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“Come on, Stud. Let’s go to my room and finish you off,” she told me, and I realized I hadn’t cum.

Beth made love to me and thanked me for being a good sport. When we were done, Beth made sure the mystery girl had left. She then let me take a shower and change to go out to the pool.

I WAS MET BY TRACY, Mona and Sammie. The three girls had four other girls I had never met before with them. They were all cute and looked to be younger. Tracy came up and gave me a kiss.

“David, I’d like you to meet next year’s freshman cheerleaders,” Tracy told me.

Emma was the tallest of the bunch at five-ten with long brown hair. Piper was her fraternal twin and shorter at five-eight with long blond hair. Kylie was Miss Personality and was five-five with naturally curly blond hair that came to her shoulders. Faith was the serious one at five-six with long black hair. All four were shy around me, and Mona gave me hip-check when I started to flirt with them.

“Leave them alone. Sammie wants her turn before you start working your way through the new cheerleaders.”

Sammie went bright red when I turned my attention on her.

“So, you come here often?” I teased her.

She pushed me into the pool. I grabbed her wrist and she followed me in. I wrapped her up and started to suck on her neck to give her a hickey. She shrieked.

“Stop, my dad will kill us both!” she yelled at me.

“Kiss me,” I ordered her.

Sammie thought about it for a moment and then did as she was told. The new girls all watched wide-eyed. I gave them a leer and they scampered away to the hot tub. Beth came out with drinks and snacks. I looked around and didn’t see the last member of Tracy’s posse, Kim. Could it have been her?

“Where’s Kim?” I asked.

“She’ll be here later,” Sammie told me.

Everyone else was in the hot tub, so Sammie and I had some privacy.

“Did you really want to spend some time with me?” I asked.

She wouldn’t look me in the eye, so I touched her chin and made her look at me.

“Just because other people do things, doesn’t mean I’d feel any different if you didn’t do the same. You were the one who told me to look out for my own self-interest. I’d hope you would do that for yourself,” I told her.

She didn’t answer, but smirked at me, got out of the pool, and joined the rest of them in the hot tub. I got out, dried off, put on sunscreen, picked out a lounge chair and caught some rays. I must have dozed off because I was jerked awake to the feel of an ice cube being run over my nipples. My eyes snapped open to see Mona’s angelic face grinning back at me.

“I told the freshmen you give great massages. They want a safe way to get to know you. Do you think you can do that for me?” she asked.

I agreed and gave all four of them a semi-sexy massage. I made sure Mr. Happy rubbed their butts, but nothing else to keep from crossing over the line. When I was done, I was aroused again. The four freshmen had impure thoughts if their looks at me were any indication. I looked at Sammie and she shook her head ‘no.’ Tracy pointed at Mona, so I got up and led her inside.

We went a couple of rounds and we were both well satisfied when we came back out. I had to get going because Cassidy and the gang would be at my house in about a half hour. I needed to go make the Gatorade. I kissed the girls and told Beth I liked my birthday present. She gave me a sly grin.

“Tomorrow will be special. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids,” she teased me.

MIKE HAD ME TELL EVERYONE what my speed coach taught me. The guys all wanted to come watch me tomorrow. I was doubtful because this man wasn’t cheap, but it was an open gym. Cassidy had us all either wear ankle and wrist weights, or a weighted backpack. She made sure we would be in the best shape of our lives when football started.

Peggy Pratt had started to bring her cross-country team to our sixty minutes of hell. She and I had kept our distance. I bided my time until my friends left for college. I thought Peggy would make a good girlfriend come the start of the year. I wasn’t sure what she thought about it.

Our workout group kept growing. The guys in charge of finding new people seemed to be working overtime. They had started to invite incoming freshmen. Another group who’d we’d missed was the wrestling team. They started when I was away at USC. They loved Cassidy and her workout. The wrestling team brought a new energy, which made us all work harder.

Wednesday July 2

CHRIS WAS NOT A GOOD sport about everyone showing up to watch me work out with him. He explained his rates to them, and they soon lost interest.

Today he videotaped me running. He was able to show me I wasn’t picking my feet up high enough off the ground. When my back leg was extended, he wanted my front leg to be at a ninety-degree angle at the knee, and my thigh to be horizontal to the ground. By ‘picking them up and putting them down,’ as he called it, I could generate more power, which translated into more speed.

Coach Hope caught wind of I was up to and showed up with Cassidy. I had a feeling I knew who told him. He talked to me after I was done with my passing drills.

“The latest rankings came out. You’re up to number three in the sophomore class national quarterback rankings. I take it the speed coach was suggested by Bo Harrington,” he commented.

“He, Coach Styles and Coach Sterns all said I needed to get faster. Bo had suggested Chris at the beginning of the summer, but I got busy. At the USC camp, Coach Sterns made a believer out of me.”

“He called me and told me what he told you. Do we need to talk?” he asked.

“I think so. I hate to come across as a prima donna, but I need to think about my future. USC refused to offer me a scholarship because they have concerns about me playing out of position for a year. If they’re having issues with my change of position, so are the other top programs. I just need to know if you plan on giving me a fair shot to play quarterback or not. If not, I may need to start looking at the second- and third-tier programs to go to college.”

“David, I don’t respond well to ultimatums,” he started, but I interrupted him.

“Coach, I’ve never given you one. From day one, I’ve played ball. I was the only one who stood up and defended your position at Kentucky when Isaac ripped into Brad. All I’m asking is will there be an open competition for quarterback this fall? If not, I need to change my plans as far as recruiting goes.”

“Are you thinking of transferring?” he asked me.

I wanted to shout at him, but I tried to take the high road. I really did.

“I have no control over something like that. If my parents have to suddenly move to the Washington school district, I have to move with them. So, no, I’m not planning on transferring. My parents have roots in this community. I’ll just have to suck it up.”

“David, I just don’t see you beating Brad out. He’s played in my system since he was in middle school. I don’t want to set any false expectations,” Coach Hope explained.

“I understand. May I make a suggestion?”

“You’ve earned that,” he told me.

“In obvious passing situations, or two-minute drills, give me the ball. It gives us a better chance to win.”

He thought about it for a long minute.

“If you show me you’re better in those situations, I’ll have the best player on the field.”

“Oh, and something else: I want a shot at defense. I think I can make an impact going both ways.”

“That I agree with. I saw what you did playing seven-on-seven and how you ate Bill alive at Kentucky. I’d also like to see you try some kick returns. In the open field, no one’s going to want to tackle you. If you let me, I’ll make sure you make an impact. Can I count on you, David?”