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“He’s as bad as his brother, never any of the juicy details. What is it about you guys, are you in some kind of cult?”

Greg turned on Suzanne.

“Listen closely: we do not kiss and tell. No one will ever know who we did what with.” He gave Suzanne a meaningful glance, which had her looking at the floor.

Shit, my brother had bagged the Ice Princess. Way to go, bro. Then I remembered he told Cindy about my date with Tina. My head was spinning, but I forgot all that when Cindy grinned at me.

“You passed the first test of the day. If you’d failed, there would be no further training. There’s nothing worse than a guy who brags about his conquests. No girl wants to date that guy, but believe me, I’ve had many dates that turned out to be just like that.”

Suzanne just nodded and gave Greg a sideways glance. Something weird was going on between those two. She kept giving him funny looks when she thought no one was looking.

Cindy looked me in the eyes.

“Suzanne is a good friend of your brother and me. What happens here today is not to get out, is that clear?”

I nodded.

“After what happened yesterday we need to speed up your education. Today you’re going to learn how to give a woman pleasure,” Greg said.

This sounded like there might be some practical training involved, so I was very eager for this to begin. Before I could overthink it, Greg continued.

“Cindy has agreed to teach you some things. You will do ­whatever she tells you. Remember that Cindy is my girlfriend. No funny stuff!”

“I’ll remember.”

I think it must be obvious I had a huge crush on Cindy. I know it was all fantasy because the freshman/senior relationship was never going to work. Older girls in high school simply would not date guys three years younger.

Greg shocked me.

“I’m going to take off. I’m leaving you in Cindy and Suzanne’s capable hands.” He headed out to leave me to wonder what was next. As he hit the door, he looked back at the girls. “Don’t break him.”

Cindy took charge.

“David, I want you to strip down to your boxers while Suzanne and I get ready.”

They left me and went into the main house. I did as I was told. I wondered what they could possibly have in mind. After what seemed like forever, I heard them chuckle as they came back. I overheard Cindy.

“Yes, he is cute. This should be fun.”

When they entered the pool house, they stunned me. Cindy had on black robe that was short enough that I could see her matching panties just peek out of the bottom. Her long brown hair draped forward off her shoulders and rested on the swell of her breasts. She had an amused expression, which lit up when she saw me take in Suzanne. She had on white silk robe that contrasted with Cindy’s outfit. The effect of the two gorgeous women was stunning.

I think I surprised them when I crawled off the bed and stepped over to them. I first slid my hand around Cindy’s waist and leaned close to her ear so I could share a private comment.

“Thank you.”

I saw her get a smug smile, so I figured I would shake her up a little and I sucked her earlobe into my mouth and gave it a little nip. She stiffened and I could feel her tremble.

Suzanne had lost her confident look and her eyes were big as she took in the scene. I went to her and faced her, and then I bent down and kissed her. I gave her the full treatment. It took her a moment to respond, but I soon found I was woefully inexperienced. Suzanne had called my bluff. We finally broke our kiss. The look on my face must have been one of amazement because Cindy took the opportunity to give me a hard time.

“David, for all your cool moves, it looks like you’ve met your match.”

“Damn, I think you’re right.”

Suzanne beamed with pride, and she had an evil twinkle in her eyes as she appraised me in my boxers.

“Oh, you’re going to be fun. Cindy, is he as innocent as he seems?”

I shivered as she raked her manicured nails down my chest to my navel. She then reached up and ran her fingers through my curls. For some reason, since I had gotten my hair styled girls loved to play with my hair.

“Not quite, but that’s why we’re here. Suzanne, slow down.”

Suzanne winked at her and made a little growling sound. Cindy laughed as I took a step back.

“Down, Tiger, I promised Greg we wouldn’t break him. Okay, David, there are some ground rules we have to go over. First, you will not be removing your boxers. Even if we beg, you have to promise your package will not be unwrapped. If I say stop, you stop. If Suzanne says stop, ignore her.”

Suzanne gave Cindy a smirk and just shrugged. It felt like they’d played together before. I found my eyes ping-ponging back and forth as I tried to watch each girl’s expression.

“Princess, please get on the bed and prepare yourself,” Cindy ordered.

Suzanne’s eyes never left mine as she let her robe slide off her shoulders and let it slowly slide down her flawless skin. She stood in front of me in just a white thong. My breath caught; she was spectacular. Suzanne was five-five and could not weigh more than a hundred and ten pounds. She had small apple-sized breasts with long, thick nipples. Her butt was firm, and all I wanted to do was grab it. This was every teenage boy’s wet dream. She climbed onto the bed and scooted to the center.

I saw Suzanne check out my package. I was aroused, so there was a no hiding it. She patted the bed and I crawled up and sat down next to her. She laid out the ground rules.

“You will not touch me unless I ask you to. I will touch you when and wherever I want. If I tell you to do something, you’ll do it, understood?” Suzanne asked.

There seemed to be a lot of rules. The good news was that Cindy had told me to basically ignore Suzanne. I waggled my eyebrows at her.

“Yes, but may I just say you’re sexy as hell.”

She ignored me. I could tell I was getting to her, though. She could play tough, but we’d see who was on top when this was over. I had to stop, because I wondered where that competitiveness was coming from. Who cared? Game on.

“I’m doing this as a favor to Greg. He taught me most of what I’m going to teach you. He’s the best lover I’ve ever had, and it’s not because he has a big package; he’s about average.”

Too much information; I really didn’t want to compare size with my brother.

“Your brother is very skilled at making a girl happy. To pay it forward, so to speak, is why I agreed to teach you how to please a woman,” Suzanne said.

“Thank you,” I gulped.

I felt the bed shift as Cindy joined us. She was on the other side of Suzanne and was seated so she could watch. She gave me a wink, and I focused my attention on Suzanne.

“The first thing to learn is how to kiss a woman. To see where you’re at, I want you to kiss me.”

I moved forward and we bumped noses.

“Sorry, I guess I’m nervous,” I said.

“Tilt your head a little to the right as you lean in. Another thing is don’t close your eyes and dive in. Make eye contact first and make sure you’re both on the same wavelength. Move in slowly, giving the girl the chance to back off... if she wants to. Smile at her. Let her know you like her. Now let’s try this again,” Suzanne coached.

I looked into her ice-blue eyes and lost myself. I slowly moved in and smiled. She smiled back and we kissed. She quickly broke the kiss before we went too far.

“Much better, but you need to close your eyes just before you kiss a girl. Leaving them open is a little creepy.”

“Sorry, I don’t want to be creepy.”

She giggled.

“I don’t think you have to worry about that, you’re not creepy in the least. Now for the next kiss I don’t want you to have a stiff pucker. Loosen your lips; you’re not kissing your grandma. Now try again.”

This time I did better, and as our lips touched, she pushed me away.

“Not so fast, Tiger. Only open your mouth slightly. You don’t go for the full open-mouthed kiss at first. Keep your lips just barely parted enough so a tongue could slip between them. There’s a fine line between being overaggressive and chaste. Try again.”