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To many this may sound depressing, but it really didn’t worry me that much. I had enjoyed an extraordinary sex life, enough for ten men.

Also, despite my lack of sensations, I could still enjoy giving pleasure to women!

None of the skills I had developed over the previous four decades in pleasing women were lost. So, I decided to concentrate on being the best yoni massage therapist I could be as I knew there was an aching need for this therapy in society.

This was now a new century and a totally different sexual climate. Political correctness was rife as was rabid conservatism. However, as with all periods of prohibition, a thriving underground develops. So, it was with yoni massage therapy.

What had once been a service offered by the medical profession up until the late 1950’s, was now undertaken by ‘professionals’ such as myself. Intriguingly, most yoni massage therapists were female, which, in itself, could be material for another book. As I was one of a few male therapists offering this service, I had limited competition for this service and gradually built up a good clientele.

I promoted my therapeutic service initially via my website; vaginations.com. However, I found that this site limited my client base and decided to expand via another site; yonimassages.com.

My greatest joy was to offer sexual healing and orgasmic delight through my therapy and watch women glow and grow.

I met so many wonderful people through this therapeutic service.

Around half of my yoni massage clients suffered from either physical or emotional distress. Physical symptoms included menstrual or menopausal pain or issues caused by emotional distress from rape or physical abuse earlier in their lives.

The other half of clients just wanted to realise a satisfactory sexual experience and possible multiple orgasms.

As I concentrated more of my emotional energy into each therapy session, I established an amazing connection with each client and achieved wonderful orgasmic results for each woman. In my previous career as a male escort offering yoni massage as an option, I was often requested to complete a therapy session with penetrative sex. This, not unexpectedly, was an obvious expectation for a woman when hiring my services as a sex worker. However, in the many years promoting myself exclusively as a genuine yoni massage therapist after my cancer, I only needed to utilize my cock on a very few occasions to complete a therapy session.

My range of yoni massage clients varied considerably.

Some of those who stand out in my memory, include, Trudy, a woman in her late 30’s who, like many women, was a ‘giver’ during sex and never made her needs felt. Hence, she was continually dissatisfied during sex, as her partners would climax quickly leaving her ‘high and dry’. She had got to a stage in her life that she seriously doubted she could orgasm, other than by self-stimulation. She desperately wanted to have a family and was aware of her ‘body clock ticking’.

Like many clients, she booked a yoni massage – as a ‘last resort’.

Trudy preferred the therapy in her home. I would always sit and chat with every client prior to therapy. Although there is usually an email dialogue prior to a booking, there are always many more questions that are asked when we first met ‘in the flesh’. Once, she was relaxed and at ease to have me in her home, we adjourned to her bedroom. She had set up candles, soft music and dim lights to create an erotic atmosphere, similar to the one I used in my studio.

Within half an hour I could feel her body pulsating as the effects of the sensual stimulation of her yoni intensified. Her vaginal cavity had expanded considerably, much more than I was accustomed to with most women and not long after she climaxed with a force that surprised her.

I maintained a connection, using my hands, between her heart chakra and her yoni chakra for some time after her initial orgasm. By doing this I could ‘feel’ her energy and balance it with mine.

Gradually, her yoni began to open even further and in these circumstances I would ask a client if she would like me to engorge her with my fist. Although still in a state of bliss from her waves of orgasms, she nodded and I continued and enhanced the slow process of an internal massage of her yoni.

Eventually, my whole fist engorged her! Her extent of vaginal expansion was unusual in a woman who had never given birth and hence I was cautious not to hurt her. I then began stimulating her g-spot with the knuckle of my thumb, while I gently continued my massage of her whole vaginal cavity with my fist. Her whole body began to ‘pulse’ on my fist as I began a slightly more intense thrusting motion.

Within a few minutes of this intense stimulation she experienced the most amazing orgasm and began to weep uncontrollably. I continued the massage for another half hour as she experienced orgasm after orgasm, each more intense than the previous one.

Finally, I could feel her whole body and her yoni relax. I slowly withdrew my fist and continued a tender stimulation of her clitoral hood and labia as she slowly recovered. She shivered with each slow sensual stroke as each aroused nerve ending in her highly sensitive tissue ‘pinged’ with delight.

As was usual with all my clients after a therapy session, I held her in a naked embrace and her sweaty, pink breasts melded into my chest.

She then looked me in the eye and said, “I could feel your energy washing over me…. That was so, so amazing! Thank you Michael!”

As we sat and discussed her sensations she said she felt as though she had left her body during her orgasmic bliss and had been hovering over her bed watching herself in amazement as she continually climaxed.

Trudy, was aching to find a ‘special’ man with whom she could ‘connect’ and knew that without an ability to ‘connect’ sexually with him, that man would never appear in her life.

She booked a half dozen more appointments and came to my studio for many of them. She eventually met a man and they ‘connected’. She rang me the following day after their ‘first date’ and excitedly told me, “I’ve found him!”

Another one of my ‘special’ clients, was Macey who had suffered from vaginismus, a constriction of the vaginal opening during penetration, as a result of ongoing rape as a 20 year-old who was virginal at the first abuse. She subsequently suffered incredible pain whenever she and her various boyfriends indulged in sex. She had seen numerous medical specialists, none of whom could offer a cure to her condition. This problem had caused her personal and physical anguish and caused the breakdown in her few relationships.

She sought out my services as a ‘last resort’. Together we pinpointed a specific physical constriction along the edge of her vaginal opening. It seemed to me at the time that this sensitive tissue was the remnants of her torn hymen. From her very first therapy session she experienced exquisite orgasmic pleasure – a sensation she had never known. During subsequent sessions of sensitive yoni massage therapy I was able to totally eliminate her apprehension and fear of penetration and the pain associated with the constriction of her vaginal opening.

Incorporated in her treatment it became obvious that she needed to feel ‘safe’ when confronted by an erect cock and through ongoing dialogue we determined that she needed to feel ‘safe’ to hold and caress a cock.

My years as a sex educator of young women, regarding male genitalia and utilizing my own body as a teaching resource, became relevant once again. I sensitively ‘introduced’ her to the tactile sensation of an erect cock to give her a sense of safety and familiarity with this longed for sexual object that fueled many of her masturbatory fantasies. She was amazed that this object that had previously caused her such pain and fear could feel so soft, yet also powerful in her hands.

She finally requested penile penetration to convince herself that she could enjoy satisfying sexual pleasure without pain. With sensitive care and a cooperative use of my body, over a few sessions, she found she could experience not just penetration by a fully erect cock – but also exquisite pleasure.