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Istoire et Croniques de Flandres (ed. Kervyn de Lettenhovc, Brussels, 1879-1880)

Jean lc Beclass="underline" Vray Chroniquesdejean le Bel(cd. M. L. Polain, Brussels, 1863; 2 vols, ed. J. Viard and E. Deprez as Chronique dejean leBel, Societe de 1'Histoire de France, Paris, 1904-1905)

Jean des Preis dit d'Outremur: Lej Myrcur des Histors (7 vols, ed. Ad. Borgnet and Stanislas Bormans, Brussels, 1864-1868)

Jeanne d'Evreux Hours (1325-1328); The Cloisters, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

John of Reading: Chronica Johannis de Reading and Anonymi Cantuarensis (ed. J. Tait, Manchester, 1914)

Lesjoumauxdu Tresordc Charles IV (cd. Jules Viard, Paris, 1840)

Lesjoumauxde Tresorde Philippe le Bel(ed. Jules Viard, Paris, 1840)

The Kentish Chronicle (Trinity College Cambridge MS. R. 5. 41)

King's Bench Records, Public Record Office

Knighton, Henry: Chronicon Hemici Knighton, vel Cnitthon, monachi Leycestrensis (2 vols,ed.J. R. Lumby, Rolls Series, HMSO, London, 1889— 1895; ed. and trans. G. H. Martin as Knighton's Chronicle, 1337-1396, Oxford, 1995)

Lambeth MSS. Lambeth Palace

Lansdowne MSS., British Library

Larking, Lambert В.: «Inventory of the Effects of Roger Mortimer at Wigmore Castle and Abbey, Herefordshire» (ArchaeologicalJournal, XV, 1858)

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La Tour Landry, Geoffrey: The Book of the Knight of La Tour Landry (ed. T. Wright, London, 1868; trans. William Caxton, ed. M. Yofford, Early English Text Society, 1971)

Leland, John: Collectanea (6 vols, ed. T. Hearnc, Chctham Society, 1770-1774)

Lescot, Richard: Chronique de Richard Lescot, religieux de Saint-Denis (1328-1344), suivie de la continuation de cette chronique (1744-1364) (ed. Jean Lcmoine, Paris, 1896)

Letters of Edward, Prince of Wales, 1304-5 (ed. Hilda Johnstone, Roxburghe Club, Cambridge, 1931)

Letters ofthe Kings of England (ed. J. O. Halliwell, 1846)

Letters and Papers from Noiihern Registers (ed. J. Raine, Rolls Series, HMSO, London, 1873)

Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the English in France (2 vols,cd.J. Stevenson, 1861-1864)

Letters of the Queens of England, 1100-1547 (ed. Anne Crawford, Stroud, 1994)

Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain (3 vols, ed. Mary Anne Everett Wood, 1846)

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Lettres de Jean XXII (1316-1334) (ed. A Fayen, Paris, 1808-1812)

Lettres des Rois, Reines et Autres Personnages des Cours de France et d'Angletene (2 vols, ed. J. J. Champollion-Figeac, 1839-1847)

Lettres Secretes et Curiales du Papejean XXII (1316-1334) relatives a la France (cd. Auguste Coulon and S. Clemencet, Paris, 1901-1902, reprinted 1965)

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The Lichfield Chronicle (Bodleian Library MS. 956) The Life of Edward II by the so-called Monk of Malmesbwy (sec Vita Edwardi Secundi)

Lincoln, Dean and Chapter Muniments, D. H/56/1

Li Livres de Justice et de Plet (cd. F. A. B. Chabaille, Paris, 1850)

Lists and Indexes, Public Record Office

Literae Cantuarienses (3 vols, cd. J. B. Sheppard, Rolls Series, HMSO, London,1887-1889)

Le Livere de Reis de Brittaniae (ed. J. Glover, Rolls Series, HMSO, London,1865)

Memorials of St Edmund's Abbey (3 vols, ed. T. Arnold, Rolls Series, HMSO, London, 1890-1896)

Le Menagierde Pans (ed. Jerome Pichon, Paris, 1846)

Monumenta Franciscana (ed. J. S. Brewer, Rolls Series, HMSO, London, 1858) Moore, Thomas dc la: Vita et mors Edward II conscripta a Thoma de la Moore (in Chronicles Illustrative of the Reigns of Edward I and Edward II, 2 vols, ed. Wilham Stubbs, Rolls Series, HMSO, London, 1882-1883) (see Baker, Geoffrey le)

Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis (cd. H. T. Riley, Rolls Series, HMSO, London, 1859-1862)

Murimuth, Adam: Adae Mwimuth, Continuatio Chronicarum (ed. E. Maundc Thompson, Rolls Scries, HMSO, London, 1889)

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Wright, Rolls Series, HMSO, London, 1866-1868)

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Recits d'un Bourgeois de Valenciennes (ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove, Louvain, 1877)

Records of the Tnal ofWalter Langton, 1307-1312 (ed. A. Beardwood, Camden Society, 4th Series, VI, London, 1969)

Regesta Hanonensia (ed. PC. Muller, Gravenhage, 1882)

Register of Robert Mortival, Bishop of Salisbwy, 1315-1330 (ed. S. Reynolds, Canterbury and York Society, 1965)

Register of Thomas Cobham, Bishop of Worcester, 1317-1327 (ed. E. H. Pearce, Worcester Historical Society, XL, Worcester, 1930)

Register of Walter Reynolds, MS. in Lambeth Palace Library

Register of Walter Stapledon, Bishop of Exeter, 1307-1326 (ed. EC. Hingcston, London and Exeter, 1892)

Registre du Tresordes Chartres (ed. R. Fawtier, Paris, 1958)

Registmm Ade de Orleton, Episcopi Herefordensis (ed. A. T. Bannister, Canterbury and York Society, 1908)

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