Sebeok, T. A., 553
Secret, François, 385
Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation), 386, 397–398, 399, 416
Selenus, Gustavus, 417
Sellars, Wilfrid, 462, 470
Semantics, 19, 51, 481, 548–549, 562–563; encyclopedia entries and, 551–554; encyclopedic, 565, 566; extensional, 383; meaning of meaning, 554–557; meanings of, 549–551; representation and, 3; semantic networks, 57, 60; truth-conditional, 559–562; universals, 424, 425, 431
Semantics (Lyons), 554
“Semantics of Metaphor, The” (Eco), 67
Sememes, 164, 553
Semiosis, 1, 50, 58, 501; inference and, 525; popular, 493–495; semiosic teratology, 502; unlimited, 21, 51, 69, 565; verbal language and, 489, 506
Semiosphere, 73n39, 85
Semiotics, 1, 113, 194, 200, 457; bibliography of, 2; denotation and, 353–354; of falsification, 240; of forgery, 225–228; history of, 531; Kantian, 473; of Manzoni, 488, 498, 506–507; of metaphor, 154; mnemotechnics as, 78–82; mutilated, 90; Peircean, 509; semiotic triangle, 357, 364, 372, 375, 376; zoosemiotics, 220
Seneca, 175
Sententia libri Politicorum (Thomas Aquinas), 125
Servius, 138
Severini, Gino, 311
Sextus Empiricus, 176, 177n6, 181, 215n43, 459n2
Sgradini, Enrica, 302
Shifa (Avicenna), 107, 111
Sic et non (Abelard), 232
Siger of Brabant, 246, 296
“Signe et symbole” (Maritain), 319
Signification, 1, 197, 199, 212, 214n42; Aristotelian view of, 360; context and, 566; Hobbes and, 380–381; naming and, 364; natural and positive, 298n7; popular semiosis and, 494; suppositio and, 366, 367
Signs (semeia), 194–195, 201, 203, 207, 211, 248; Augustine’s definition of, 195–197, 359–360; Bacon’s classification of, 216–222, 369; indexical, 497; as indices, 202; intuition and, 543; natural, 370; Platonic ideal and, 419; symbols distinguished fom,’ 217; voces significativae and, 205. See also Natural signs and signification; Semiosis; Semiotics
Similes, 144, 149, 152, 154, 158, 168, 250–251
Simone, Raffaele, 441
Simon Magus (Simon the Magician), 221n49
Simon of Dacia, 209n39
Simon of Faversham, 298n7
Simson, Otto von, 341
Sirridge, Mary, 197n22
Sisyphus (mythological), 63, 109, 180
Six Problems for Don Isidro Parodi (Borges and Bioy-Casares), 91–92
Slaughter, Mary, 194n20
Smith, Barry, 61, 517n3
Socrates, 182, 212, 330n18, 371, 372, 394
Soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg (Maistre), 441–442, 455
Solinus, 30, 135, 185n12
Solomon Ben Isaac, Rabbi, 271
Somnium Scipionis (Macrobius), 402
Sonus (sound), 173, 207
Sophistical Refutations (Aristotle), 96, 113
Soul, 48, 120n5, 145, 150, 152; intention of, 218; knowledge and, 167; metaphor and, 148; power of, 17; virtue and, 112, 113n
Sowa, John, 60
Space, time and, 69
Spade, Paul V., 214n40, 364
Spangerbergius, Johannes, 75
Species, 6, 42, 81, 103, 321; denotation and, 353; existence of, 5; language and, 220–221; limits of nature and, 582; metaphor and, 116–117; Porphyrian tree and, 406; relation to genus, 7; schematism and, 480; in Wilkins, 44; words and, 216–217
Specula (Vincent of Beauvais), 135
Speculum majus (Vincent of Beauvais), 33, 86
Speech acts, 135, 200, 286–287
Sperber, Dan, 554
Spinoza, Baruch, 425, 572n5
Stalin, Joseph, 86
Statius, 147, 230
Steganographies, 416–417
