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Libellum apologeticum (Vincent of Beauvais), 86

Libellus alter de consecratione ecclesiae Sancti Dionisii (Suger), 274n9

Libellus artificiosae memoriae (Spangerbergius), 75

Liber apologeticus (Abbo of Fleury), 280n11

Liber Chaos (Llull), 403

Liber de praedicabilibus (Albertus Magnus), 111

Liber de rebus in administratione sua gestis (Suger), 274n9

Liber de spiritu et anima, 234

Liber Primis Posteriorum Analyticorum (Albertus Magnus), 111

Libraries, 24, 74, 338, 421, 437, 492–493

Libri, Guglielmo, 236–237

Libri Morales, 96–97

Libro della natura degli animali (anonymous), 192

Life of Apollonius of Tyana (Philostratus), 181

Limits of Interpretation, The (Eco), 508, 567, 569, 570

Linguarum methodus novissima (Comenius), 422

Lingueglia, Paolo, 311n2

Linguistics, 3, 18, 440, 457, 531

Linnaeus, Carolus, 61, 462

Lionello di Ser Daniele, 307

Literarästhetik des europäischen Mittelalters (Glunz), 340

Literary genres, 105, 268, 426, 539, 540

Lives of the Philosophers (Diogenes Laertius), 24

Llinares, Armand, 405, 406

Llull, Raimon, 33, 34, 41, 385–386, 425; Great Chain of Being and, 400–408; Kabbalism and Llullism compared, 397–399; Leibniz and, 46; Llullism after Pico, 414–423; mathematical combinations system, 386–397; Pico della Mirandola and, 413; semantic universals and, 431

Locke, John, 378, 425, 458, 459, 459n2, 460, 461, 465, 469

Lodwick, Francis, 42, 425, 427, 435

Logic, 34, 111, 113, 170

Logic (Kant), 465, 466

Logica (Croce), 538

Logica Algazelis (Llull), 408

Logica nova (Llull), 406

Logica Vetus (Aristotle), 96

Logic of Quantity, The (Peirce), 517

Lois intellectuelles du langage, Les (Bréal), 548

Lo Piparo, Franco, 161n33, 201, 202n28, 208n35, 213n41, 357n2

Lorusso, Anna Maria, 62n34, 95n, 117n

Lotman, Jurij, 73n39, 85, 89n54

Lovejoy, Arthur O., 6n2, 136, 401

Louis the Pious, 230

Lucan, 105, 147

Lucretius, 23

Lucubrationes vel potius absolutissima kuklopaideia (Stergk), 22

Luisetti, Federico, 35

Lusignan, Serge, 86

Lyons, John, 355, 359, 553, 554

Lyttkens, Hampus, 162n34, 168

Macrobius, 138, 402

Magic, 25, 27, 308, 385

Maggi, Michele, 531n1

Magnino. See Schlosser–Magnino

Magritte, René, 82

Mahoney, Edward P., 331n20, 383

Maierù, Alfonso, 296n5, 359, 378n15, 379n17

Maimonides, Moses, 304

Mainardi, Pietro, 414–415

Maistre, Joseph de, 440–456

Mâle, Emile, 253n3

Mallarmé, Stéphane, 534

Mameli, Matteo, 525

Man in the Moone (Godwin), 427

Mannerism, 315

Manzoni, Alessandro, 488–507, 534, 546

Marchese, Vincenzo, 310n2

Marconi, Diego, 55n33, 463n4, 552–553

Margarita philosophica (Reisch), 34, 193

Marigo, Aristide, 292

Maritain, Jacques, 245, 309–352; on creative intuition vs. agent intellect, 323–338; De Bruyne’s critique of, 345–346; poetry and, 317–323; tendentious reading of Thomas, 313–317

Marmo, Constantino, 95n, 102n12, 107, 109, 112, 115, 165n35, 171n, 298n7, 353n, 374, 375n13, 377, 378

Marr, David, 475

Marrone, Caterina, 40

Marrou, Henri Irenée, 231, 232

Martinetti, Piero, 498n8

Masonry, Scottish, 441, 443, 445–446

Master of Tours, 127

Mathematics, 25, 39, 425, 443, 461; congruence, 226; Kabbalah and, 302; language and, 436; lexical terms and, 19; Llullism and, 386, 406, 420, 422; matrix, 283; pure, 460; schematism and, 476; topology and, 58; universal, 46

