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AFTER PRACTICE, WE hooked up with Bo and went to lift. He worked with them on setting up a routine while I worked with one of the trainers to spot me. I then showed them the workouts the speed coach had taught me. I got all three of them to join me in thirty minutes of hell. I didn’t think they could handle a full sixty minutes.

The staff wasn’t happy when Hunter puked in the middle of the gym. My weak gag reflex almost had me join him. Bo wanted to know where I’d learned the routine.

“The Marine Corps does a version of it. My coach’s daughter leads us in a full sixty-minute routine each night. I’ll tell you what, the Marines can get you in shape in a hurry. Once you get past the puking stage, you begin to look forward to it,” I assured them.

I don’t think they believed me.

BO GOT A CALL ON THE way home. It seemed all the coaches were being called in for a meeting. I was sure it was because of the video.

When we got back, the girls talked me into going for Indian food for dinner. I really enjoyed it. If I ever became a vegetarian, I could see eating Indian food. I loved their spicy vegetable dishes. After dinner, Hunter and Sam were going out to a club. Penny wanted to talk to me. Ridge went for a walk.

“Do you find me attractive?” she asked me.

Huh? My mind went blank. WTF, twice in one day!

“Uhhh ...” was all I could say.

“You think I’m ugly?”

“Uhhh ...”

“Just answer me.”

Let’s think this through. When a girl asks you this kind of question, it usually leads somewhere. Penny was Ridge’s longtime girlfriend. Either Ridge knew what she was up to, or she was cheating on him. I would guess he knew, hence his exit to leave us alone.

“Why do you want to know? You have a serious boyfriend.”

It was her turn to squirm.

“You’re not going to make this easy, are you?” she finally asked.

“Nope, and before you ask, let me tell you about myself. I don’t sleep with other guy’s girls. It’s a rule I have that keeps me out of trouble ...” I said as she tried to interrupt me. “Hang on and let me explain. Boys are wired differently than girls are. We can’t stand to think of our girl with another guy.

“I tried to explain this to a friend of mine. He thought he could handle it. I kept telling him it would be different if it actually happened. I won’t go into details, but he saw me with her. I’m not proud of that, because he’s a good friend. He admitted I was right. We agreed never to do anything like it again.

“Sex changes things. The other reason I don’t do it is for me. I know if I have sex with someone, I grow attached to them. I have a hard time seeing them with someone else, even their boyfriend.”

“So you’ve done it before? Had a threesome?” she asked.

Had she not heard what I said?

“Yes, I’ve had a threesome before,” I confessed.

“So, do you find me attractive?”

“Yes, Ridge is a lucky man.”

She just smiled. I had a bad feeling about this. Ridge came back and they went to bed. I figured I’d better, too, before I got talked into something I didn’t want.

Chapter 14 – Turn Lemons into Lemonade

Friday July 11

I DID A SHORT RUN BUT pushed the pace. I decided to stretch outside instead of giving the girls any more ideas. I came inside and found everyone was up. I hurried to take my shower and changed so we could go to breakfast. We knocked on Bo’s door but no one answered. I sent him a text. He said to go on without him.

We went to the same place as the day before. Today I didn’t feel like eating just protein and had a couple of pancakes along with my steak and eggs. I found if I didn’t allow myself some slips it was almost impossible to stick to my diet. I was usually good. After last night and this morning, I would be fine for the next week or so.

WHEN WE ARRIVED AT the sports complex, I met with the reporter for the scouting firm. They had websites with paid subscriptions. Part of the paid portion was where interviews from potential recruits were put. They made money off scouting and rating prospects for college coaching staffs and the fan base. Before he got started, he asked me if I knew Mark. I figured word was out that he’d been caught taking money.

“He played at a neighboring school where he was one of our rivals. I met him a couple of times. He’s part of my group here at camp,” I offered.

“Have you ever seen him take money from anyone he shouldn’t?”

“I couldn’t tell you, but I know he carries a lot of cash on him. I always just assumed it was from his dad. He works for a wealthy family.”

I was trying very hard not to lie. I didn’t want to be caught saying no I hadn’t.

“He said you also carry a lot of cash on you. How much do you have right now?”

This was taking a wrong turn.

“That’s a little forward of you. May I ask what this is really about?”

“There’s been an allegation made that you’ve taken money from a booster.”

“So you’re repeating this slander?” I asked.

“Do you have several hundred dollars on you?” he asked.


“Did it come from a booster?”


“I know a couple hundred dollars can make a difference for a kid. I’d suggest you come clean.”

“I will if you answer a couple of questions.”

“I’m the one who asks the questions. So did you or did you not take money from a representative of a university?”

“I already answered. Let me be clear: I have no need for a couple of hundred dollars from a booster. So the answer would be no.”

“Listen, son ...” he started.

“No, you listen to me. Who’s made these allegations?” I asked.

“I can’t reveal my source. I have it on good authority you took money yesterday.”

“What would be my motive?” I asked.

“Your family is strapped for cash because of your mother’s medical bills,” he told me.

“You’ve done part of your homework. Who paid those bills and kept our family afloat during Mom’s illness?” I asked.

“It’s reported you took money from a booster.”

“We can clear this up with one phone call,” I told him.

“I’m listening,” he said.

I called Tom and put him on with the reporter. The reporter soon figured out he’d been duped. He scurried off as soon as he found out I wouldn’t have been bought off for a couple hundred bucks.

WE WERE PRACTICING ten-yard-out end-zone plays. The receiver drove to the back of the end zone and then cut across the back. I threw the ball on a rope, completing the pass.

“No! No! No! David, you have to put the ball up high so only he can catch it.” Coach Mason said as he reached high and hopped, showing me what the receiver should be doing.

Watching him get into it was almost funny. Here he was nearly seventy, acting as if he were a kid. We ran it again. This time the receiver had to go up and get it.

“Yes, good job!” Coach Mason encouraged me. “Nice score; now when you catch the ball, I want you to get on the ground. I don’t want them able to separate you from the ball and let the refs decide if it’s a score or not. Run it again.”

He was even coaching the receivers. We ran it again and the receiver caught it and went to the ground.

“Good play! So many right things happened there. Do it just like that from now on.” Coach Mason said, and then it was Ridge’s turn.

The second day the intensity of the practices picked up. There was a big crowd watching the three of us. Mark had disappeared, and I hadn’t asked any questions. Ridge and Hunter asked, but Coach Mason told them to focus on what they were doing.