The whole affair had given me very great pleasure from first to last. I had thoroughly enjoyed spanking my sweetheart’s beautiful, white bottom; and the poke which followed had been most delightful. I buttoned up my trousers, saying, with a laugh: “Now you. naughty girclass="underline" you may pull down your clothes. Your pleasing punishment is over. How did you like it?”
She jumped up, and put on her drawers, smiling archly at me as she tied the strings round her waist: then she threw herself down again upon the sofa and gazed at me, with a languishing sensuous look in her great blue eyes. “I did not like the first part at all, — you hurt me dreadfully-but the second part v as delicious. It was worth while going through the pain for the sake of the pleasure. And how strongly you did it to me! You seemed to be more than usually excited. Was that because you had spanked me?”
“Yes,” I replied. “Whipping a bottom always excites me. And in the old days at Oakhurst, — after I had found out that you were a girl, whenever I spanked you, it was as much as I could do to prevent myself poking you when the punishment was over.”
“Ah!” she said, laughing merrily, “I always thought you liked spanking me: and, as! once told you, I used rather to like getting a spanking. It made me feel queer;-though it was always very painful-and it caused me to have a curious sensation of longing for something. I did not at chat time know what the feeling meant; but I understand it all now. It was the sexual desire stirring in me.”
“Yes; that is what it was. And I soon found out that you were a voluptuously-inclined girl,” I observed
She laughed, saying: “Yes, I am. I must confess I am fond of the pleasures of love. But how did you manage to restrain yourself for such a time? I wonder you did not embrace me long before you did.”
I laughed. “It was hard work to refrain, I can tell you; and you were very often in danger of being raped. But you know I frequently came up here to Maud; and I will tell you a secret, now that you are my only sweetheart, I used to poke Lucy the housemaid, whenever I felt inclined.”
“What? that great, fat woman!” she exclaimed, laughing. “I am surprised. Why did you choose her? There were prettier women in the house.”
I related to her how I had first got hold of Lucy; and I also gave a description of the way the woman had “assaulted” me, and how I had afterwards given her a most severe spanking.
Frances was very much amused. She remarked with a smile: “Poor Lucy! How you must have hurt her. You have a heavy hand when you spank, as I well know. My bottom is smarting at this moment.” Then she added, laughing: “I don’t think I need be afraid of your going after either of the servants in this house. They are too old and plain.”
I laughed, and kissed her, saying: “You may be sure that neither of them will tempt me to be unfaithful to you.”
We then went to our bedroom, and after we had washed and dressed, we drove to a restaurant and dined; afterwards going to a theatre, and finishing up with a supper before returning home.
A few days afterwards, when we were out driving, I suddenly took it into my head to ask Frances if she thought she could find Mrs. Leslie’s house in Kensington, She replied that she was sure she could; and at once directed the coachman which way to go. In a short time we arrived in a street which Frances said was the right one, and after we had driven a short distance down it, she pointed to a house, exclaiming: “There it is! I wonder if the horrid woman is living in it still? Oh! how I should like to spank her with a thick slipper every day for three days, as she did me.” Then she smiled, and taking my hand, pressed it, remarking:
“Though after all if she had not turned me out, I should never have met my sweetheart”
“Would you like to call and see her? She may still be living there,” I observed, smiling.
“No. I don’t want to see her face again; though I should like to see her bottom reddening under my slaps,” she replied, laughing.
We then drove home, and while we were at dinner, the thought struck me that it would be rather good fun to pay a visit to Mrs. Leslie and see what sort of an establishment she kept.
She might still be carrying on the business.
So, as soon as I had finished my cigar after dinner, I told Frances that I was going to my club, and as I should not be back rill late, she was not to sit up for me. She said “very well,” and gave me a kiss, for she never bothered me with questions as to where I went, or what I did. I left the villa, hailed a passing hansom, and told the driver to go to the club; intending to have a talk with a chum of mine named Ford, who was generally to be found in the smoking-room after dinner. He was there, as I had expected, smoking a cigar, with a cup of black coffee on a little table beside him.
Ford and I were old friends; he was a man about my own age, and like me, a bachelor, and we had had many queer adventures together.
I sat down beside him, lit a cigar, and asked him if he knew whether a certain Mrs. Leslie still kept a “gay” establishment in Blank-street, Kensington. “Yes,” he replied, “she does. I have never been there, but I have heard that it is a first-class house of its kind. Patronized by the nobility, and I believe occasionally by royalty,” he added with a laugh.
“I am going there to-night to have a look round,” I said. “Will you come with me?”
“Yes, I will. I am feeling rather inclined for a spree to-night Come along.” Leaving the club, we took a hansom, telling the man to drive to Blank-street, Kensington. When we reached the corner of the street, I stopped the cab, and we got out, paid the driver, and then walked the rest of the way to the house. I touched the electric bell, and the gate was soon opened by a smartly-dressed maid-servant; whom I asked if we could see Mrs. Leslie. The woman smiled at such an unnecessary question, and merely saying: “Step this way, gentlemen,” preceded us into the house and ushered us into a large, brilliantly-lighted drawing-room, where she left us, saying that Mrs. Leslie would be with us in a short time.
“A well got-up shop,” observed Ford, laughing, and seating himself in a luxurious easy-chair.
I walked round the room which was handsomely furnished in a most tasteful style; the only thing about it at all suggestive, being the number of broad, low softly-cushioned couches and ottomans which were ranged round the walls, and also in the middle of the floor.
At one end of the apartment, there was a deep, broad recess, apparently opening into another room; but I could not be certain, as the place was screened by heavy curtains of dark crimson velvet.
I had often been in establishments of the same sort in London, and also in Paris, Vienna, and other cities on the Continent; but I had never seen a better appointed drawing-room, than the one I was in.
In about five minutes time, Mrs. Leslie came into the room, and greeted us as if we had been old friends, smilingly telling us to sit down and make ourselves comfortable. Then she sank down on one of the couches, displaying a pair of neat feet and ankles, cased in black silk stockings. I took a good look at the woman who had treated my pretty Frances so cruelly. She was by no means bad-looking; being a tall, dark-haired, well-preserved woman about forty years of age; she had a buxom, but shapely figure; she was handsomely dressed, and she was quite lady-like, both in speech and manner.
After a little chat, Mrs. Leslie smiled, saying: “Well, I suppose you two gentlemen did not come here merely to talk to me. Wouldn’t you like to sec my young ladies? None of them are engaged at this moment, so you will be able to see them all.”