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Werthen, Wolfgang. Geschichte der 16. Panzer-Division, 1939–1945. Bad Nauheim, 1958.

Wette, Wolfram. “Difficult Persuasion. The Psychological Mobilization of the German Population for World War II.” UNESCO Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies, 1985: 49–71.

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Zitelmann, Rainer. Hitler: Selbstverständnis eines Revolutionärs. Stuttgart, 1987.

Zydowitz, Kurt von. Die Geschichte der 58. Infanterie-Division, 1939–1945. Kiel, 1952.


Aicher, Otclass="underline" strain, 95

Albertsen, Erich: training, 25

alcohoclass="underline" coping with stress, 73, 120; use against cold, 113

Altner, Helmut: lost years, 221; strain, 95

American soldiers: German view of, 61

Andersch, Alfred (novelist): and war literature, 231

Ansbacher, H.L. (historian): on Landsers’ support for National Socialism, 210-11

anti-tank warfare: accounts of tank destruction, 41-42, 44, 48, 88-89; training for, 23

anxiety. See fear; psychological conditions; stress

Aretin-Eggert, Max: combat, 45; sensations, 138; strain, 85, 88

atrocities: against civilians, 50-51, 57-58, 97-98; against Jews, 58-59, 198; against partisans, 50-51, 56; against prisoners, 52-57; soldiers’ reaction to, 52-55, 57-59; Wehrmacht policy, 54, 97, 199

Bader, Rudolf: sensations, 147

Barbusse, Henri (novelist): on effect of rain, 106

Bartov, Omer (historian): ideological motivation of Landsers, 206, 266 n 35; on Landsers’ support for National Socialism, 241; on politicization of discipline in Wehrmacht, 239

battle. See combat

Becker-Glauch, Reinhard: sensations, 144, 148; ideology, 211

Beckering, Bernhard: combat, 42-43; comradeship, 183; sensations, 143; strain, 99-100, 103

Benn, Gottfried (novelist): on National Socialism, 208; on “new man,” 188

Blohm, Hermann: training, 26

bodily functions: and cold, 117

Böhringer, Friedrich: sensations, 143

Böll, Heinrich (novelist): and war literature, 231

Bollweg, Ansgar: ideology, 189; sensations, 137-38

Borscheid, Peter (historian): on everyday history, 7

Brauchitsch, Field Marshal Walter von: on National Socialism, 208

Brecht, Bertholt (author): on suffering, 37

Browning, Christopher (historian): on atrocities, 50, 54; on everyday history, 5

Buhl, Bernhard: comradeship, 172, 178; natural forces, 119

camaraderie. See comradeship

Canadian soldiers: German view of, 61

casualties: cries of wounded, 47, 114, 151; evacuation of, 64-67; impact on units, 191-92; medical treatment of, 64; reaction to being wounded, 63, 65-67, 141-42; as result of weather, 112-13

censorship: of letters, 8-9

climate: cold and snow, 110-14, 117; dust, 108; fear of Russian winter, 109-10; impact of, 104-5, 111; mud, 106-7; rain, 105-6

combat: artillery, fear of, 62-63; atrocities in, 50-58; breakdown in, 88-89, 137-40; comparisons with earlier wars, 153-54; death in, 34-35, 45-48; destructiveness of, 45-47, 50; enemy, view of, 59-61, 204; exhilaration of, 50, 146-47, 149-50; in extreme weather, 113-14; fear in, 30, 32-33, 39-40, 46, 135-41, 146; first impressions of, 33-35; Flucht nach vorn, 83; impact of casualties, 191-92; impact on horses, 153; inability to describe, 37; isolation at front, 36-37, 111, 166; numbness in, 35, 46, 88; panic in, 70-71, 97; personal nature of, 31-32, 36, 38-45, 49; reaction to, 36-37, 41, 47, 49, 53, 67-68, 88, 98, 146; reflections on, 37, 45, 49-50, 103, 147-48, 193; smells of, 34, 152-53; sounds of, 40, 42, 47, 150-52; as a test, 135-36; training, effects of, 13, 19-20, 24-25, 28, 46. See also psychological conditions; stress

