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She kicked away her loafers and tugged down the zipper at the side of her skirt in a single motion, and her plump titties dangled beneath her as she bent to ease the skirt down over her lush thighs and hips, revealing her bare pussy. Her smile broadened and she was almost on the bed at their feet before Wayne realized she was there.

"Oh, my God. Kathy, I…" Wayne, with a strange look of fright on his face, and obviously confused by his wife's nakedness, pulled his cock from Tara's cunt and turned between her long legs.

"You set a double standard, just like Tara and Jerry told me," Kathy said, still wearing that strange little smile. She put one hand on his broad chest and with the other hand reached down to feel of his thick cock. "But you can't set it anymore. We're going to have the kind of relationship they have, the kind of relationship I want."

Wayne looked ready to cry as he spat at Tara, "You bitch!" and said to Kathy, "You don't know what she did when she got here. I know how this looks, but I do love you."

"Who you love has nothing to do with who you fuck," Kathy said, repeating words she had heard from Tara. "And me – I just love to fuck!"

Even as she said these words Kathy was kneeling with her plump little tits against Wayne's chest and had her hand under his balls, lightly caressing them, as she urged him to take the position she wanted. Tara moved aside to make room for them.

"Just think of being able to act out all your fantasies," Kathy, with her lips nibbling down over his chest and the thin line of hair running upward from his cock and across his belly, said, again repeating words she had heard from Tara. "Think of having two women fuck and suck you at once. Think of having Tara and me fuck and suck you."

Tara looked at Wayne and saw that even though his expression remained one of confusion and anger, he seemed unable or unwilling to resist what was being offered. She realized that Kathy must be offering what for Wayne, Jerry, and probably all other men, was the fulfillment of a fondest dream. That was made evident by the rigidity of his cock as he allowed Kathy to force him down onto his back.

"I can taste Tara's pussy on your prick," Kathy whispered as, holding his rigid rod lightly in the fingers of one hand and kneeling low beside him, she ran her tongue up one side of his cock. She smiled over at Tara. "Join me for a taste of it. Wayne doesn't mind now. He's ready to give us both some peter."

Wayne was silent as a stone as Tara glanced up at his face, then knelt to face Kathy over his naked hips, cock and balls. He shifted his hips as she bent to smile around his prick at Kathy, and he uttered a low cry as she touched her tongue to the huge cock the other girl held waiting.

Together they licked at the sides, bottom, and dark head of his prick, their tongues dancing; and, several times, when their lips rose in unison to the uppermost part of his cock, they kissed one another on the mouth, tongues still flickering. Wayne's ass was moving in uncontrollable passion when Kathy threw one leg over his head, her cunt just above his face.

"Eat my pussy, honey," she ordered, even as Wayne was lifting his face to do just that. She sighed as his tongue touched her cunt, and said to Tara, "You go ahead and help yourself to his cock."

Tara moved quickly astride his hips, kneeling and using one hand to hold his hard, wet prick upright as she lowered her throbbing pussy down over its bulbous head; and she put both hands on the delightful softness of Kathy's tits as Wayne bucked upward and buried his prick inside her. His hands found her ass and he began to fuck her with the force of a piledriver.

"There's no kind of fucking we can't do now! No kind of fucking!" Kathy was saying under her breath, her expression one of pure happiness, as she writhed above the tongue spearing her cunt. Her hands found Tara's tits and, leaning forward, she began sucking at one of the rigid peaks.

Tara had decided the same thing quite some time before. She had also decided she wanted Kathy to join her in that decision. And as she felt the soft lips so eagerly sucking her tit, the hard cock so forcefully ramming her cuiit, she knew all her dreams were going to become reality.

Coming time and time again as she thought of it – and as she so joyfully felt that large cock sliding in and out, in and out, of her tightly clinging cunt – she raised Kathy up to kiss her softly but passionately on her parted lips.

"You're right – there's no kind of fucking we can't do!" she told her, almost unable to speak as she felt Wayne's fiery come filling her cunt. "We can fuck and fuck and fuck!"

Kathy threw her head back. Her lips drew back to reveal her perfect white teeth as, her body straining, she too began to come.

"Damned right!" she managed somehow to say through clenched teeth. "I'm going to be the wildest fucking wife you've ever seen! The wildest wife!"


"You realize Wayne Graw's gonna break our damned heads if he finds out we've been fucking his wife, don't you?" the smallest of the three young boys said, laughing uneasily, as one of his companions, the tallest and oldest of the three, rang the doorbell of the small house. "From what I hear he can be one mean motherfucker when he gets mad."

"You think I'm going to waste a hard-on like this just because her old man gets mad, Kenny?" Bill Dillon said, still holding his finger on the doorbell but reaching down with his other hand to put the swollen cock that could be seen at the front of his jeans. "And besides, from what I hear, if her old man tried to kick the ass of every man who ever fucked Kathy, he wouldn't have time to fuck her himself. Anyhow, she invited me and my friends over for a fuck, didn't she? So who's to blame? What about you, Murphy? Is the fear of an ass-kicking going to keep you from getting some of that good cunt?"

The boy named Murphy, who was slim and blond like Kenny and who had been hanging back a bit, grinned. "I don't believe in turning down pussy, especially when it's supposed to be some of the best fucking around." But he glanced uneasily up and down the darkened street, and gave a start when he heard the door being opened.

The three boys stepped back almost as one, staling with disbelief at the woman who stood framed in the light pouring through the open door. She was by far the most beautiful sight any of them had ever seen – tall and slim, with thick auburn hair cascading down in a frame around her lovely face and onto her bare shoulders, and wearing a short nightie made of some sort of net that ended halfway down her rounded hips and clinging to every curve of her statuesque body.

"Were you looking for something I might help you with?" A teasing little smile played over her lush lips as she stood there with her hips cocked just a bit, turning slightly and allowing them a better look at her large, barely concealed tits.

"I – we were looking for Kathy Graw," Bill Dillon stammered at last, unable to tear his eyes away from the shadow that he now realized was her cunt. She was naked under that netlike garment, and the sight of her made his throat dry as he said, reluctantly, "I guess we got the wrong house."

Tara laughed then, her tits jiggling just a bit. "Kathy isn't here, but you've got the right house, okay. You wouldn't mind me taking Kathy's place at your little fuck-fest, would you?"

She laughed aloud at the look on their faces then, a look that might have been seen there had each of them been hit between the eyes with a brick, and she was still laughing when the three of them finally stepped inside, the last using his foot to kick the door shut.

"Kathy isn't the only one who enjoys a good fuck, you know," she told them then, just as bluntly as she had planned to say it when she asked Kathy to arrange this. She turned and walked to the center of the living room, actually feeling their eyes on the nakedness of her lower ass that was exposed below the bottom hem of the netlike nightie, and she said, "And you did come here expecting to fuck, didn't you?"