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Moody, Ernest A., 377

Moralis Philosophia (Roger Bacon), 112, 114

More, Thomas, 427

Morestel, Pierre, 415

Morpurgo-Tagliabue, Guido, 545

Morris, Charles, 354, 550, 562

Moses (biblical), 29, 132, 148, 258, 268

Mozarabic art, 252, 255

Murder of Roger Ackroyd, The (Christie), 91

Murphey, Murray G., 513

Murphy, James B., 321n12

Museums, 24

Music, 28–29, 31, 34, 169, 344

Muslims, 283, 425

Mussato, Albertino, 320

Mussolini, Benito, 234

Musurgia Universalis (Kircher), 222n50

Mystical Theology, The (Pseudo-Dionysius), 150–151

Names, 205, 367, 380; penury of names, 421; proper names, 497–499; signs distinguished from, 194–195

Nardi, Bruno, 305

Naturalis historia [Natural History] (Pliny), 183–185

Natural language, 51, 292, 431, 433, 437; semantics and, 552, 553; Tower of Babel and, 305

Natural signs and signification, 195, 199, 219, 370. See also Signs (semeia)

Naudé, Gabriel, 385

Neckham, Alexander, 135

Necromancy, 385

Neoclassicism, 312, 316

Neo-Platonism, 4, 18, 73, 150, 170, 340, 342; Great Chain of Being, 6, 401, 402, 404; Thomas Aquinas and, 345

Neo-Scholasticism, 310

Neo-Thomism, 310–313, 346

Networks, 53, 54, 68

Neubauer, Fritz, 56

New Atlantis (Bacon), 36

Newton, Isaac, 245–246, 460, 462, 485

Nicholas of Cusa, 55, 419, 530, 536

Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 21n14, 97, 162, 175, 185

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 83, 85, 516, 577–578, 579, 580; death of God and, 564, 565; on metaphor, 585

Nishishara, H. Keith, 475

Nominalism, 381, 382

Notarikon (acrostic), 398

Nouveaux essais sur l’entendement humain (Leibniz), 47

Novum Inventum (Kircher), 40–41

Novum Organum (Bacon), 36

Nuchelmans, Gabriel, 374

Nuclear Content (NC), 72

Numerology, 386

Ockham, William of, 193n20, 216, 331, 343, 359; on denotation, 374–379; Ockhamist tradition and denotation, 379–383; suppositio and, 366

Odyssey (Homer), 23

Ogden, C. K., 354, 550

Olgiati, Francesco, 311n2

“On Denoting” (Russell), 354

Onomatopoeia, 426

On the Parts of Animals (Aristotle), 6, 16

On the Sublime (attrib. Pseudo-Longinus), 240

Ontologies, 4, 60–61, 89, 94, 170, 226, 579; Joycean, 67–70; Kant and, 460, 464; Llull’s trees and, 407; metaphor and, 62–67, 169; semiosic creativity and, 61–70

Opera aperta, L’ [The Open Work] (Eco), 569, 570

Optics, 34, 46

Opuscula spuria (Thomas Aquinas), 316

Opus Majus (Roger Bacon), 112, 114–115

Opus Postumum (Kant), 484–487

Organon (Aristotle), 96, 97, 111

Origen, 131–132, 135n17, 242

Original iconism, thesis of, 452, 454

Orlando Furioso (Ariosto), 539

Orwell, George, 86

Other Inquisitions (Borges), 437–438

Outlines of Pyrrhonism (Sextus Empiricus), 176, 177n6

Ovid, 146, 147, 239

Owens, Joseph, 160, 161n33

Paci, Enzo, 486n13

Pagani, Ileana, 296n5

Panepistemon (Politian), 34

Panofsky, Erwin, 340, 341

Pansophic index, 35–36

Paolucci, Claudio, 508n, 513–514, 514n2, 515, 522, 523, 528

Parables, 101, 138, 139n, 382

Paradiso (Dante), 50–51, 148, 149–150, 298–308

Paradoxography, 24

Paralogisms, 492, 543

Paraphrase, 19

Pardies, Ignace Gaston, 182

Pareyson, Luigi, 536, 544, 570, 570n3

Parole, Saussurean, 290, 293, 549

Paronomasia, 82n50, 419

Paronymity and paronyms, 161, 162, 361

Parva Naturalia (Aristotle), 96

Pascal, Blaise, 579

Pater, Walter, 339

Patristic literature, 186, 281–282, 400

Patrologia Latina, 255, 338, 342n32

Paul, Saint, 230, 239, 240; Apocalypse of Saint John and, 251; First Epistle to Corinthians, 130, 153

