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During our last few sessions she felt she needed to be assured that she could be in ‘control’ of a sexual liaison with a man. She also expressed a need to fully satiate a few of her more persistent erotic fantasies. She requested I teach her techniques to sexually stimulate a flaccid cock and then enjoy complete intimacy, in various sex positions.

I remembered the timidity of my young students when first presented with my cock and how I could diffuse their shyness by a smile of reassurance of my understanding and ease with their yearnings, or simply by just holding her hands. This familiarity of connection between a male and female opens an exchange of sexual energy. Innate female desires are soon released in this cocoon of trust and intimacy and true sexual feelings can be released and enjoyed without uncertainties.

This was the approach I used in all therapy sessions with this young woman. She had experienced true abuse of trust with a man and now needed gentle, regular assurance by a male that she was in a safe space and could absolutely enjoy all that her mind and body desired.

Subsequent to the end of her therapy, she met a man and fell in love and was able to happily consummate her relationship and eventually marry him. I was invited to their wedding and I remain in touch with her to this day.

It was a genuine pleasure to see the transformation in each woman after her yoni massage therapy session. Due to the intensity of both emotional and physical pleasure a woman would enjoy during this unique therapy I would always make a point of contacting her the following day to check on them. It wasn’t unusual for a woman to both cry with joy and laughter simultaneously during her wave of multiple orgasmic delight. This sensation unlocked many emotional memories and could trigger genuine healing if treated sensitively.

Some clients would book return appointments until she felt her healing complete.

I made many genuine friendships through this therapy and was privileged to attend a few other weddings of my clients. They were ‘eternally’ grateful that I had helped to heal wounds that had held them back from true emotional commitment with a man.

What have I learnt from 40 years as a He Whore?

Well, I now know that women are no different to men in regards to sexual appetites. Women disguise their need for sex but are much more voracious.

I learnt that how you treat others is how you’ll eventually be treated yourself…. the old adage ‘what goes round, comes round!’ is true. I’m a firm believer in Karma and have a deep spiritual sense that all living creatures, past, present and future, merge into this entity we call God!

Throughout my life I have tried to be more of a ‘giver’ than a ‘taker’ and make this world a slightly better place by using my mind, body and spirit to put a smile on someone’s face, whenever I could.

Although it might be a surprise to some, I regard myself as a committed Christian and as Christians will attest, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; AND love your neighbour as yourself.”

Thank you my Butterflies!