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She brought her legs back against her chest and started rocking back and forth, then rolled completely over and stood up.

That was the end of the stripping part of the show. The audience yelled in anticipation as two large muscular black men padded out onto the stage from opposite ends. They came up to Meghan from either end, then squeezed her between them.

They were both naked, their big cocks hanging down beneath their bushy cunt hair. Meghan slid down to her knees as they moved to stand side by side, then she slipped her mouth over one of the cocks, grabbing the other with her hand and squeezing it.

She sucked one cock, then transferred her mouth to the other. She fisted both cocks, pumping her hands on them as they hardened, rubbing them all over her face as the men in the audience howled in delight and demanded more. They called out happily.

"Fuck the little slut!"

"Fuck her asshole!"

"Ream out that ass, boy!"

"Tear that cunt open!"

"Shove it down the whore's throat, ya nigger!"

She tried to tune their shouts out, since they were so… so mean, so nasty and violent. She couldn't understand how these men, most of whom probably had wives and daughters at home, would want to watch these big muscular guys rape her asshole and throat. Oh, maybe they thought she liked it, but why would they!

Of course the bar would oblige. It always did. As the cocks hardened one of the black guys took hold of her hair and then eased down onto his knees, forcing her to bend over. The other guy eased down behind her.

She was sideways to the audience, so they could watch as the guy in front forced her head back and then slid the whole long length of his cock down her throat. There was a burst of applause as his balls pressed up against her chin and her nose was crushed against his lower belly, then another burst of applause as the guy behind rammed his cock down her cunt slit.

The two then fucked her slowly, so the audience could see their cocks working. Gradually they guilt up speed until they were pounding it to her in furious pistoning movements that made their cocks rip back and forth in her cunt and throat.

They stopped then. The guy behind pulled out and stood up. The guy in front stood up, keeping her face pressed against his groin. He held her there by the hair for a few seconds, then slid his cock out too. He dragged her to her feet by the hair, then roughly bent her over.

The guy behind spread her legs wide and angled her ass towards the audience, then fitted his cock against her asshole. He forced the head through her sphincter, then eased the rest up into her.

The men in the audience clapped and hooted as ten inches of black cock were jammed up Meghan's asshole.

The guy in front let go of her hair and the guy behind grabbed it, pulling her erect, pulling her right back against him so her buttocks were jammed against his hips and his cock was firmly lodged deep in her asshole. Me mashed her breasts and bit down on the side of her throat as the other guy moved forward.

He gripped her left leg, the one close to the audience, and lifted it up… up… up, jamming it straight back so that her ankle was up next to her head and the audience could see her cunt slit. He fit his cock against it and thrust up hard enough to jerk her off her foot.

The audience yelled and applauded again as the man buried his cock inside her. She felt her guts cramp around the two long hard cylinders of man meat, felt her insides churn and squirm as the cocks began to pump inside her.

They fucked her for a long minute, sucking on her throat, mashing her breasts, grunting loudly as they spiked their cocks up into her belly.

The a third man came out, another muscular black man. He came up to them and the two with her pulled back. She was shoved down onto her back, then rolled onto her side, facing the audience. Her upper leg was shoved way back and two of them knelt there, one shoving his cock into her pussy, the other into her asshole.

Her head was pulled back and the third guy shoved his cock down her throat. Again they fucked her for a minute, and then a fourth guy padded out onto the stage.

The audience loved this, and howled in glee as the fourth guy knelt at her chest and grabbed her tits, then mashed them around his cock as he started pumping.

A fifth guy walked out, then a sixth.

The audience yelled in delight.

The six muscular black guys hauled Meghan aloft by her ankles. One of them lay on his back directly under her, then her head was tilted back and her mouth slid down over his cock. A black guy knelt in front of her and mashed her tits around his cock. He had to tilt way over to one side so the guy standing above him could jam his cock down into her pussy.

A fourth guy shoved his cock down her asshole, and then her arms were pulled up and apart and cocks were placed in her hands. She pumped them as the other four fucked her.

One by one the guys came, first the guy in her pussy blew his wad. The guy fucking her tits stood up and took his place. The guy in her asshole came, and one of the guys she was giving a hand job to moved over and shoved his cock down her rectum. The guy in her mouth came, then the guy in her pussy.

Finally there was just one guy left. She lay on her belly on the stage, legs wide, wide apart, as the guy pounded his cock dawn her asshole. When he came he padded off with the rest and she slowly and weakly rolled over, legs splayed, arms above her, giving the perfect image of being totally fucked out.

It was at this stage that the girl crawled out. She was already naked and crawled like a cat across to where she lay. Meghan didn't even look at her. Her head was flat, her eyes closed, her chest heaving as she recovered from the hard fucking.

The girl crawled in between her legs and began to suck on her pussy. Meghan groaned and arched her back dramatically, her hands sliding down onto her tits to squeeze them, then sliding down onto the girl's head as the girl sucked her clit.

The girl shoved her thumbs up into Meghan's slit and pulled it wide so she could shove her tongue deep, then slurped out the hot cum juice the men had just left. She eased around so her knees were over Meghan's face, then eased down. Meghan reached up and took her ass then began to tonguing the girl's slit.

The audience yelled out insults, calling them whores and dykes and faggots, but they loved watching.

After a few minutes of the sixtynine, they were supposed to roll apart, then crawl together and start kissing and hugging and rubbing their breasts together. Then the other girl would produce a strap-on dildo and fuck Meghan's asshole.

The time came and they rolled away, they got to all fours, and then up onto their knees, coming together. It was then that Meghan got her first good look at the other girl. She was a beautiful blonde with waist length curly hair and big tits.

It was Amy.

Meghan stared at her in shock, unable to move.

Amy, who had never been given her glasses back, and who could see nothing clearly beyond a couple of feet, squinted at Meghan in wonder.

"Meghan!" she gasped.


They stared at each other with open mouths, then Amy threw her arms around her sister and hugged her tightly. Meghan hugged her back, but felt a profound discomfort at the way their breasts were mashed together. She had fucked a lot of girls in the past week… but this was Amy!

She realized then that they had been licking and sucking on each other's pussies, and felt almost sick at the realization.

"Are you all right!" she asked awkwardly.

"Oh, Meghan. I'm so happy to see you again!" Amy cried.

Then she turned to gaze into the audience. She couldn't see them, but she could hear their unhappy yells and cries.

"We better keep on working," Amy said. "Otherwise they'll be really pissed at us."

Meghan wanted to say no way, but she'd gotten another taste of the cane when she'd first refused to suck a man's asshole, and then had been strung up by the wrists and been whipped with a riding crop when she'd refused to work at the snip show.