Paulmier-Foucart, Monique, 86

Paulus Scalichius, 23, 385, 385n1

Pavel, Tomas, 70, 71

Peirce, Charles Sanders, 1, 21, 90, 463, 469, 567, 584; anti-Cartesianism of, 513, 514; anti-intuitionism of, 331, 513–516; boundary demarcation and, 516–521; cosmology and gnoseology in, 524–525; on denotation, 355–357; reinterpretation of, 509–513; schematism and, 479, 480, 486; on sensation and cognition, 522–524; on universal laws, 583

Pellerey, Roberto, 328n16

Pensiero debole, Il [Weak Thought] (Vattimo and Rovati, eds.), 564–565

Pépin, Jean, 129n12, 146, 148

Perani, Mauro, 302

Perception, 481, 527, 529

Perceptual judgment, 468, 469, 509, 529–530

Periphrasis, 432

Pertinentization, molecular and molar, 516

Peter, Saint, 251

Peter of Mantua, 379n17

Peter of Spain, 206, 358, 367–368, 381–382

Petöfi, Janos S., 56

Petrarch, 33n21, 232, 248

“Peut-on parler d’intuition intellectuelle dans la philosophie thomiste?” (Roland-Gosselin), 347

Phaedrus (Plato), 519n5

Phantom limb sensation, 522–523

Pharsalia (Lucan), 105

Philology, 223, 229, 230, 231–232, 237, 286; De Bruyne’s historiography and, 345; “-ists” versus “-ologists,” 510; Kabbalism and, 398, 399; Maistre and, 450; meaning and, 555; Peirce and, 509; Petrarch and, 248; techniques of identification developed by, 241

Philo of Alexandria, 131, 177–178, 181, 303

Philosophie de l’art chez les néo-scolastiques de langue française, La (Wencelius), 345

Philosophie van de Kunst (De Bruyne), 338

Philosophie van Martin Heidegger, De (De Bruyne), 338

Philosophy, 25, 33, 111, 149, 177, 310; analytic, 18, 462, 550; Arabic, 102; common sense and, 537; continental, 570; divisions of, 111; of language, 483; metaphor and, 63, 110, 149; moral, 22; ontology and, 60; pure knowing of, 141; transcendental, 463

Philostratus, 181

Phonemes, 18, 303, 559

Physics, 34, 85, 111, 460, 480, 484; boundary demarcation in, 520; threshold of observability, 527

Physics (Aristotle), 96

Physiologus (anonymous), 29–30, 31, 135, 222

Physiology, 25, 523

Piazza universale di tutte le professioni (Tommaso Garzoni), 415

Picinelli, Filippo, 192

Pico della Mirandola, 235, 302, 408–414, 419

“Pictures Can’t Say Ain’t” (Worth), 82

Pinborg, Jan, 213n39, 216n44, 377

Pindar, 63

Pini, Giorgio, 374n12

Plato, 19, 22, 73, 149, 181, 240, 443; on articulation and signification, 212–213; on denotation, 357, 358; on names, 289; on philosopher and dog, 173; poetry and, 325; semiotic triangle and, 372; visualization of gods and, 268

Platonism, 315, 400, 477

Platypus schema, 478–479, 481

Platzeck, Erhard-Woffram, 392, 399, 400, 401, 406

Pliny the Elder, 25–28, 30–31, 87, 135, 180; on animal language and intelligence, 183–185; medieval views of, 185

Plotinus, 129n12

Plutarch, 178–180, 182

Plutosofia (Gesualdo), 75

Pneumatics, 34

Poe, Edgar Allan, 335, 546

Poesia, La (Croce), 542, 546

Poetics, 2, 34, 488; as logic, 102, 111–112, 113; rhetoric and, 116–126