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There was no hesitancy left in Kathy. Her hands found the full spheres of Tara's ass, drawing it down toward her face, and at the same time her head rose between the lovely thighs straddling her. Her tongue licked wetly at one thigh and then the other, and then it was licking eagerly at the outer lips of Tara's cunt.

"Yes, dip that tongue deep in my pussy – oh, yes!" Tara cried, wriggling her hips as she felt the tiny tongue snake wetly between the lips of her pussy, flickering again and again aver her pulsating clitoris. "Eat me as well as I'm going to eat you!"

Tara writhed in delight then, almost coming, as her sharp nails dug deep into the yielding flesh of Kathy's plump little ass, and her tongue was extended and ready when she lowered her head between the expectantly parted thighs. With it she began eagerly licking at Kathy's pink and golden cunt.

They lay locked together in that position, surrounded by the sounds they made as they licked and sucked one another with a passion that grew more and more heated, until Tara felt a streak of lightning run the length of her body as she began to come. She lay there with her ass weaving slowly while Kathy sucked noisily and delightfully at her pussy, then rolled to one side, taking the other girl with her.

"Get up over me and put your pussy down on my face," she directed, with Kathy's smooth thighs warm against the sides of her head. "I want you sitting on my face. I want you where I can lick your pussy and every inch of this cute little rump."

She also wanted her in exactly the right position for the most erotic scene her mind had been able to conceive.

Kathy turned willingly, taking the upper position and immediately lowering her cunt to receive the lapping tongue that Tara raised to meet it. Her own face dipped low between Tara's parted, shapely thighs, her mouth greedy as it settled again over the coral lips at the center of the dense thatch of auburn hair, and she was trembling noticeably as she eagerly returned to the act of eating pussy.

That was their position when they heard the sharp click of the bedroom door being opened.

Kathy went taut for an instant, then Tara felt her begin to tremble even more violently than before. She felt the long blonde hair brush her thighs as Kathy raised and turned her head, and she stroked the smooth thighs and ass in an effort to chase away the surprise and fright. Kathy remained as still as a frightened doe trying to decide whether to spring for freedom.

"It's all right, Kathy, it's okay," Tara purred, stroking and licking the creamy flesh that hovered above her, trying to soothe the young girl and put her back in the proper mood for sucking and fucking. "A girl needs some good fucking after she's had her pussy eaten. We can both use some good stiff cock."

"Oh, my God, I promised Wayne," was all Kathy managed to say, and, her voice anguished, she repeated the words again.

"Wayne will never know a thing, not one fucking thing," Tara promised, and she ran her tongue adoringly over the plump undercurves of Kathy's ass. Then she tilted her head far back to look at Jerry.

His dark, lean face was flushed with excitement, and he was wearing only his jockey shorts. His prick swelled large at the front of those, and it sprang into view as he tugged the shorts down over his hips. Tara saw that his cock was larger and harder than she had seen it in months, and then he moved beyond the range of vision.

"He especially won't know what he's missing," Tara heard him say then, and she heard the bed groan and felt it sink under his weight as he knelt behind Kathy. His voice was low, soft, and coaxing. "He won't know he's missing the fuck of a lifetime. But you won't be missing it, Kathy. You'll have two of us doing all the good things to your tits, ass, pussy."

"Please just never tell Wayne," Kathy sobbed softly then, and though her girlish body remained tense, Tara knew the girl was theirs for the rest of the night.

"You have our word – sealed with a kiss," Tara said reassuringly, and raised her head to bestow the promised kiss on the pink lips of Kathy's pussy. "You also have my word that this is going to be the best night of fucking you've ever known." She strengthened that promise by again touching her lips to the hot little cunt.

"All of it made possible by one hard cock and two hot tongues," Jerry said. He was kneeling close behind Kathy now, reaching under her to cup and caress her dangling tits, and the hair at the base of his cock was pressed against her naked ass, his prick pressing hard against her inner thighs. "A girl like you needs and deserves a lot more than just straight fucking."

"All girls need and deserve more than just straight fucking," Tara added, almost dazed with desire created by the visual treat that hovered above her face.

There were Kathy's thighs and ass, pink and plump and tempting; her cunt, a sliver of dewy pinkness surrounded by a puff of pale flax; and Jerry's hard cock and hairy, heavy balls, ready to give to all that enticing softness a magnificent fucking.

Tara reached awkwardly up, running her fingers over the wrinkled, hairy sack of his balls, and her fist closed around the hot, hard shaft of her husband's prick. She slipped the outer skin back and forth, back and forth, then put the head of it against the creamy flesh of Kathy's uppermost inner thigh, just beside her cunt.

"I'll even help Jerry put his cock in you, Kathy," she said, easing the head of it to the pink lips of the young girl's cunt and watching that head part those lips as the hard shaft slipped through her fingers. "Wayne can feel the way he wants, but I want to see your tight little pussy enjoying my husband's cock."

"Yes, put it in! Fuck me!" Kathy cried, as Tara took her hard away and Jerry drove his prick deep into her pussy. Her ass rolled slowly, and she whimpered, "I can't help it – I need fucking the way other girls need air."

Tara felt the eager mouth return to her cunt. She felt Kathy's hands grasping her ass, lifting, raising it up so that she could more easily press her face into the hairy bush. Tara locked her own arms around the soft columns of Kathy's thighs and lifted her head.

Jerry's balls swayed above her as his prick slipped steadily in and out of the clinging sheath of Kathy's pussy. The pink lips were distended around his shaft, and Tara could see them moving as they clung to the driving cock. She licked Kathy's thigh, very high up, then began lapping at Jerry's swaying balls. She was coming powerfully as she lapped them, and her body shook as she felt Kathy apply suction intended to draw the juices from her cunt.

"Lick my nuts more! See if you can lick my cock!" Jerry, with his prick moving faster and faster through Kathy's cunt, cried in a feverish voice. "This chick has some terrific pussy and you're making it even better with your tongue on my balls!"

With her voice muffled because her lips were pressed to his dangling nuts, Tara said, "Just save a little of that cock for me, and I'll lick anything I can reach. Here we go."

By straining upward off the bed and extending her tongue until it ached Tara was able to touch the tip of it to the underside of her husband's cock. While that cock slid back and forth above her, moving in and out of Kathy's cunt, she kept her tongue there, licking from its hard meat the juices it retained from the cunt it was fucking.

"Being licked… and fucked… at the same time… it's the greatest!" Jerry groaned suddenly, his balls swinging in over Tara's face, pushing her away, as he buried all of his prick in Kathy's cunt. He kept it there, it seemed to Tara, for an eternity, and when he withdrew she could see white come welling out over the pink cunt.

She pushed Kathy forward a bit, grasped her husband's spurting cock and tried to fit it in her mouth – but her position was such that she was unable to and his come jetted warmly over her face, spattering her lips, chin, and even her eyebrows. She licked the head of his cock once, twice, three times, then turned her face back to Kathy's cunt, now oozing with a thick gravy that matted the taffy-colored hair.