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She hurried off.

“If she brings me coffee in a sippy cup, I’ll kick your butt,” Kendal threatened me.

“Whatever. Go find out why we’re being treated like royalty. It’s starting to unnerve me.”

Mr. Hill came back with a big smile on his face.

“I hear you’re complaining about the service around here,” he said.

“Since when do I rate service?” I asked him.

“Read your contract sometime. I get to hire all these people to make sure the ‘talent’ is happy,” he told me.

“Can’t you just pocket the money?” I asked him.

“Well, no, but you’re making me a popular man. You’re good for the local economy. I think Range and Jade are trying to outdo each other. We were even able to hire a top-of-the-line model to work with you today. I think you know her.”

“Hannah Minacci?” I asked, getting excited.

Hey, a boy has to have dreams.

“I’m not the first one who pops into mind anymore?” Kara asked me.

“Kara!” I said as I jumped up and kissed her.

I hadn’t seen my exotic beauty in way too long. Mr. Hill left us alone and I finally let her go.

“I guess that makes up for not picking me first.”

“If I’d known you were even in the country, I’d pick you every time,” I told her.

“You’ve gotten bigger and you’ve been working out. How tall are you now?” she asked.

“I’m six-three. They think I might grow another inch.”

We caught up while they did our makeup. She was still in demand and working every chance she got. Tyler had clued Jade in that I liked to work with Kara, so they hired her for a couple of days.

“I heard about your friend Tami. How are you doing?” she asked.

“I’ve been better. She leaves tomorrow. They’re taking her on tours so she gets to know her way around the UK before school starts. She’ll live with a host family while she’s there.”

Mom and Tami still talked, so Mom told me what her plans were. Mom said Tami wasn’t handling our breakup, for lack of a better word, very well. Mom called me and told me that since I wasn’t going to Beth’s today, Tami would be there to say goodbye to everyone. My whole family planned to spend the afternoon with her. I was sad I couldn’t say goodbye to my best friend in person.

Kara’s flirting got me out of my funk, and we did the shoot. I was pleased to see lunch wasn’t just rabbit food. Mrs. Hill and their daughter, Janet, joined us. Janet was bummed summer was almost over. She’d gotten herself a boyfriend. Janet was sure they’d break up when she went back to school. I think Mrs. Hill was okay with it.

Towards the end of the shoot, Kara pulled me aside.

“Guess who didn’t tell their parents they were home yet?” Kara asked.

“You naughty girl. I bet you don’t even have a place to stay tonight.”

“No, I don’t. Whatever will I do?” she asked, throwing her head back and rubbing her brow with the back of her hand.

“I think I can find somewhere for you to sleep,” I teased her.

“Good, and you have to take me out to dinner. I’m thinking Monical’s.”

“I like the way you think. I haven’t been there in over a month, and I’m having withdrawal symptoms.”

We were soon done with today’s shoot. Kendal, Kara and I checked the photos, and then Kara met me at my house after I dropped Kendal off. It was seven o’clock, so we went straight to Monical’s. It was strange that no one was at my house. I figured they were all still at Beth’s.

When we got to Monical’s, it was packed. We had just sat down when Greg came to our table.

He smiled at Kara and they said hi, then he turned to me.

“I hate to say this, but you need to leave. Tami’s having her going-away party and she’s had a rough day. She keeps telling David stories. I don’t think she could handle seeing you right now,” he told us.

We got up and left. I was glad we hadn’t been seen. I didn’t want to cause her any more grief. We ended up going to the diner by the hospital. I wanted to introduce Kara to the pie. She wasn’t happy, because she liked it too much.

“I’m going to kill you. You know what this will do to my hips,” she complained.

“Golly, I guess I’ll have to help you work it off.”

“You’re such a bad influence. Who knew strawberry rhubarb pie could be so good?” she asked.

I just smiled at her. It was one of my favorites. They also had homemade vanilla ice cream made with real vanilla beans. It was so good I forgot what I had for dinner. The waitress told me the shakes were even better. I now had a favorite place to go when I wanted to break my diet. I’ll always love Monical’s, but this was just outstanding. I needed to bring Mary Dole and maybe she could help me figure out the recipes.

WE GOT BACK TO MY PLACE and I wanted to show off my new apartment.

“Wait here, I want to turn on all the lights,” I told her as I ran upstairs.

She came up when I called her and her face lit up.

“They did a great job. I love how they hung your photos. I want a wall like this,” she told me.

She went through the whole place, and then we kissed. Her phone rang, interrupting us. She looked at the number and said a bad word.

“It’s my mom,” she told me.

“Hi, Mom ... Yes, I’m with David ... No, I was going to surprise you ... Yes, Mom.”

She looked disappointed. I soon joined her in disappointment.

“Gina, the little rat, saw us at Monical’s. I need to go home and make an appearance. I guess our plans will have to be put on hold,” she told me.

“Is it okay if your little sister turns up missing in the next few days?” I asked her.

“No, no need to do that. I’ll deal with her,” Kara assured me.

“Do you want to ride with us tomorrow?” I asked.

“Why don’t I drive? We can just meet Kendal there,” she told me.

“Sure. I’ll see you in the morning,”

I WOKE AT ONE IN THE morning to someone getting into bed with me. I was half out of it.

“Don’t say anything, just hold me,” Tami ordered.

I briefly wondered how she got in since I had changed the code for the lock on my door. I figured it was a mystery for another day. I fell back to sleep with her in my arms.

Wednesday August 6

I WOKE UP ALONE. I wondered if I’d been dreaming until I saw the note on my nightstand.


Don’t be mad at Gina. I had her tell

her mom that Kara was home. I wanted

to have one last night with you.

I will miss you, my stupid boy.

With all my love,


With that last note, Tami was gone from my life.

KARA WALKED INTO MY bedroom with me sitting on the bed, reading the note.

“We were set up,” I told her, handing her the note.

She read it and chuckled.

“More than you think. Gina woke me up early and told me what Tami asked her to do. There’s a second act to this little drama.”

“This I have to hear.”

“No, this you have to enjoy,” she said as she dropped to her knees.

Kara pushed my thighs apart and admired my member. She glanced up and smiled.

“Someone is growing,” she said.

I had missed Kara.

I looked at the clock.

“We’re running late,” I told her.

I ran and grabbed my phone and called Kendal.

“Hey, I’m just now getting into the shower. Can we meet you there?” I asked, not telling her that that had been our plan from last night.

“You’re so going to owe me,” she teased me.

I just hung up on her and Kara joined me for a quick shower. I beat her getting dressed. I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of protein shakes and fruit. Mom and Dad just rolled their eyes as I ran out to find Kara starting her car. I jumped in, and as she pulled out of the driveway I opened the protein drinks and peeled a banana for her.