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There was also an enlargement from one of René’s photos taken in the Johanssons’ kitchen. What Liz saw in it caused her to ask the editorial assistant using the PC if she’d be done with the machine soon. This was a break in protocol. By unspoken agreement, reporters did not hound one another here, since they all could appreciate how much time had been spent—and wasted—in waiting for a turn to look at e-mail or to use the Internet.

But even inconveniences can sometimes turn out to be opportunities in disguise. Liz took the time to make a Xerox copy of Ellen’s taxi receipt. Placing the original in one of the Banner’s business envelopes and placing that in her purse, she used scissors to trim down the copy to the same size as the original. Then she crumpled it a little bit and flattened it out again, and stored it in the manila envelope with the photos.

Fortunately, Liz soon had her chance to reply to Kinnaird’s message. “Tir Na Nog at 7 looks fine,” she wrote. Then she stopped by the city desk, let Jared Conneely know she would be out on assignment, and made her way downstairs, along the inky hall and into the snow-heaped parking lot.

The snow there was filthy, but once Liz was out of town driving west along Route 16, the white stuff did a great deal to beautify the roadside landscape. It also became deeper as Liz put more miles between herself and Boston. After passing through part of the Wellesley business area, she saw children sledding down large hills on her left. The timeless scene made her think of Veronica, who had asked one of the Santas she had evaluated to bring her a toboggan. Then the Wellesley College campus entrance appeared on her right. Turning in at the gate, she noticed that the faculty club was immediately on her left. She was so early for her appointment that she went inside, looking for lunch. When it became clear Liz had no faculty I.D. card, the maitre d’ made his disapproval evident, but when Liz showed her press card and she said she was on assignment on campus, she was shown to a seat near the kitchen.

After enjoying the best meal she had consumed in many days—lobster bisque, crab cakes, and spinach salad—Liz changed into sports leggings in the ladies’ room. They were at least a little bit warmer than her skirt. Back at her car, she traded fashionable boots for a pair that was insulated. Then she set out to find and follow the lakeshore.

Even in the harsh winter conditions, the Wellesley College campus could only be described as the lap of luxury. Wrought-iron pole lamps, curved over at their tops and holding glass-paned lanterns like dangling gems at their ends, added grace and contrast to a landscape where every tree and shrub was blanketed in snow. The lake, too, was white with ice, except for a slate-gray segment of open water where some swans swam so gracefully that they might have been placed there by central casting to add elegance to the scene.

Wading through eighteen-inch-deep snow, Liz crossed a small stone footbridge that arched over a frozen stream. Then she walked over a meadow until she reached the lakeshore path. It was clear from footprints that others had gone before her—people and dogs on foot, and one skier, too—but not very many of them. Liz wondered if Olga Swenson was among them.

But Liz remained a solitary figure in the landscape. After about a quarter of an hour, she came to an open fence with a large sign on it: PRIVATE PROPERTY BEYOND THIS POINT. NO TRESPASSING AFTER SUNSET. PLEASE KEEP ALL DOGS ON LEASHES.

Reminded of Olga Swenson’s warning, “My dog can be protective,” she earnestly hoped the animal would not be loose in this remote spot. Passing through the fence, she saw hundreds of conifers planted on the undulating landscape to her left. They took many shapes and sizes, from classic Christmas tree contours to weeping and prostrate forms. Fascinated, Liz realized this was a collection of trees.

Then the landscape opened up on a visual surprise. Fronted by a lakeside marble balustrade ornamented at each end with a marble urn, a hillside sloping up to the left was graced with perhaps a hundred carefully pruned topiary trees and shrubs. Some towered more than thirty-five–feet high, trimmed like fat bullets pointing skyward, with cutaway sections adding whimsy to their disciplined silhouettes. Others looked like lopsided lozenges resting on the hillside. Still more had the appearance of sugared gumdrops, bowler hats, or fantastically large chess pawns. As Liz stopped in her tracks and gazed at the topiary, the sun broke through the clouds and caused the ice and snow that frosted them to sparkle.

Dazzled, Liz stood transfixed, until she was startled by a panting sound behind her.

A dog, straining at his leash.

The owner appeared to be more tentative about the encounter. If her carefully coiffed silver chignon was any indication, she looked to be in her late sixties.

“Wesley Hightower’s Pinetum and topiary garden,” the woman said, pulling hard at her dog’s leash. “Is this your first visit, or do you find, as I do, that each time you come upon this place, it takes your breath away?”

“It’s my first visit. But I’m sure this is not the only time this sight will leave me breathless.”

“Then you don’t know the story behind the landscape?”

“I’m afraid not. But before coming upon this group of sculpted trees, I passed through a collection of conifers in their natural forms.”

“You know something about trees, then. Most people just think of those trees as ‘pines.’”

“I would call them ‘pines,’ too, but I can see that there are many varieties here. I’d love it if you’d tell me a little bit more about this place, if you have the time.”

“Liz Higgins, I presume?”


“Olga Swenson. And this is Hershey. Silly name, I know, but Veronica insisted on it.”

Liz couldn’t help noticing that, for all his straining at his leash, the chocolate-brown Labrador retriever was wagging his tail to beat the band. His breathlessness, at least, was occasioned by friendliness.

“How is Veronica?”

“Sad. Then excited, despite herself, about Santa. And then sad. Very mixed.” Veronica’s grandmother looked about her and seemed to gather strength from an environment she evidently knew well.

Certain Olga Swenson would tell her more about Ellen if she could first talk about her passion for this place, Liz bent down and patted Hershey while looking at the older woman expectantly.

“You know, four generations of Hightowers marked their wedding anniversaries by pruning this topiary. Wesley Hightower told me he could always remember how many years he had been married by counting the times he had pruned these trees. He died just a year ago, but not before adding and labeling hundreds of trees to the collection started by R.T. Hightower, Wesley’s great grandfather. R.T. made his fortune in shipping and used it to build the mansion on this property and to indulge his passion for conifers. R.T. took his own collecting trips to China and other eastern climes that are remarkably similar to our own, and he sent men to collect conifers for him. And by allowing us access to the property, Wesley—and now his widow—are sharing their remarkable legacy.”

“How long have you known this place, Mrs. Swenson?”

“Since we moved here, shortly after Ellen was born.” She gulped in a breath and paused to compose herself. “We have a house on this lake, farther along the shoreline. When Ellen was a girl, I was not quite a stay-at-home mother, since I was active in a number of charities and my garden club. We had a nanny helping us out. But Ellen and I always had our Thursday afternoons together, just the two of us. We called it ‘Our Afternoon.’ And more often than not, no matter what the season, we’d stroll along here with our dog. Wesley discouraged public picnicking here, but he made an exception for Ellen and me. He allowed us to sit in the summerhouse you see there, with our sandwiches. When the weather was fine, we sometimes took along books and I read to Ellen. As she got older, we read our own novels side-by-side. I always think it’s no mistake Ellen became a librarian and married an environmentalist.”