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It was interesting to see the different reactions. Kat had obviously been on a casting call and took it in stride. The other four were all excited. Kat and I left Tiffany to deal with that mess.

I was starved, so Kat and I went to dinner. She told me Ford had hired Aubrey to train their models in Europe. Kat also was starting to pick up steady work. After dinner, I took her to the grocery store. She was fascinated with the different products we had compared to England. She had me get her some loose-leaf tea and assorted marmalades. I was drinking tea now, so I thought it was a great idea. On the way back, I had the driver take us by the fitness club so I knew where it was.

After unloading the cab and putting the food away, I went to my room.

I SENT A TEXT TO TAMI and we jumped onto video chat.

“Did you see? I’m rated number one in the sophomore class.” I told her.

“No, I hadn’t heard. That’s great news. You worked hard to get there.”

“You wanted to talk yesterday,” I said confronting the elephant in the room. “Sorry, but I’d made a promise to Mom to go to church with her.”

“I know the timing wasn’t great. So how are you?”

“I’m fine. I had to go to the grocery store because they only have salads and fruit around here.”

“No, I mean how are you feeling about me and Trevor?”

“If he makes you happy, I’m happy for you.”

“Bullshit, David. I know you. You’re not fine with this,” she accused me.

She was right. I wasn’t fine with it, but I was working to get there.

“You got me, but you know me. I’ll work it out, so don’t worry about me causing problems. The truth is I only want you to be happy. We’ve been friends too long for me to want anything less for you.”

She could see the honesty in the statement, so she let it go for now.

“Why did you give your car to Angie?” she asked.

“It was a family decision,” I told her.

This was where it could get interesting. If she pushed it, she would find out how her status had changed. I’m sure she was starting to hit the Dawson cone of silence. I need dramatic music when I say that.

“What are you going to do?”

“For a car?”

“Yes,” she answered.

“For now, I have Angie’s car. I’ll talk to Mom and Dad and see what’ll work best moving forward.”

I could tell warning sirens were going off in her head. I always talked to her about decisions. I’m sure she was wondering why I would go to them instead of her.

“So, are you thinking of trading it in?” she asked.

“That’s one option. I could also just drive it until it dies, or sell it. It’s not like I’m not used to not having one. There’s also the issue of where to put all the cars. I’ll talk to my family and we’ll figure it out.”

“I think you should trade in Angie’s car and get something she’d like and you keep the car you bought.”

“That’s great advice. I hadn’t really thought of that,” I said as I smiled at her.

No way in hell would that happen. I had only had the car a week and driven it three times. It really was too bad that every time I looked at it, I was reminded of Tami, and her telling me about Trevor. I quickly mentally slapped myself. That was the kind of thinking that would cause problems. I should take both cars back and see if the Sullivans would treat me right if Angie wanted something else. I would have Dad talk to them.

She was silent in thought, so I decided to get off before we started to yell at each other.

Next, I texted Angie (because she’s the only one who pays attention to her phone) and called a family meeting on video chat. They were all soon in the kitchen so we could talk.

“I just got off the phone with Tami,” I started out. “We’re still talking to each other, so that’s a start. We talked about the car situation. She mentioned Angie might want to get what she really wants instead of driving my car. I thought maybe Dad could talk to the Sullivans about trading it in along with Angie’s old car and she could pick out what she wanted ... within reason.” I warned her.

She gave me a sly smile.

“Angie and I have been talking about it. She really isn’t comfortable driving the Charger. It’s too much for her, power-wise. She’d rather get a van,” Greg said.

“What do you want to do for yourself?” Dad asked.

“If they still have the Jeep, I’d get that.”

“David, we don’t expect you to buy us a car,” Angie said.

“Today I came into a little windfall,” I said, and then explained about the cash. “So, in essence, we’re getting a free car. We all would feel better if we knew you had reliable transportation, Angie.”

Mom and Dad agreed. I told Dad to call Kendal and she would take care of the actual purchase and insurance.

“If Tami asks, what do you want us to say?” Angie asked.

“Until the deal is done, there’s nothing to tell. This is between us. I’m not trying to hide anything from her, but a normal friend wouldn’t be pushing for such personal information. I just told her I was talking to you all to make this decision. I’m sorry, but Tami no longer gets a vote.”

“This is going to end badly,” Mom warned me.

I knew she was right.

Chapter 16 – Learning Time

Tuesday July 15

I GOT UP EARLY AND went down to the kitchen to put a couple of chickens in a pot with vegetables to poach. I then ran to the gym and found that it was huge. They had an indoor track, Olympic-size pool, and every machine you could imagine. I got one of the staff to spot me as I lifted with free weights. I then did my speed workouts. I was amazed at the number of people there at that time of morning.

When I got back, I could smell the chicken as I came in the door. I found Kat deboning the chicken. I walked up behind her and kissed her neck since she had her hair in a ponytail.

“Thanks, I hate doing that part,” I confessed.

“You want me make soup?” she asked in her heavy accent.

“Sure, but I can’t have a lot of starches like potatoes, noodles or rice.”

“I make it good for you,” she told me, and then kicked me out of the kitchen.

I went upstairs, took a shower, and got ready to go to Jade. I came downstairs and Kat had made me some eggs, chicken and sliced tomatoes. The night before I’d told her what I normally had for breakfast. I watched as she added cabbage, celery, onions and carrots to the broth. She then added the thigh and leg meat to the soup and added seasonings. She put the lid on and turned the heat to low to let it simmer.

She went up to get ready and I cleaned up the kitchen. The other girls started to show up. Sarah, being from the Midwest, was the friendliest of the bunch. She was also a big flirt. I was amusing myself drinking my protein drink as she dropped her knife and just bent at the waist to pick it up.

“Yes, Sarah, you have a great little bottom,” I told her.

“Just jump the boy, already. I bet he wouldn’t be opposed to spending some time with you,” Courtney interjected.

Sarah blushed and hurried off.

“That was mean,” Olivia scolded Courtney.

“Hey, David, are you willing to do all of us?” Courtney asked.

“Just name the time and place,” I grinned at her.

“See, she just needs to ask,” Courtney told Olivia.

“You’re terrible,” Olivia shot back.

She may be terrible, but I had a feeling some of them might take her up on her advice. I was sure it wouldn’t take long for word to get around.

A VAN CAME AND PICKED us up. It was interesting to see the different approaches the girls took. Sarah had on tight jeans, which made her legs look long, and a t-shirt, with just a touch of makeup. Kat wore no makeup, shorts, and t-shirt. The two girls from New York, Olivia and Courtney, were wearing heavy makeup with skirts and blouses. Sasha wore a little black dress and looked like she was going out for the evening.