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Cindy got things back on track.

“All right, we’re going to take this to the next level. I’m going to show you how to use both your hands and mouth," she said as she nudged Suzanne’s knees apart.

“Let me see your hands.”

She checked my fingers.

“I just wanted to make sure your nails were trimmed. Long nails can damage the walls of her vagina, and neither of us wants that. Now go wash your hands.”

I got a puzzled look.

“I don’t need her getting a yeast infection from wherever your fingers have been.”

That made sense. I jumped up and walked to the bathroom. I heard a wolf whistle.

“Nice tush!”

I nodded agreement.

“Thanks, Suzanne. Yes, it is.”

Both girls busted out laughing.

As I was washing my hands, I heard Suzanne ask Cindy a question.

“Is he always this confident? I say ‘nice tush’ and he just cracks back at me.”

“I know. It’s funny, one minute he’s a typical dorky freshman guy, the next he’s mister suave and confident. I asked Greg about it. Of course, he tried to play it off as the Dawson charm.” Suzanne scoffed and Cindy giggled. “My thoughts exactly! I pestered him until he told me that David’s been around the girls that he’s gone out with. They all take to David, for some reason.”

I was done washing my hands, but wanted to listen to this.

“When I went out with Greg we came back to his place to pick up some stuff. He left me in the living room and told David to go keep me company,” Suzanne said. “I remember this middle-school kid coming in and introducing himself. The funny thing was he just acted as if we’d known each other for years. I really enjoyed our talk. Thinking back, I have no idea what we talked about. I remember Greg had come back down, but neither one of us noticed at first. Greg was just leaning against the door, watching us with a silly grin on his face. I guess he’d been standing there for like ten minutes.

“It wasn’t that he was this great conversationalist. He just got the conversation started, and I found I was talking to him as if he was one of my girlfriends. Greg told me later he didn’t want to interrupt us, because I was having too much fun,” Suzanne said.

“It’s funny, you can tease him and get him to blush like all young guys, but then he surprises you. We were teaching him some stuff. I thought I would tease him and see if he knew how to kiss. He didn’t hesitate. He laid one on me that made my toes curl,” Cindy said, and then paused to remember the experience. Then something came to her. “One thing I’ve noticed is that he’s completely lost when it comes to girls his own age.”

“What do you mean?”

“He acts like your typical freshman when he’s around freshman girls.”

“Why do think that is?”

I walked back in.

“It’s because you beautiful ladies are unattainable; whereas, with girls my age I have something on the line when I talk to them.”

They both looked at each other confused, so I filled them in.

“Stop and think about it. What’s the youngest either of you would consider dating?”

“To be honest, maybe a year younger, but more than likely my age or older,” Suzanne admitted.

“Older or my age,” Cindy confirmed.

I grinned as they got it.

Cindy got us back onto the task at hand.

What followed was an education every young man should experience. I learned things like the foreplay-to-actual-sex ratio should be 3 to 1. They explained that it took time to get a woman fully aroused. The example Cindy gave was a woman was like a crockpot. Once you got her hot she would stay that way for a long time, but the buildup was slower than what a guy experienced. I learned woman could have two different orgasms. One was a clitoral and the other was from her G-spot.

Suzanne went into teaching mode.

“A clitoral orgasm is different. I lose control and my toes curl. The G-spot is centralized, and I can feel the orgasm radiate from the center of my womb.”

“Is one better than the other?” I asked as I tried to be a good student.

“Let me tell you a little secret. If you can pull it off you’ll be the biggest stud in school.”

She had my attention. Biggest stud in school sounded like a worthy goal.

“Tell me, please!” I begged.

“Use a combination of both and give your gal multiple orgasms before you worry about yours. Tease and tongue her until she’s aroused, then work on her G-spot in combination. You’ll have her going off with both kinds of orgasm. It’s unbelievable.”

“Can we practice?” I asked.

Cindy just laughed and left us to our own devices.

“I thought you’d never ask,” Suzanne said with a big grin.

I spent the next hour practicing on Suzanne. I lost count of the number of times she came. When Cindy showed up again, Suzanne begged me to stop.

“Save me, he’s a sex machine. Please make him stop! He won’t listen.”

“You told me not to,” I said to Cindy, and shrugged.

“Yes, I did, but I think we can stop now.”

My jaw ached, but it was worth every minute. I think they say ‘no pain, no gain.’ Cindy’s eyes were huge as she took in her friend’s state. When Suzanne recovered, I helped her sit up on the edge of the bed.

“I don’t think I can walk. Can someone get me a glass of water? I’m dehydrated.”

I went to get the water.

“Are you all right?” Cindy asked.

“I’m okay, but my jaw’s a little sore,” I answered.

Suzanne slugged me in the arm and Cindy laughed. After Suzanne had finished her water, she looked at the clock.

“Shit, I have to get going. My brother’s playing football at three and I promised to go to the game.”

She grabbed her clothes, and I was a little bummed our lesson was over. She looked at my disappointment.

“Come with me!”

Cindy gave her a look.


She gave Cindy a look that said ‘don’t mess with me.’ I perked up. I went to the restroom to get cleaned up. When I walked out, she was ready to go. She had pulled her hair back and put it into a ponytail. It helped show off her sexy neck. She was walking sex-on-a-stick.

“You look hot.”

Suzanne ran into the bathroom to clean up. While she was gone, I went to Cindy and wrapped her in my arms.

“I want to thank you for today. You’re really special to me, and the more I’m around you the more I realize what a lucky guy my brother is. If I was a few years older, and he wasn’t my brother, I’d make a serious play for you.”

She seemed taken aback.

“Are you serious?”

“You bet. You have no idea what you’ve done for me. You’ve turned me from being a complete nerd into what I am now. What that is, I’m not sure, but I’m so happy.”

“Yeah, sex will do that to you. Can we have a serious conversation for just a moment?”

She looked me in the eyes.


“If you’re going to have casual sex with a girl, be very careful about laying it on too thick. We’re very emotional and vulnerable after sex. Don’t tell a girl you love her unless you mean it, and of course, there is a catch-22. You need to assure them they are sexy and desirable. Just now, even though we didn’t have sex, we did something very extraordinary. When you said those things, I felt our connection get stronger. If I’m not careful, I could really fall for you.

“Now you need to be extra careful with our Princess. She’s working through some things and doesn’t need any complications. Please accept the gift she gave you today and just be her friend. I’m pretty sure she’s going to jump your bones,” Cindy said.

“Do you want me to tell her no?”

At that moment, if Cindy said no, I knew I wouldn’t go with Suzanne.