Mathieu, Vittorio, 485

Matoré, Georges, 69

Matrix/matrices, 209–211

Matthew of Vendôme, 106, 123n9, 124

Maupassant, Guy de, 546

Maximal Encyclopedia, 70, 71, 74, 88–89; advancement of learning and, 94; historiography and, 93; as regulatory idea, 49–52

Mayoux, Jean-Jacques, 336

Mazzantini, Carlo, 311n2

McCawley, James D., 562

Meaning, 5, 28, 378, 379, 477; meaning of, 554–557; synonymy and, 557–559

Median Encyclopedia, 72, 73–74, 85–86, 87; historical facts and, 85, 88; texts eliminated from, 93

Medici, Cosimo de’, court of, 235

Medicine, 25, 27, 31, 47, 163, 404

Meier, Christel, 31

Memory, 22, 33, 46, 75, 84, 85; animals and, 174, 175, 179; cultural, 89n54; Llull’s trees and, 404; Maximal Encyclopedia and, 74; mechanical memorization, 92; memory palace, 79; perception and, 467; schematism and, 474; semiosis and, 493

Menendez y Pelayo, Marcelino, 100n9, 342n31

Mengaldo, Pier Vincenzo, 288n3, 289, 290, 294

Mersenne, Marin, 421–422, 425, 435

Merton, Robert, 244n13, 245

Metalanguage, 51, 561

Metalogicon (John of Salisbury), 121, 244n13, 245n14

Metamorphoses (Ovid), 147

Metaphorology, medieval, 115

Metaphors, 41, 62–67, 95, 99, 119–126, 432, 585; allegories distinguished from, 155; in Apocalypse of Saint John, 250–251; as cognitive process, 153; common sense and, 539–540; definitions, 118–120, 539; examples in philosophical thought, 126–129; genus and species, 103; as instrument of knowledge, 95, 117, 119, 170; ontologies and, 169, 170; original essences and, 577; ornamental function of, 129; of seven rays (hebdomad), 443; smiling meadow, 126, 127–129; symbols and allegories in relation to, 129–140, 155–158; technical study of, 113; theory of language and, 556; in Thomas Aquinas, 140–144

Metaphysics, 6, 34, 319, 396, 461; of Great Chain of Being, 420; Manzonian semiotics and, 489; “metaphysical pansemiosis,” 136

Metaphysics (Aristotle), 6n3, 96, 141, 147, 559; analogia entis and, 162–163; on animals, 174; discourse on equivocity, 160; medieval circulation of, 185

Meteorologica (Aristotle), 96

Metonymy, 98, 133, 164, 370, 433, 503, 579

Michael II the Stammerer, 230

Michelangelo, 544

Middle Ages, 95, 105, 106, 116, 118; aesthetics in, 339; ancient sources on animal behavior viewed in, 185–194; authentication in, 241–243; false identification in, 237–238; metaphor in, 144, 169; millennialism in, 284; ornamental function of metaphor in, 129; poetic allegorism in, 137; “polyphonic” artistic culture of, 343, 344; reading of Aristotle in, 203. See also forgeries, in Middle Ages

Middle Commentary (Averroes), 97, 99–100, 107

Milhaud, Darius, 311

Mill, John Stuart, 355–357, 379–383

Millás Vallicrosa, José M., 398, 400

Millennium (mille annos), Apocalypse and, 275–285

Mimesis, 106

Mimologism, 440

Mineralogy, 24, 25, 46, 434

Mirabilia (Callimachus), 24

Mithridates, Flavius, 408, 414

Mnemonics, 34, 90, 419, 534

Mnemotechnics, 78–82

Modistae grammarians, 232, 296, 301, 305, 308, 373–374

Molar Content (MC), 72

Molière, (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 60

Mona Lisa, authenticity of, 240–241

Mondo simbolico (Picinelli), 192

Monogenetic hypothesis, 441, 446

Montaigne, Michel de, 189n17

Montale, Eugenio, 144

Montano, Rocco, 340

Monti, Vincenzo, 571