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  When tackling any serious problems the Russian middle class has been used to asking the eternal questions, Who is to blame? What is to be done? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Is_to_Blame%3Fhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Is_to_Be_Done%3F_(disambiguation).

  My answers are obvious and clear like crystal ice.

  Who is to blame? - Belgium and Belgians are at fault.

  What is to be done?

  - 1) Impose sanctions on Belgium for spreading fake information that undermines the holy trust of the Western public in the hellish sanctions. Verhofstadt and his accomplices must be taken to court, they have to be held accountable for their malicious fabrications.

  2) Send me personal humanitarian aide, viz. the newest Lenovo Ideapad Duet 9 with the latest Windows 14 OS installed, several kilograms of mangosteen, durian, and tamarillo, and several bottles of Chateau Mouton Rothschild. I don't aspire to Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen as Land Cruiser 300 turned out to be more or less comfortable. This done, I will be able to survive under the hellish American sanctions and delight you with another message.

  My address is simple, Siberia, Slava Yatsko US (=Under Sanctions).