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“But that fee only separates the successful from the chaff. You are the saviour of your people, Lister Hampon, unafraid of sacrificing one world to inspire billions to join you.”

“They join out of a fear that we manufactured, don't forget.”

“And millions of people join you every day in the core worlds, all but the Regent Galactic territories are falling in line and the day is coming very soon when they too will have no choice,” Eve said quietly.

“You can take credit for that. If you hadn't used Gabriel's implants to program a new virus Regent Galactic would eventually become our enemy.”

Eve's expression fell into a frown as she considered the memory. “He resisted at first, and I tried using other crew people who had similar implants.”

“That caused quite a stir in medical. Most of them are still in isolation,” he smirked at her.

Nora's guilt was plain on her face, an expression that was becoming more and more common as she consciously considered her actions since being transferred back into a human host. “I didn't know.”

“It's all right, there is always a cost when you are breaking new ground in technology. In the end I'm sure even Gabriel will agree that it was worth it.”

“He did admire the work I had done regardless of his fear.”

“I'm sorry he had to leave, but your work had to be put to use before Regent Galactic learned about it.”

She shook her head. “I should show him gratitude for setting me free, but I wasn't his perfect match, what he wants just isn't possible. I felt like he was pressing me into a mould and trying to trim away whatever didn't fit.”

“That's understandable.” They came to a pair of double doors that stood three storeys tall, obsidian with golden floral scrollwork adornment. Nora's hand caressed his back as he straightened his fine blue and green vestments, trying to mentally prepare for the victorious sermon he was about to give. “You know I'll be happy to announce your miraculous return whenever you like.”

“I'm not ready. I would like to show my own children the framework flesh before I accept humanity.”

“How long until the first of your ships arrive?”

“Only days. It will take some time to adapt their intelligences to being transferred to framework bodies but they can only understand humanity by joining them. Preserving the galaxy by exterminating your people won't work, I realize that now.”

“But if you can teach your own children how to be human and pass on your message of conservation, preservation, then there is a chance.”

“And if that doesn't work, they will be among your people, and ready to enforce our law, to defend our galaxy,” she carefully lowered herself down to one knee, bringing her face close to his then brushing his cheek with her own. “This is a brave new day. You've made me so happy.”

“I've never taken so much pleasure in giving. From this day forward Pandem will be known as New Paradise, the first Eden colony in over two centuries.”

She stood looking down at him proudly, crossing her arms. He turned to the doors, suppressing his eagerness, hiding the butterflies in his stomach. Lister Hampon nodded and the smooth, dark doors parted slowly, grinding heavy hinges as they revealed the city of Damshir below, the streets were black and green, filled with the hundreds of thousands of West Keeper and Regent Galactic soldiers.

Cheers rose up to the balcony as he took his first steps up to the podium, and a tear of joy crept out of the corner of his young eye. The man behind that youthful face who had craved power, betrayed countless people and ordered the deaths and enslavement of millions finally came to the realization that he had it. Not only had he come to power, but he had allied himself closely to the only being who could oppose him, had the means and the unrestrained lust for more.

He came to the top of his platform, looked down on the city from the balcony mounted on the side of his hovering command carrier, gazed upon its massive breadth and the streets filled with his followers then closed his eyes and threw up his balled fists in a sign of victorious joy.

The cheering was like a wave, crashing upon the ruined mountainside and surging up from below, embracing him, thrilling him, and strengthening his resolve. www.spinwardfringe.com