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“What the fuck ever,” Gavin says as he laughs at Ryan. Looking at me, he says, “Watch out for this dipshit, and don’t let him hook you up with anyone. His matchmaking skills suck balls.”

“Find your own ass, Gav. I’m not your fuckin’ hookup.”

“Not anymore. What the hell has happened to you lately?”

“Nothing,” Ryan tells him. “Just sick of wasting my time.”

Turning to me, Gavin says, “Ryan’s been a bit of a pussy lately.”

I laugh at him and take a swig of my beer.

“Don’t waste your time buddying up with Jase,” Ryan tells him.

“Sad. I guess it’s just me trying to get laid, huh?”

“Sorry. Looks like it,” I say.

“Are these the same guys that played here last week?” he asks Ryan.

“Yeah, they’re gonna be playing here every Saturday now. They just signed a contract earlier.”

“They looking for a label?”

“Ask this guy. I have no clue,” Ryan responds as he tips the neck of his bottle towards me.

“You know them?”

“Yeah,” I say. “But I dunno. I only know Mark and just met the drummer.”

“This is Mark’s guy,” Ryan tells him, and fuck if that doesn’t make me want to leave this bar. But Gavin doesn’t even blink when he says, “Yeah, I met Mark the other day. Cool guy. Well, if they are, I work for Sub Pop Records. I’d be interested in talking with them.”

I nod my head, still feeling awkward, and turn to holler for another beer. Ryan wanders off while I wait for Mel to get my drink. Sitting down next to me, Gavin says, “How long have you known Ryan?”

“Just met him tonight,” I say as Mel hands me the beer. I turn back around and watch Mark while listening to Gavin talk about some of his history with Ryan. From what I’m hearing, Ryan doesn’t seem too far off from me. Well, from who I used to be before I started seeing Mark. I don’t judge him ‘cause I have to wonder what demons he must be trying to cover up. I can tell Gavin fucks around for the sake of fucking around. This kid is obnoxious, but he’s hot; I’ll give him that much credit.

I look over and spot a tall blonde running her hands down Ryan’s stomach, but he clutches her wrist before she can slip them in his pants. Whatever he’s saying to her is pissing her off. He lets go and starts walking back toward the bar.

“What the hell is up with you? That chick was all over your nuts,” Gavin says.

Ryan ignores him and leans over the bar to holler at Mel. “Mel, I’ll be up in my office. I’ll come down later, okay?”

“Yeah, no problem, Ry,” she says as she’s mixing a drink.

Gavin catches Ryan’s arm and questions, “Dude, seriously? What the hell is going on with you?”

Jerking his arm back, he says, “Not in the mood.”

“You haven’t been for a couple weeks.”

As he shakes his head, looking frustrated as hell, he says, “You wouldn’t get it, man,” before turning and walking away.

“That guy used to be so much fun. Used to bang anything that stepped in front of him. Dude’s been in a fucked up mood lately.”

“Maybe he just got tired of using people,” I say, and he looks over at me, eyebrows raised.

“It’s not using when they willingly give.”

I don’t expect him to understand, so I don’t bother saying anything else, and luckily I don’t have to when that same blonde approaches him and diverts his attention away from me. I just sit back, drink my beer, and watch the one guy I know I would never use the way I did so many before him.

I spend the next hour drinking and getting to know Mel a little better. She’s a pretty cool chick. Her husband is a drummer in a local band. We talk off and on while she works, and eventually Ryan returns. Sitting next to me, he looks worn out. Mel sets down a cup of coffee in front of him and after he thanks her, he turns to look at me.

“Did Gav leave?”

I look over my shoulder when the band stops playing. Mark slings his guitar over his head, and I turn back to Ryan.

“I don’t know. He ran off with some girl over an hour ago, so probably.”

Shaking his head, he says, “Sorry about earlier. He’s a lot to take at times.”

I turn around when I feel Mark’s hand on my shoulder. He looks hot as hell. His sweaty shirt clings to him and my conflicting feelings start colliding.

“Hey, you bored yet?” he asks.

“No. I had the pleasure of hanging out with Gavin for a while,” I joke and hear Ryan laughing.

“That guy’s crazy, but funny as hell,” Mark says as he wraps his arm around me. I move back slightly when he starts to pull me closer to him. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just tired.” I lie to him. I hate that. I’m not okay. Fuck. I wish I was, but I’m not. I hear my sister’s words replay in my head: “The Jase I know wouldn’t care what others think.” But to not care takes more strength than I think I have. Mark has never done anything wrong; he’s perfect. He deserves to be with someone like him. Someone sure of himself and not so damn awkward and scared for people to see him for what he is.

I know Mark senses my hesitation because he quickly removes his arm, grabs the beer that Mel set down for him, and walks towards Chasten, who is still on stage working on his drum kit.

“You guys okay?” Ryan asks as he sips his coffee.

I try blowing it off and respond with, “Yeah. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks.”

“You have no idea, man,” he says and then lets out a sigh. Clearly this guy has a lot on his mind, but I don’t say anything as we sit there and drink.

For the next half hour, Mark’s band finishes their last set. A couple of girls approach Ryan, and he pushes them away without giving them a glance. Mel walks over to him and whispers, “Why don’t you head home? Max and I can close everything up.”

He doesn’t speak when he pushes his coffee mug towards her and stands up. Giving me a nod, he turns and walks away. Mel takes the mug, and when I look at her, she just shakes her head and quietly says, “Don’t ask.”

When the night winds down, Mark packs up his stuff, and I follow him out to his car. He seems irritated from earlier, so the drive back to my place is silent. When we get close, I say, “Park in the garage,” because I don’t want him to go to home. I need to talk to him. I need to figure out how to move past this, and I need to be honest with him.

He doesn’t respond; he just turns the corner and drives down into the underground lot. When we walk inside my place, he heads to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water.

“You mind if I take a quick shower?”

“No,” I say as he is already walking to my bathroom.

When he turns the water on, I text Candace to check in.

Just got home. Interesting evening.

I go to my room, strip out of my clothes, and throw on a pair of gym shorts. My phone chimes as I slide into bed.

Is that good or bad?

Bad. Everything was weird.

With Mark?

It’s me with Mark. I was really cold to him because I was embarrassed.

You have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of.

But I am, and Mark knows it.

What did he say?

Nothing. He’s in the shower now. How are you?