Stergk, Joachim, 22
Stesichorus, 110
Stoics, 111, 131, 175, 206; Abelard and influence of, 197–200; on animal behavior, 179, 181; Augustine and influence of, 195–197; names distinguished from signs, 194–195; Priscian and, 213
Strato of Lampsacus, 24
Stravinsky, Igor, 312
Struttura assente, La (Eco), 520
Suarez, Francisco, 160
Subsumption, 60
Suger, abbot of Saint Denis, 274n9, 340
Summa grammatica (John of Dacia), 213n40
Summa Theologiae (Thomas Aquinas), 17, 115, 140–142, 165, 187–188, 194; on aesthetics, 348, 349; on poetic discourse, 319; on species, 321
Summulae Dialectices (Roger Bacon), 219
Summulae Logicales (Richard of Lavenham), 213n40
Super epistulam ad Galatas (Thomas Aquinas), 142
Suppositio, theory of, 358–359, 366–369, 378, 379, 381–382
Surrealism, 316, 319, 325
Svoboda, Karel, 342n31
Swift, Jonathan, 426
Syllogisms, 377, 382, 388, 394, 407, 492
Sylva Sylvarum (Francis Bacon), 36
Symbolism, 129–140, 250, 344
Symbolism (aesthetic movement), 316, 323
Symbols, 27, 192, 201, 203; in Llull’s Ars, 387, 422; in World-Mind experiment, 572–576
Synecdoche, 164, 279, 370, 432–433, 503, 505
Synechism, 514
Synesthesia, 544
Synonymy and synonyms, 19, 27, 257, 259, 557–559
Syntheticity, 19
Systema naturae (Linnaeus), 462
System of Logic (Mill), 355, 379
Tabarroni, Andrea, 171n, 353n, 377n14
Talmudists, 23
Taparelli D’Azeglio, Luigi, 310n2
Tarsky, Alfred, 383, 560–562
Tasso, Torquato, 540
Tatarkiewicz, Wladislaw, 341
Taxonomies, 87, 212, 425
Technica curiosa (Schott), 39
Tega, Walter, 34n22, 35, 36
Templar myth, 441, 443, 445–446
Temurah, 398, 399, 410
“Teoria e pratica dei confini” [“The Theory and Practice of Boundaries”] (Varzi), 516–517
Terence, 105
Terre australe connue, La (Foigny), 427–431
Tertullian, 256
Tesauro, Emanuele, 1, 37–42, 127, 164
Themistocles, 74–75, 83, 93
Theodoric of Chartres, 126, 159
Theology, 34, 47, 141, 149, 322; analogy and, 317; Llullism liberated from, 418; Llull’s Ars and, 396, 414; of reference, 431; symbolic theology of Pseudo-Dionysius, 150–159
Theory of Semiotics, A (Eco), 563
Theosophism, 441
Thesaurus artificiosae memoriae (Rosselli), 79–80
Third Expostition (Pico della Mirandola), 412
Thomas Aquinas, 96, 97, 115, 126, 161, 214–216, 569; aesthetic themes in, 310, 348–352; agent intellect doctrine of, 327–331; on articulation, 210–212; authentication and, 231, 234, 243; on cause and effect, 165; Dante and, 296; De Bruyne’s historiography and, 341; on denotation, 364–366; Great Chain of Being and, 402; knowledge by analogy and, 159; on language and rationality, 202; Maritain and, 313–317, 319–323; on metaphor, 140–144, 156; Neo-Platonism and, 170; reading of Aristotle’s De interpretatione, 207; Scholasticism and, 309; on sensitive and rational souls, 510; on slaughter of animals, 188; on speech, 286–287; on substantial form, 16–17
Thomas of Erfurt, 240, 374n11
Thomassin, Lewis, 453
Thorndike, Lynn, 414
3D Model, 475–476, 477
Thurot, Charles, 234
Timaeus (Plato), 268, 286, 443
Time, space and, 69
“Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” (Borges), 439
Topics (Aristotle), 5, 12, 96, 113, 161–162
Torah, 131, 301, 303, 399, 411
Traité des animaux (Condillac), 183
Traité des chiffres (Vigenère), 416