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Chairwoman Yang, Gugu said, there is a bond between you and me. My father, who headed the Eighth Route Army’s Xihai Hospital and was a student of Norman Bethune, treated Vice Commander Yang’s leg wound.

Really? Chairwoman Yang stood up excitedly. My father is writing a memoir, and in it he mentions a doctor Wan Liufu.

My father, Gugu said. After he died, my mother and I lived for two years in the Eastern Jiao liberated area, where I played with a girl named Yang Xin.

Chairwoman Yang grabbed Gugu’s hand as tears of excitement welled up in her eyes. Wan Xin, is that you?

Wan Xin, Yang Xin, two hearts. Isn’t that what Chairman Zhong said?

Yes, it was him, Yang said as she wiped away the tears. I dream of you often, but I never expected to actually see you here.

As soon as I saw you I thought you looked familiar, Gugu said.

Come, everyone, the Party secretary announced, join me in congratulating Chairwoman Yang and Chairwoman Wan on their exciting reunion.

Gugu flashed me a signal with her eyes, which I immediately understood. I took Renmei’s hand and went up to Yang. Chairwoman, I said, I owe you an apology for making it necessary for you to make a special trip here.

I’m so sorry, Chairwoman Yang, Renmei said with a bow. Don’t blame Xiaopao for this, it was all my fault. I poked a hole in a condom when he wasn’t looking.

Momentarily taken aback, Chairwoman Yang then laughed heartily.

My face was burning. That’s nonsense, I said as I nudged her.

Yang took Renmei’s hand and regarded her closely. Comrade Wang, she said, I like candid, open people. You’re a lot like your aunt.

How could I be anything like Gugu? Renmei said. She’s a loyal running dog of the Communist Party. She goes after anyone the Party sics her on.

That’s rubbish! I said.

What do you mean, rubbish? It couldn’t be more obvious. If the Party told her to climb a mountain of knives, that’s what she’d do. If the Party told her to jump into a sea of flames, she’d do it.

All right, that’s enough talk about me, Gugu said. There’s more work to be done, and I have to dig in and do it.

Comrade Wang, Chairwoman Yang said, what woman doesn’t love children? One, two, three, the more the better. The Party and the nation love children too. Take Chairman Mao, or Premier Zhou — aren’t their faces wreathed in smiles when they see children? That sort of love comes from the heart. What is the revolution for anyway? In the end, it’s for our children, so they can live rich, happy lives. Children are the nation’s future, its treasure. But there’s a problem. Without family planning, our children may not have enough to eat or clothes to wear or could be denied the chance to attend school. Family planning is about achieving great issues of humanity by denying minor ones. By putting up with a little pain and making a little sacrifice you are contributing to the nation at large.

I’ll do as you say, Chairwoman, Renmei said. I’ll do it tonight. She turned to Gugu. Gugu, she said, go ahead and cut out my womb while you’re at it!

Again Chairwoman Yang laughed after a momentary pause of surprise.

Everyone at the table laughed with her.

Wan Xiaopao, she said, pointing to me, I love this wife of yours. A very intriguing young woman. But there’ll be no cutting out of wombs. You have to take good care of that, isn’t that right, Chairwoman Wan?

My nephew’s wife is very competent, Gugu said. After the procedure, I’ll give her time to get back to normal before transferring her to the family-planning work group. Consider this a heads-up, Secretary Wu.

No problem, the Party secretary said. We want our best people working in the family-planning groups. Comrade Wang Renmei can achieve excellent results by citing her own experience.

Wan Xiaopao, what are your duties?

I’m in charge of sports and recreation.

How long have you been doing that?

Three and a half years.

Then you should be in line for promotion to deputy battalion commander, Yang said. That way Comrade Wang can move to Beijing as an army wife.

My daughter too? Renmei asked timidly.

Of course, the chairwoman replied.

But I’ve heard it’s hard for an army wife to move to Beijing, that there’s a quota.

Go home and work hard, Yang said, and leave everything to me.

I am so happy! Renmei said demonstratively. My daughter will be able to attend school in Beijing, she’ll become a Beijing resident!

Chairwoman Yang sized Renmei up a second time. Make sure you take all precautions with the procedure, she said to Gugu. It has to be completely safe.

Don’t worry about that, Gugu said.


Before she was wheeled into surgery, Renmei took my hand and looked down at the teeth marks.

I shouldn’t have bitten you, she said apologetically.

That’s all right.

Does it still hurt?

Hurt? No more than a mosquito bite.

You can bite me.

Please, I said. You’re acting like a little girl.

She gripped my hand. Where’s Yanyan?

At home with her grandparents.

Does she have plenty to eat?

Yes, I bought two bags of milk powder and two jin of butter cookies. I also bought some shredded pork and lotus meal. There’s nothing to worry about.

Yanyan takes after you. You’ve got single-fold eyelids, mine are double.

I know. She should take after you, you’re so much better-looking than me.

People say girls take after their father and boys take after their mothers.

Maybe so.

This one would have been a boy, I know that, I’m not joking.

The times have changed. Boy or girl, it makes no difference. I tried to sound casual. In a couple of years, you’ll follow me to Beijing, and we’ll find our daughter the best school there is. We’ll raise her to be someone of distinction. A good daughter is better than ten troublesome sons.



I wasn’t naked when Xiao Xiachun touched me that time, really.

Don’t be silly, I said with a laugh. I’ve forgotten that.

I had on a heavy jacket, a sweater underneath, and a shirt under that, and a…

And your bra, right?

I washed my bra that day, so I wasn’t wearing it, but I was wearing an undershirt.

Okay, that’s enough goofy talk.

He caught me by surprise when he kissed me.

So what? It was just a kiss, and you were going to marry him.

But I made him pay. I kneed him, and he squatted with his hands down there.

Oh, poor Xiao Xiachun, I joked. Why didn’t you knee me when I kissed you?

He had bad breath, you don’t.

What you’re saying is we were fated to be married.

Xiaopao, I’m so grateful to you.

What for?

I’m not sure.

That’s enough sweet nothings for now. You can talk later. Gugu stuck her head out the operating room door and waved to Renmei. You can come in.

Renmei grabbed my hand. Xiaopao…

There’s nothing to be afraid of, I said. Gugu says it’s a minor procedure.

When I get home you have to stew a whole hen for me.

Sure. I’ll make it two.

She turned to look at me just before she walked into surgery. She was wearing my beat-up old grey jacket with the missing button. The thread hung loosely. The cuffs of her blue trousers were muddy. She had on the old leather shoes Gugu had given her.

My nose ached, my heart felt empty. From where I sat on the dust-covered corridor bench, I heard the clang of metal instruments inside and envisioned what they looked like, imagining the blinding rays of light; I could almost feel how cold they were. Children’s laughter erupted in the yard behind the health centre. I stood up and looked out the window, where a three- or four-year-old boy playing with a pair of blown-up condoms was being chased by two girls about the same age.