her pelvis into Amy.

Her hands slid off Amy's wrists, sliding down her arms until they were on the sides of her chest, then up under her breasts. She cupped Amy's round tit orbs, lifting them upwards, then squeezing her fingers in against the soft, malleable meat.

She bent and began to kiss the blonde girl, her lips sliding roughly over Amy's as her tongue probed demandingly against the trembling girl's mouth.

She slid her hands around behind her and cupped her ass, pulling her in tight against her own body as her tongue darted into Amy's mouth.

Amy's hands pushed ineffectually against the woman's shoulders, as if afraid to touch her. Donna had no such bothers, and her hands kneaded the blonde girl's ass repeatedly.

With a sudden burst of resistance Amy twisted away, only to find her face pressed between the hard, cold bars. She gripped them desperately, chest heaving, mind reeling as Donna pressed her groin in against her naked buttocks and stroked her sides and back.

Donna gripped the bars alongside Amy and ground her pussy in against the trembling teenager's round ass cheeks. She slid her tongue against the side of the girl's throat, then gripped her hair and jerked it back as her other hand slid down between Amy's legs and cupped her puffy pussy mound.

Amy gasped and tried to twist away again, but couldn't, could only stand there shaking with fear and humiliation as the woman stroked her pussy slit. Donna kissed the nape of her neck, and tongued her earlobes, then, turned her around again. She held tight to her long locks, bunching the thick golden curls up around Amy's head as she eased backwards.

She pulled Amy with her across to her bunk, sitting down, pulling Amy down over her, dragging her into the bunk as she lay back.

Amy had no choice but to climb onto the bunk with Donna, and despite her fears and embarrassment, found herself atop the larger woman as Donna pulled her face down against her own and mashed her lips against Amy's again.

Amy was laying atop her, trying to hold herself up off the other woman with both hands. Donna twisted and rolled Amy over so she was laying on her back against the wall, held there by Donna's own body.

"Hot little whore," Donna growled, her lips crushing Amy's as her hands moved up and down the blonde's lush naked flesh. She squeezed and kneaded her breasts, stroked her belly, and then cupped her bare pubic mound, sliding her fingers up and down her tight slit.

Her mouth moved slowly across Amy's face, down her throat, then over her breasts, licking and sucking and kissing and gnawing on the soft, trembling flesh as her hands moved over the girl. She paused, and jerked the zipper of her own jumpsuit down, then shrugged it down to her waist. She slid atop Amy, rubbing her own hard, hot breasts against Amy's round white orbs, sliding upwards so her tits rubbed against the girl's face.