comradeship: between officers and men, 18, 25, 158, 167; and civilian morale, 183; development of, 18-19, 167; and egalitarianism, 158, 183; and fighting effectiveness, 159, 235; group acceptance, 165; group loyalty, 173-75; and Hitler Youth, 160-61; importance of, 156-57, 164-69, 174, 235; intensity of, 172-73, 179-80; loss of, 184; and morale, 82-83; and mutual obligation, 98, 169-71, 175, 206; nature of, 156-57, 166, 170, 184-86; and notion of family, 18-19, 164, 236; pain at death of comrade, 175-78, 184-85; pride in unit, 173-74; sense of uniqueness, 181-82; shared experiences, 167-68; and training, 18-19, 25; and tug of front, 178-79; and Volksgemeinschaft, 157, 159, 182-84, 236, 238; Wehrmacht efforts to create, 157-59

courage: meaning of, 71, 103. See also heroism

cowardice: battlefield panic, 70; consequences of, 97; fear of reaction to combat, 136

Dahlke, Emiclass="underline" lost years, 228

death: acceptance of, 99, 145; arbitrary nature of, 144-45; and burial services, 177-78; of comrade, 175-78; fear of, 62, 68, 71, 87, 142-44; as a natural phenomenon, 143-44; premonition of, 139, 143; reaction to, 34-35, 47-48, 51, 142-44; reflections on, 176-77; smell of, 34, 152-53; in training, 22-23, 28-29. See also combat

desertion: death for, 91, 93-94, 96

Dettmann, Günter: training, 28

Diemke, Fritz-Erich: training, 24, 26

discipline: and field police, 91-94; at front lines, 95, 97; German military tradition of, 89-90; harshness of, 91-97, 239-40, 251-52 n 44, 252 n 49; Hitler’s views on, 90; in last months of war, 93-95; and loss of weapons, 92; during retreat, 91. See also executions; punishment

Döring, Ewald: lost years, 229

Döring, Wolfgang: combat, 33; comradeship, 164; ideology, 211; natural forces, 134; sensations, 138, 146-47

Dwenger, Alois: everyday war, 2; natural forces, 128; sensations, 154

Dwinger, Erich (war correspondent): on stoicism of Russian wounded, 204-5

Ehlers, Franz: training, 27

Eisfeld, Johann: training, 25

Eksteins, Modris (historian): on National Socialism, 218

Elert, Rembrand: combat, 37; comradeship, 174; natural forces, 107-8, 120

everyday history, 5-10

executions: of civilians, 51, 57; of German soldiers, 91, 93-97, 251-52 n 44, 252 n 49; of Jews, 58-59; of partisans, 50-51, 56; of prisoners, 53, 55, 57. See also discipline; punishment

exhaustion: breakdown from, 121-22; effect of, 53-54, 119-21; impact on combat readiness, 121; marching and, 119-20; during training, 11, 19, 21; use of stimulants, 19, 120

fatalism, 98-103

fatigue. See exhaustion

fear: and anticipation of combat, 32-34, 136, 140; antidotes to, 63; of artillery fire, 62-63; of being wounded, 141-42; in combat, 30, 39-40, 46, 135-41, 146; conquest of, 148-49; of cowardice, 136; of death, 62, 68, 71, 87, 142-44; of night, 141, 258 n l5; of punishment, 90-95; psychological impact of, 87-89, 137-40; and thoughts of home, 140-41. See also cowardice; psychological conditions; stress

field police: fear of, 92-93, 95

Fliegauf, Harald: sensations, 138

food: complaints about, 116; difficulty of eating in cold, 114; lack of, 114-17; scavenging for, 115; thoughts of cannibalism, 116, 254 n 25

Fox, Robin (historian): on war, 3, 10

foxholes: reflections on, 131-32; variety of, 132

Freytag, Egon: ideology, 200

front lines: attitude toward, 77, 99; nature of, 77, 99, 166-67, 180, 193-94; hostility to rear, 178-82; tug of, 178-79

Fuchs, Karclass="underline" comradeship, 157, 182-83; ideology, 190, 196, 203, 205, 211, 214; sensations, 136; strain, 79; training, 14, 16, 19