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I was rethinking some of what he’d told me earlier. Would a star quarterback not have girls interested in him? I doubted it, even if he did look like the Pillsbury Doughboy.

I was surprised when he came back sucking air. He was in terrible shape. Bo ran us through our paces. We practiced for nearly four hours. I felt good by the time we were finished. Hunter, on the other hand, lay on the ground like a beached whale. While Hunter caught his breath and Bo packed up, I did our thirty minutes of hell routine with ankle and wrist weights. Cassidy said I needed to use them to keep getting better. She thought I’d leveled off in my conditioning. I think was disappointed she couldn’t get me to drive heave after a session and wanted to up the ante.

“I want to throw up from just watching you,” Hunter said.

WHEN WE GOT TO THE hotel, I talked Hunter into going swimming. We saw the pool area was packed with good-looking women. I got changed while Hunter had to call his mom and give her an update. I went down and found a couple of empty lounge chairs. Several boys, who looked to be a year or two older than me, came out and jumped in the pool. The camp coordinator had suggested this hotel for anyone who had come from out of town. I guessed the rowdy boys, who chased off the older crowd, were going to be at camp.

Hunter came down and took off his shirt. He wasn’t as bad as I’d described. He was just built very solidly. He reminded me of ‘Big Ben’ Roethlisberger of the Steelers. He was also a hairy beast. He was one of those guys you would swear was too old to be in high school.

“How’s your mom?” I asked.

“Good, I think she’s enjoying her freedom with me gone.”

“She’s probably sick of you lying about the house all day.”

“Funny. Hey, I need a beer, do you want one?” Hunter asked.

“No,” I chuckled as he got up and went to the bar just off the pool.

He came back empty-handed.

“No luck?” I asked him.

“No, they’re sending out a waitress with it.”

The rowdy bunch was out of the pool, so I decided to swim laps. I’d missed my morning run, so was trying to make it up. I swam for about thirty minutes and came back to find Hunter with two girls.

“Finally,” he complained. “David, I want you to meet Mia and Ava. They want us to take them to dinner.”

Mia was a cute Eurasian and Ava was a leggy blond. There were worse things we could do for dinner.

“Sounds like a plan. Where are you ladies from?” I asked.

“We go to school at USC and are roommates. We sneak in to use the pool,” Ava explained.

“Kelsey, our other roommate, called us and said there were some hot guys here today. She said there was a football camp at USC. Are you two a part of that?” Mia asked.

We got to know the girls. It didn’t hurt that Hunter was buying them drinks. They kept quizzing us about football and how good we were. It started to feel like they were gold diggers. Chuck had warned me some California girls only thing they cared about the size of in your pants was your wallet.

“I’m going to take Hunter to the hot tub. Why don’t you go with David to his room and help him figure out what to wear tonight,” Mia suggested.

Hunter and I both did a double take. At least he was cool about it. Ava took my hand and I went willingly. I was going to see what this girl was made of. I opened the door and went to the closet.

“I have four outfits with me,” I said holding up a couple of shirts.

“Actually, I’d like you to kiss me,” Ava said.

I gave her a curious look.

“Do you do this often?” I asked.

“What, kiss boys? Yes,” she responded.

“Do you realize what can happen when you follow a guy who you don’t know to his room? You come, isolate yourself, and then offer to kiss him. He may take it the wrong way,” I warned her.

A flicker of nervousness crossed her face.

“Most are happy to kiss me.”

“Some boys aren’t nice. You shouldn’t leave yourself vulnerable,” I advised her, as I stepped closer.

She took an involuntary step back.

“Are you one of those boys?” she asked, with a little quiver in her voice.

I reached behind her neck, pulled her to me, and kissed her. It didn’t take Ava long to forget her fear, and she was a good kisser. What I liked about her was there was no pretense. One minute we were kissing; the next she had me pinned to the bed, putting a condom on me.

“We need to hurry. Mia and Hunter should be back shortly,” she warned me.

I love taking my time and making a girl’s body sing, but there are times when fast and hard hit the spot. Ava was a nice, average girl, just a little on the heavy side. She was firm and had all the right parts. She wanted to hurry, so I obliged.

I think this was a new record for me in terms of the initial meeting to having sex with someone. I wonder if this is just a California thing. The next-quickest encounter was when I met the sorority girl at Stanford. I met her in a bar after a touch-football game. It hadn’t taken her long to lead me to a bathroom and give me a fantastic bj.

Maybe girls knowing about great sex was a California thing also. Ava certainly acted like she knew what she was doing. I would need to be careful or the bad boy in me, a.k.a. Mr. Happy, would be picking a school in California for college. There was something to be said about meeting a girl and finding myself in bed with her a few minutes later. I might have to add that little factoid to my decision-making process. I’m sure Tami would appreciate my thoroughness. We’d just finished and I was in the shower when Mia and Hunter came to the room. Ava let them in. When I came out Mia was eyeing the two of us. She knew what we’d been up to. I think the rumpled bed and the smell of sex was a dead giveaway. Poor Hunter seemed oblivious. We made plans to meet downstairs in forty-five minutes, and the girls went back to their place to change.

“We’re going to score tonight!” Hunter said, just about jumping out of his skin. “Mia let me touch her boobs. Then she touched me as we made out. This is going to be great!”

I watched him almost float to the bathroom to get ready. He was eager to go, so I relented and went to the lobby twenty minutes early. I decided to see if Sage or Rose were free to do something while I was here. I called Rose first.

“I was wondering if you were up for a massage,” I said without saying hello.

“Who is this?” she asked.

“I’m wounded! You’ve forgotten me already.”

“David?” she asked hesitantly.

“You do remember me.”

“I thought you’d have called me sooner,” she chastised me.

“Sorry, I was with friends. The reason I’m calling is because I’m in LA for the next few days. I’m tied up tonight, but I’d love to see you if you’re free.”

“I wish you’d called me sooner. I can’t do it Friday or Saturday, but I might be able to rearrange my plans for tomorrow. Can I text you by noon?”


She had friends over, so I let her go. I then called Sage. I just got her voicemail, so I told her I was in town and would love to take her out Friday. Hunter was giving me funny looks.

“What?” I asked him.

“Nothing, I ... How could you ask someone else out?” he accused me.

I looked at him, trying to figure out where he was coming from. All I could figure is he really was inexperienced.

“Dude, lighten up. We’re just having a good time with new friends,” I tried to explain to him. “Ava and I aren’t going to get serious. We live too far apart.”

“Mia was telling me if we both came to USC they could be our girlfriends. Don’t you like Ava?” he asked.

This poor boy was going to be led by his dick if he wasn’t careful. I had seen it before, the first time a guy got lucky he was whipped. Or worse, he wasn’t getting lucky, but she was still leading him around by his balls. Why would Mia be telling him she’d be his girlfriend unless she was up to something? The sad part was I knew guys like this would never listen to reason. I was afraid Hunter was going to have to learn this lesson the hard way.