"Bio-miners, I'm sure," Cutler said. "They have a permit. Follow me."
It was midday and the sun was straight overhead in a virtuallycloudless blue sky and the day had warmed considerably into the mid-sixties. Joe was struck by the utter quiet all around them as they hiked up a footpath and over a gentle rise. The only sounds were their boots, breath, and the occasional caw of a far-off raven.
"It's very controversial," Cutler said, swinging a thermister in a case next to his leg as he walked. "I'm surprised you haven't heard or read about these projects."
Joe confessed he'd been isolated the last few months, workingon a ranch near Saddlestring.
"Lucky you," Demming said. He could tell by her demeanor that she felt strongly about the topic.
"I know I keep telling you how unique the Yellowstone caldera is," Cutler said, "but up here, wonders never cease, so what can I say? Over the last twenty years, biologists have discovered thermofiles-microbes-that are absolutely unique to anywhere else on earth. I'm no expert, but the reason they find them here is a kind of biological perfect storm-the combinationof the hot water, the minerals, and the ecological isolationof the area-that's produced all these rare species. Only real recently have companies discovered there are, um… properties… in some of the microbes that can be used for other purposes."
"What kinds of properties?" Joe asked.
"Well, one particular microbe has been found that radically assists bioengineers perform DNA typing. From what I understand,it's really advanced science in that area. Another microbe can apparently speed up the aging process in some mammals tenfold, or so they think. That's a scary one, if you ask me. And there are all kinds of rumors that I can't back up, like thermophilesthat can help unlock a cure for cancer, to other microbesthat can be weaponized. The government, legitimate companies, and bio-pirates are afoot up here these days."
Demming moaned. "Yes, Joe. There have been reports of freelancers up here scooping up growth and plant species in the hot water runoff and trying to sell it to companies or other governments.No one's actually been caught at it yet, but every once in a while there's a report. As if we don't have enough to worry about up here, you know."
Joe felt a growing sense of discovery and excitement as Cutlerand Demming talked. This was new. There was nothing in the "Zone of Death" file about bio-mining, or McCann's connectionto it.
Ahead, he could see the trees parting and feel-if not yet see-their destination. It was a huge opening in the timber, walled on four sides by dead and dying trees. The odor of sulfur and something sickly sweet hung low to the ground.
"This is Sunburst Hot Springs," Cutler explained. "It's called that because, from the air, the runoff vents come off of it like spikes in all directions. It looks like how a little kid draws the sun in art class, with spikes coming out of the circumference."
Joe could feel the heat twenty feet away and hear and feel a low rumbling, gurgling water sound somewhere beneath his feet. Sunburst was gorgeous, he thought, in a dangerous and oddly enticing way. The steaming surface of the water was nearly fifty feet across, held in place by a thin white mineral rim that looked more like porcelain than earth. The water inside was every shade of blue from aquamarine near the surface to indigo as it deepened. It was hard to see clearly into the open mouth of the spring because of scalloped ripples of steam on the surface, which dissipated into the air. Inside the spring the sun illuminated outcroppings, bronzing them against the blue, and Joe could clearly see a sunken litter of thick, stout barbell-shapedbuffalo bones that had been caught on shelves along the interior walls. Again, he felt the pull of the water but not as strongly. The placid blue water seemed to beckon to him in the way that a warm bath or a Jacuzzi pulls a frozen skier at the end of the day. Beyond Sunburst Hot Springs was a smaller pool rimmed with dark blue and green, meaning much cooler water.
Cutler saw him looking at it, said, "That's Sunburst Hot Pot. It's much, much cooler than the hot springs, and it's a really nice pool to lounge in"-he grinned slyly at Demming-"if one were so inclined."
Joe checked out the hot pot. If God designed a natural Jacuzzi, he thought, this would be it. It was waist deep, clear, and someone had fitted flat wooden planks into the walls to sit on. Obviously, the pool had been used for illegal hot-potting. Joe visualized Hoening sitting on one of the planks with a Minnesotafemale he had just lured out from L.A., and smiled.
"Nice place for a date," he said.
As he circled the hot pot he felt an odd sensation of someone blowing air up his pant leg. He stopped and turned, studied the ground. It took a moment before he saw the series of quarter-sizedholes in the ground, each emitting a light stream. He squatted and held his palm out to one of them, feeling it on his skin. No doubt, he thought, the superheated earth under the surfacehad to release something, like a natural pressure cooker. He'd heard about visitors (and, more likely, Zephyr employees) burying chickens in the ground in secret places to bake them. He thought he could probably do that here. The idea intrigued him.
The ground in the little tree-lined basin was nearly white, as if it had been baked. The consistency of the dirt was crumbly. Joe noted a long dark line in the earth that extended from deep in the trees and topped an almost imperceptible rise. The dark streak ran past the side of the hot springs and out the other side.
"What's that?" Joe asked.
"Like I mentioned," Cutler said, "the cool thing about the park is that all of the insides are pushed out in places. That's a seam of underground coal. It's not very big, and it's hard to say how far down it extends. It's one of the few places in the whole park where there's any coal."
Joe had learned earlier not to wander away from the path establishedby Cutler for fear of breaking through and falling in, so he stuck close to him, as did Demming. He watched as the geologistwent downhill from the spring itself along one of the troughs of runoff that came from the hot springs, where he pushed aside some ancient pitch wood stumps and revealed a thermister and a half-submerged wood-sided box of some kind in the water. He called Joe and Demming over, and they squatted near him.
With a small laptop computer, Cutler plugged into the thermisterand downloaded the last two weeks of temperature readings.Joe noticed both the instrument and the wooden box were covered with what looked like long pink hair that wafted in the soft current of the warm water.
"I call this 'million-dollar slime,'" Cutler said, pointing at the pink microbe growth. "This is the stuff used for genetic typingI told you about. I don't know how it works, of course, but the company that harvests it can't replicate it in a lab. They need to get it right here at Sunburst, and as far as they know, this is the only place on earth it can be found."
"Kind of pretty, but not very impressive," Demming said.
Cutler agreed. He told Joe that the bioengineering firm sent a truck into the park every month or so with a heated incubator in the back to harvest the microbes that had grown inside the box. The thermophiles were transported to Jackson or Bozeman and flown to the company laboratory in Europe.
"Okay," Cutler said, once again arranging the driftwood over the equipment so it couldn't be seen from the trail, "we're done here."
As they trudged back toward the pickup, Joe's mind raced with new possibilities. Demming eyed him suspiciously.
Joe said to Cutler, "You said Hoening and the others sometimescame along with you when you did your work. Did they ever come here?"
"Sure, a couple of times."
"Did they know about the million-dollar slime?"
"Definitely. It's no secret. The contracts are public record, even though more than a few people have a problem with the idea."