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Between my mom and Tami’s comments, Mr. Happy decided to go hide. I had never gone soft so fast in all of my life. I think all the blood had rushed from my lower areas to my face. I actually felt the heat coming off my cheeks. By now, all three girls were laughing at me. It must have been obvious I had a dramatic change in condition, because Tami just had to make a comment about it.

“Are you sure? It doesn’t look that big to me.”

Tina didn’t realize what sharks she was around, and the worst part was there was now blood in the water. We were about to see a feeding frenzy. She spread her hands apart to demonstrate.

“No, really, he’s very big.”

Tina had a very sincere look on her face and looked at Tami and my mom as they lost it. My mom had tears streaming down her face, she laughed so hard.

“Oh shit, she did not just say that?” Mom asked.

All I could think was ‘Dear gawd, Tina, shut up!’ Unlike Tami, who can somehow read my thoughts, Tina was clueless. Of course, she was confused and thought she was standing up for me. I couldn’t be mad at her because she really did try to help.

“But he is.”

Tina finally comprehended what she had said and to whom. She put her hands in front of her face and started to laugh also. I did my best impression of a mouse surrounded by four cats with very sharp claws. My eyes darted from girl to girl as I waited for that final killing blow. Then, out of left field, Lily joined the fray.

“Early in the week we were all taking bets that Cindy had stuffed his pants with tube socks to get that size of a bulge, but after seeing him get all excited throughout the day we all figured out it’s really him. Beth, she’s a girl in my math class, thinks he’s hung like a horse. I think I’ll wait to see before I decide.”

My dad had always told me, ‘When you see you’re defeated, just walk away.’ The whole Washington defense couldn’t do what these four women had done in less than five minutes. They had me running home with my tail between my legs. I shook my head, looked at my shoes and muttered, ‘No, no, no,’ as I walked to our car. My mom took pity on me and followed me.

“Bye, David!” Tami yelled.

I just lifted my arm and made a wave back to them without looking up. When we got into the car, I looked over at my mom, and she was happier than I had seen her since I’d gotten back from Uncle John’s farm. I gave her a sheepish smile.

“David, there are worse things they could have been saying. At least they aren’t calling you ‘pencil dick.’”

I burst out laughing. My mom had a sharp tongue, but she does love me. She always knows what to say to get me in a better mood. She was right. At least they were all looking at my supposed big dick. After I was able to see the humor in what the girls had said, Mom and I had a good time on the way home.

WHEN I GOT HOME, MOM made a beeline to my dad to share how she’d tormented me. I found Greg in our bathroom. He was shaving, so I stepped in to relieve myself.

“Cindy is asking for you to come over today to further your education.”

I was relieved my brother was willing to continue to teach me. I’d been worried he thought things were going a little fast.


“We’ll head out around one,” my brother said.

I went to my room and opened my tablet. I sent a text to Uncle John to jump onto video chat, and he popped on almost immediately. He was in one of the pastures we’d fenced. I was happy to see cattle lounging under the big oak trees. I put on my best serious face.

“I need your advice: Coach Engels is mad at me. I’m not going to play for him.”

He just smirked.

“Sorry, Bucko, not gonna work. I talked to Doug after the game. Was he pulling my leg? 10 carries for 273 yards?”

“I know, it’s embarrassing I did that well. I wanted to call and thank you for talking to Coach Engels and getting me on the football team. I never would have gone out if you hadn’t called him. Someday I need to thank you for a lot of things, but football has been great so far.”

“Doug tells me you hit like a ton of bricks, what’s that all about?”

“I think it has to do with you trying to kill me this summer using the posthole digger. I just visualize exploding through the player and I seem to lay a serious hit on them. I’m scared it’s not going to work on varsity. They’re all so much bigger and stronger than I am.”

“David, all I ask is that you try your best. Don’t shy away from the contact. If you do, you can get hurt. You’re better off doing what you’ve been doing.”

In the background, I could hear the chickens in an uproar. I saw Uncle John jerk his head around.

“Stupid pup! I have to go. I have a dog in among the chickens.”

I chuckled as he hung up. It seemed like time stopped after the call. I looked at the clock every thirty seconds and tried to will it to be one o’clock. I was eager to find out what Cindy had planned. Dad found me hanging around the kitchen and made me go mow the yard. At least I was no longer looking at the clock.

Chapter 7 – Stud in Training

Saturday September 7

I hurried and I went out to Greg’s car at one. We drove to Cindy’s in silence as he seemed deep in thought. We pulled up to Cindy’s and I noticed a cute girl waiting by the front door. I recognized her as one of the varsity cheerleaders, Suzanne Ball.

Suzanne had a unique look: her hair was pure white. It was always messed up, but in a good way. I think she styled it so she had bedroom hair. It was full and wispy, like she just got out of bed but ran her fingers through it to get it back under control. Her pale blue eyes just seemed to bore into your soul when you looked directly into them. Her tiny frame and her complexion made her look like a porcelain doll. At school, her nickname was ‘Ice Princess.’ Her whole persona was sexy and gorgeous. Her perfection made her seem unattainable. She was the unique girl you wanted to put on a pedestal and worship from afar. You just prayed someday this angel would grace you with a smile.

The sad fact was, because of this, she was rarely asked out on a date. It took a very special kind of guy to get up the nerve. Unfortunately, most of those guys are self-centered douchebags. Truth be known, Suzanne just wanted a regular guy. I had no idea of this at the time. I felt I was being graced by royalty.

She wore a cute tank-top-and-short set. It was obvious she didn’t have on a bra. Greg went up to her and gave her a hug.

“How’s my Ice Princess today?”

“Just fine, Mr. Gigolo.” She turned on me and said, “So, is this your little stud-in-training?”

“Suzanne, you remember my brother David,” Greg said, as I turned red.

She shook my hand. The front door swung open and Cindy looked out.

“What are you guys all doing out here? Come in.”

We followed Cindy through the house and out to the pool house. It had big French doors that opened to the pool. The center area was set up as a bar and game room. To the right were the changing rooms and showers, and to the left was a king-size bed. Cindy headed left. She turned and gave me a knowing look.

“I hear someone popped their cherry yesterday.”

I glanced at Greg and saw his ears go red. He obviously was the one who talked out of school. How was I supposed to learn that the better part of valor was discretion if my own brother couldn’t keep his mouth shut? I knew he needed to share things with her to help me, but there had to be boundaries.

“Just like big brother, out collecting notches on his belt,” Suzanne teased me.

Cindy went in for the kill.

“So, tell me what all happened, and don’t leave anything out.”

I gulped. There was no way I would spill my guts.

“Let’s just say Tina and I went on a date yesterday and we’re good friends.”

Suzanne snorted.