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“You can’t drive it till Monday, anyway,” Tami told me.

One downside to being born on the fourth of July was the DMV was closed. I couldn’t get my license until Monday. Dad told me life was a negotiation, so I had to ask.

“What do I get in return?”

Tami just gave me a look but stayed out of it.

“I know the NCAA won’t let us give you too good of a deal on price. How about we wash it whenever you need it done, and we’ll detail it once a month while you’re going to Lincoln High,” he offered.

“Throw in regular maintenance and you have a deal,” I countered.

He laughed at me.

“Okay, but we get to say you have all your work done here,” he shot back.

Tami shook her head at both of us. So I agreed. I called Kendal to make it happen. She planned to buy it through my company. She would wire the funds to them. We shook hands and he promised to deliver it on Monday.

“Thanks, this is a great gift. I guess Teddy must be paying you well,” I teased Tami.

“Oh, you poor ‘stupid boy.’ Have you not learned yet that your money is my money?” she said, as my eyebrows disappeared into my hairline.

She just patted my hand. I had so much to learn.

Chapter 12 – Best Birthday Week Ever

Thursday July 3

AFTER MY WORKOUT, I went to Beth’s to find out who my next new girl was going to be. I was amused when I found Tracy and the four freshmen in the master bedroom. They were all in their swimsuits. I looked at Tracy and she smiled at me.

“David, Beth said you’d be a good boy, so you have to do what I tell you,” Tracy informed me.

I just stared at her. The four girls were nervous, so they giggled.

“When I was a freshman, the head cheerleader helped to explain about boys. She had her brother help with the demonstration. Since I don’t have a brother, you get to let them figure it out on you,” Tracy explained.

I just stared at her. She finally had enough.

“Get naked,” she ordered me.

“Not happening. I’ll end up breaking them. Then Beth’ll be pissed at me,” I said with a straight face.

“Dream on. You’re not sleeping with any of them,” Tracy told me.

I just shrugged and stripped down to my boxers. Tracy patted the bed and I jumped up like the good boy she wanted me to be.

“As you can see, GQ is shy,” Tracy started out. “This is for you girls, so if you have any questions, please ask.”

“Can I kiss him?” asked Kylie, the one with curly blond hair.

“We need to ...” Tracy started as I reached over and put a lip-lock on Kylie. “I guess that’s a yes.”

It was just a quick kiss. I needed to stay in control because these girls were too young for me.

Tracy gave me a tight smile.

“Well, that was interesting. Does anyone else want to kiss David?” she asked, trying to be smart.

Emma raised her hand. Piper saw Emma and put her hand up too. Faith just shook her head.

“I was just kidding,” Tracy scolded them. “How many of you have been with a guy?”

No one was about to fess up. By the way Kylie kissed, she had made out with someone. I looked at them all. They weren’t comfortable doing this in front of everyone.

“How many of you are uncomfortable with this?” I asked.

They all raised their hands. I thought about it for a moment.

“Would it be better if you spent a half-hour with me? We could have a frank, one-on-one, hands-on discussion,” I suggested.

“What do you mean, ‘hands-on’?” Tracy asked.

“If they want to see and feel me, they can.”

“Oh ... that works,” she conceded.

Faith raised her hand, so Tracy pointed at her.

“We can ask you anything? You’ll show us stuff?” she asked me.

“I won’t give you names and dates, but if you have questions I’ll answer as best I can. If you want to practice on me, or I do some things to you, I’m willing. BUT, we’re just learning. There’ll be no actual sex,” I told her.

Tracy smiled.

“Yes, I want to do that,” Faith voted. “And I want to go first.”

The others agreed. They all left and I was alone with Faith. She didn’t hesitate, she just asked what was bothering her.

“Why do boys lie?” she asked.

I suddenly felt like I was in over my head. Why does anyone lie? There could be a million reasons.

“I met Jerry at church camp. We’ve been together for the last five years. We were first friends, and then this year we decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend. We ... did stuff. He told me he loved me. That we would be together forever,” she said, and she began to cry.

I took her into my arms and held her. She poured her heart out to me. I think she’d been holding it in because she didn’t have anyone to talk to. She didn’t want people to know she’d given her virginity to a boy who didn’t appreciate the gift.

She shocked me before we were done. She asked to see my dick. I showed her and she just smiled and rushed out of the room.

The twins were next. They wanted to go together. It was obvious neither of them had ever been with a boy before. I let them kiss me. I gave them the same lessons Suzanne and Cindy gave me. They next had me strip so they could see a boy naked. I let them play with Mr. Happy until he got too excited. They wanted to do it again, but I figured if that happened they’d be losing their virginities. I knew that Tracy would have my head over her mantel if that happened.

Kylie just wanted to make out. That was not happening. I gave her the same lessons I gave the twins. I talked to her a long time about birth control, because it wouldn’t be long before she needed it. We also talked about finding a boy who’d respect her. I told her if she was thinking about a guy, to come talk to Tracy or me before things got too far. She was happy when she left.

WHEN I GOT HOME, I found my bedroom set had arrived and been set up. I tracked down Angie and Mom and thanked them. Dad and Greg had installed a closet system that almost doubled my storage. My apartment was now set.

Friday July 4

IT WAS A PERFECT SUMMER morning. I could hear the birds waking up and decided I needed to go run. Chris, my speed coach, had changed my morning runs. He called how I normally ran steady-state running. It was when you ran at the same speed for the duration of your run. Chris said it wouldn’t challenge my body in the ways I needed to run faster. Instead, he wanted me to perform interval training, which alternated bursts of speed with your normal pace. He had me run at my usual speed for five minutes, then for one minute, I would run at a speed that was ten to twenty percent faster. Chris said by doing this enough times, I would increase my heart and lung capacity, which would allow me to run faster.

He also told me I should run twenty to twenty-five miles a week. That wasn’t a problem for me, but when the rest of the guys heard, there was some complaining. I was happy to see Mike step up and organize them. He talked the girls’ cross-country teams into helping them. They seemed to calm down when they realized they’d be chasing cute butts while they ran.

Chris had taught me to do something that at first made no sense. He told me to run as hard as I could with the least amount of effort. He explained if I remained relaxed while I ran, it would make me faster. We worked on overcoming my instinct to run as hard as I could with tremendous effort. I found it easier to relax in my distance runs than when I sprinted.

I decided to avoid the park this morning because they’d been setting up for the fundraiser, Taste of Lincoln. The carnival had arrived last night and blocked a big portion of the park off. So I decided to run in some of the subdivisions. I had my headphones on and wasn’t paying attention when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I about had a heart attack. It was Mitch Evans, the captain of the boys’ cross-country team.