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I waited until she began to come. She let go of me, grabbed her nipples, and squeezed them. I knee-walked forward and slotted Mr. Happy. He slowly sank into her depths. When I bottomed out, I slowly began rotating my hips to help loosen her up some.

Sarah suddenly realized she had my shaft buried in her.

“Yes! Go slow, so I can get used to it.”

“Tell me when you’re ready,” I said.

She bit her bottom lip and nodded. I began slowly to move in and out. Our first coupling was slow and gentle. Our second was a little more vigorous, but she was sore, so I tried to keep from just pounding her. When we were done, she wrapped me in her arms and we cuddled.

“If you could do anything between now and the end of camp, what would it be?” she asked me.


She smiled as an answer. I liked how she thought. I was going through my bucket list when she interrupted my thoughts.

“You’re thinking too hard. Quick, what comes to mind?”

“A threesome,” I answered.


“I wouldn’t be opposed to sleeping with all the models here,” I told her.

She kissed my nose and hopped out of bed. She stole my robe, grabbed all her clothes, and ran out before I could say anything else. I was just a little nervous about what she had planned.

Chapter 18 – There’s Going To Be A Bloodbath

Monday July 21

WHEN I GOT BACK FROM working out, Tiffany met me.

“The Senior Vice President for Talent Development in Chicago requests that you call her,” she said, acting a little snotty.

“What does Deb want?” I asked, knowing it was Deb Thomas.

“I guess shit rolls downhill. I was unaware of your other requirements. She thought I would have known all projects have to be cleared with Range Sports,” she informed me.

“I bet you don’t even have their contact info.”

“Nope. I think she just wanted to yell at someone.”

“Sorry. I’ll call her and make her happy. Range is in the process of adding a week to my official shoot list. That should push me into the escalators of my contract. I know Deb likes it when I make her money. I bet they like it even more since they don’t have an agent to pay,” I told her.

“There’s going to be a bloodbath when the agents figure out you don’t have someone representing you. I’d love to be your agent,” she offered me.

“You mean I have some say in the matter?” I asked, always assuming I was stuck with Clare.

“Read your contract, David. You pretty much have control of everything. I hear the top agent in our company is losing his top model in a few weeks. You might want to talk to him. He can keep you busy full-time without even trying.”

That must be Adrienne’s current agent. I really wasn’t looking for full time. I was looking for someone competent. I wasn’t qualified to decide on something like this. I would call Kendal and see if they could talk to some agents at Ford.

I phoned Deb.

“Ford Models, how may I direct your call?”

This was new.

“Deb Thomas, please. This is David Dawson, returning her call.”

“One moment.”

“David, I talked to Devin Range this morning. I hear you’ve been modeling without his approval.”

“Deb, I was sent by Ford. I assumed they knew what they were doing.”

“Yes, we haven’t gotten you a new agent yet with Clare leaving. She was going to start this fall, but they had a last-minute opening for this summer. I figured you were going to be in camp and I had a little time. I see now I need to get an agent assigned to you ASAP.”

“That’s great, Deb. I’ll have Kendal set up interviews. In the meantime, give me to Tiffany to get me work in New York.”

“What do you mean, set up interviews?” she asked, sounding unhappy.

“Read my contract. I have some say in who I work with.”


Then she hung up on me. That was nice. I called Kendal and filled her in.

I found everyone waiting on me when I came down from my shower. Kat shoved food in front of me.

“Hurry up; we have to be at Jade in twenty minutes,” Tiffany told me.

I wolfed down my breakfast, Kat handed me my supplements and a bottle of water, and we were out the door. They had ordered a van to take everyone. When we got there, Tyler was talking to the Jade rep. I was in makeup when they called me into the front offices.

The Jade rep and Tyler were seated in a conference room.

“David, I think you’ve met Michael Reese. He’s the Vice President of Marketing at Jade. He had some questions about you possibly being represented by AT Modeling.”

Adrienne and Tyler had finally named their agency using the first initials of their first names.

“I’m a little concerned we might owe Ford some money if we put you under contract,” he told me.

“Do you have a contract with Ford?” Tyler asked.

“No, we’ve been signing one-day contracts up to this point.”

“I’ve reviewed David’s contract, and he’s able to get outside work. Since you’ve only done one-day deals with him, you’re free to lock him into a long-term deal with us,” Tyler suggested.

I don’t know what I had been thinking. It suddenly hit me this was not how I wanted to do business. Ford, regardless of their shortcomings in my regard, was a major player. Jade would be stepping in it if they did this. The same could be said of Range Sports. As long as I was under contract with Ford, I needed to show them loyalty. I was embarrassed. I wanted to have a hard conversation with Tyler.

“Michael, could you give us a moment?” I asked.

He left, and Tyler looked at me.

“What’s up?” she asked.

“I can’t do this. Even though Ford dropped the ball a couple of times, that doesn’t give me the right to be disloyal to them. I need to work this out with Ford. I know legally what we’re doing is fine. I’m just having a moral and ethical problem with it. I just realized it, and I’m sorry.”

“Kid, you surprise me. I think I respect you more because of this. I’m a big girl, and you haven’t hurt my feelings. Do you want me to send Tiffany in?”

“Yes, please, but send in Michael first.”

“Alright. I have some other work for you this week if you’re interested,” she told me.

“Of course. I know we’ll make money together. Thank you for being so understanding,” I told her.

Michael came back in.

“Let’s do this right,” I told him. “Tiffany from Ford will be in here in a moment. If you’re interested in me being under contract, I want to do it with them.”

He smiled at me.

“That makes it easier for me. Yes, I want you under contract,” he told me.

We heard a knock on the door.

Michael called Tiffany in. He explained what we talked about. I went back and did the shoot while they talked. Sasha was a natural and it was obvious she would be successful. I would get to say, ‘I knew her when she first started.’

TIFFANY WAS WALKING on air when we got back to the brownstone. Deb had called her and told her she was my agent for now, and she had gotten Jade to agree to sign me for a year. I had her forward everything to Kendal so she and Tom could review it. Kendal called me when I got back.

“Hey, what’ve you been up to?”

“Making things happen,” I told Kendal.

“I see that. Jade has an interesting exclusivity section. Unlike Range, who wants to review who you work for, they have specific companies they want to exclude. It looks like they want to prevent you from working with clothing companies that sell similar clothes.”