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My awareness of the interest females had for cocks was unfolding in me as a result a few other childhood encounters.

Although almost all the neighbourhood kids were boys, with two exceptions, a few of the boys had much older sisters. Colin, my best friend during my primary school years had an older sister Judith. There would have been a gap of six years between them. I’d occasionally end up at Colin’s place after school and the routine in their home was that Judith would bath Colin before their evening meal.

I had grown with the perception that females had every right to intimacy with males and their cocks. This was borne from my experience of abuse by my female teacher a few years earlier.

Many of my friends at school assured me that it was ‘normal’ for their older sister, babysitter, aunty or any other female, in addition to their mothers, to bathe them. There was also normality in the play many of these older females enjoyed with their ‘willy’. I therefore assumed that ‘willies’ were just simply fun objects.

Judith certainly seemed to enjoy playing with Colin’s willy during his bath times and would make fun of it and laugh and joke with him as she played. Colin was obviously very familiar with his big sister’s obsession and would laugh and play along with the fun. On one occasion he made me feel uncomfortable when he mentioned to Judith that “Michael has a big willy, sis! You should see it!” Judith turned to me and with raised eyebrows and a big smile asked me if I’d show her. I wasn’t used to ‘voluntary’ intimacy with a stranger and just shook my head with embarrassment. Colin and Judith both laughed at my shyness. Colin then stood up naked in his bath and confronted me by saying, “What’s the bid deal, Michael, it’s only a willy?” In my childhood innocence, believing it seemed to be customary fun and not wanting to look silly, I nervously slipped my shorts and undies down to my ankles and showed her.

She smiled broadly and asked me to come closer to her on the edge of the bath. As I got closer she took hold of my cock in her wet hands.

By now, my shyness had eased, as Colin and I were both naked. As Judith held my cock I became as interested as she was, but for totally different reasons. I was fascinated by her reactions as much as she seemed intrigued by my cock. She had never shown any interest in me whenever I visited with Colin previously and I was gratified that an older girl was showing interest in me now.

She played with my cock and stroked it and then ran her fingernails along the shaft. However, as she touched the hood of my circumcised cock, I felt a tingle trip through me and I flinched. It was a very delicious feeling and I smiled as she did it. When she saw my reactions she kept on doing it and I felt my body reacting in a very strange way – a sensation I had never been aware of before. My willy began to grow and became stiff in her hands. Colin laughed and Judith let out a squeal of both delight and surprise, that brought their mother to the bathroom.

Her mum strolled in and asked, “What’s wrong?” When she saw Judith holding my willy she gave her a quizzical look. “Michael was showing us his willy mum and it became stiff,” she giggled, as she explained her outburst to her mother. Their mum then awakened something inside me, when she said, “You’re going to be very popular with the girls one day, Michael,” and then laughed out loud. Judith giggled along with her as she continued to stroke my cock still completely fascinated with this wonder in her hands!

The casual response of Judith’s mum to my stiff cock and her easy acceptance of the intimacy her daughter was happily enjoying with it further augmented my belief that cocks were meant to be enjoyed as simple frivolous fun.

At this early age of my life there was an awakening in me that I could amuse females with my cock. As an extremely shy boy, I was enjoying this unexpected attention and also the ‘notoriety’ my cock was affording me.

Another experience that enchanted me not long after this enlightening episode was with a babysitter my parents hired on a semi-regular basis. Mum and dad enjoyed going to the movies every now and then. In the days before television, it was their only escape from the routine of child rearing and their tough working life.

I was ten and the eldest child in the family, I was allowed to stay up later than my brothers and could read a book or listen to the radio before going to bed. Our babysitter, Debra, would sit with me after my brothers had gone to bed and usually do her schoolwork. She would have been about five to six years older than me.

When she first started babysitting, if I went to the toilet she would sometimes stand at the doorway and watch as I stood and pissed. Again, from my experience with female teachers in the boys’ toilets, although mortified, I saw nothing unusual about her interest and begrudgingly just accepted it. As I was in my own home I thought that this was simply just part of her duty as our babysitter.

Not long after she had started babysitting us, she pointed to me as I sat on the couch in our living room and laughed that my ‘willy’ was sticking out from my pyjamas. I was embarrassed, as I hadn’t realized my cock had ‘escaped’. As she said this she sat next to me and gently pulled the remainder of my cock from my pyjamas. “Would you like to play some games, Michael?” she giggled as she held my cock in her hand. I smiled back, assuming that as a female she had every right to play with my cock if she wanted to.

Colin’s mother and sister’s recent attitude to cocks had reaffirmed this belief, so Debra’s interest didn’t seem too surprising.

Even at this early age, I had a strong sense of social injustice. I was curious if this attitude was common. All the friends I had asked seemed to accept this inequity. However, to me, it still seemed very unfair the control females had over male sexuality. However, I did know that I wasn’t going to change these attitudes and just had to accept them.

I’m guessing in hindsight that she was encouraged by my apparent accepting attitude to my cock being exposed for her. So she just started playing with it as I watched with interest as she played. She laughed as she stretched, squashed and rolled my cock with her hands. The feelings of her hands on my cock were nice and I smiled and laughed in accord with her as she continued her playfulness.

After a while of her playing I got ‘bored’ with her games and went to bed.

These games occurred a few more times during the period she was our babysitter. I’d never know when she’d want to play and just acquiesced to her request for ‘playing’ whenever she asked. I enjoyed it very much and would watch with glee as she intently went about her fun. I was fascinated when my cock sometimes got stiff during these games and it seemed to please Debra immensely.

However, one night something strange happened! I must have been around twelve years old when during our fun I had my first ‘awareness’ of, what later in life I realized was, an ejaculation.

On this occasion as she played I felt a strange but wonderful welling within my whole body and then instantly my whole body pulsated and my willy erupted and I lost my vision and my breath as my head spun and my senses exploded.

As I recovered from this ‘unexpected’ experience I felt totally confused and sleepy. I could tell that Debra’s attitude had changed. She sat looking at me in wide-eyed amazement and embarrassment at this unexpected reaction. I was so tired that I went to bed and fell asleep almost instantly in a confused stupor.

The next time she babysat Debra showed an extraordinary interest to begin our games again. She sat very close to me and enthusiastically started rubbing my cock. However, within seconds of her touch I spurted again, this time all over her dress. She was mortified and got annoyed. She quickly took her dress off and grabbed some toilet paper and began cleaning her clothes.