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myself to articulate the implications. ''Did she?''

He was silent for a moment, apparently focused on steering around the traffic and increasing

speed as the road opened up in front of us. The steel structure of the bridge flashed past in a blur,

and I wondered if the speed wasn't more about David channeling anxiety than wanting us to get

back home quickly. ''You know she did,'' he said. His face was smooth, expressionless, and

he'd changed his glasses now, darkened them to hide his eyes. ''In many different ways.''

I couldn't ask. I knew I should; I knew he'd tell me and it would be a relief if he did, maybe for

us both, but I just . . . couldn't. I closed my eyes, rested my head against the window, and tried

not to imagine David as Yvette Prentiss's slave.

As her weapon.

''Sleep,'' he murmured, and whether it was his influence or my own weariness, the steady roar

of the tires and throb of the engine lured me down into the dark.

When I woke up, David was carrying me in his arms. I hadn't been carried like that by him,

except when I was in danger or injured, in a long time, and it felt . . . wonderful. Hard not to

appreciate the strength and surety of his body against mine, and his smile was gentle and deadly

at such close range. ''Good nap?'' He set me down, and my feet sank into sand. I hastily stripped

off the Manolos. Sacrilege, to walk on the beach in those. Also, awkward. It was night, and the

surf curled in from the horizon in sweetly regular silver lines. It broke into lace and foam on the

beach, and we were close enough to the water to feel the breath of spray.

''Where are we?'' It wasn't Fort Lauderdale. The beach was too quiet, too secluded. It felt as if it

had never been touched by humanity.

''Nowhere,'' he said. ''In a sense, anyway. It's a place I come sometimes to be alone, when I'm


He was telling me something. I looked around. No lights on the horizon, no roads, no airplanes

buzzing overhead. Just the beach, the surf, the breeze, the moon bright as a star overhead.

''This isn't real,'' I said.

''It's as real as we want it to be. Like Jonathan's house, beyond the aetheric.'' David shrugged

slightly. ''One of the benefits of being the Conduit is you can create your own realities if you

feel the need.''

''And . . . you feel the need.''

He took my hand, and we walked a bit in the moonlight. It felt as if we were the first people to

walk here, and I supposed we were. I didn't ask. He didn't volunteer. After a while, we rounded

an irregular curve and I saw a low-burning fire ahead, warm and inviting. I knew, without a word

being said, that we were supposed to sit down, and I settled into the cool sand without

complaining about the damage to my dress. Besides, my dress was still on my sleeping body,

somewhere out there.

David took a seat beside me. The fire snapped and popped and flared like a real flame, and it

warmed like one, too. I stretched out my hands toward it. As real as we want it to be, he'd said.

Like the two of us, together.

''The question you won't ask me is, did Yvette ever force me to abuse her stepson,'' David said.

''The answer is no. Not in the way you're thinking.''

I have to admit, a weight of dread rolled away, and I must have given an audible sigh of relief.

But David wasn't finished.

''What she did force me to do was to bring him to her, and watch,'' he said. ''Yvette always did

like an audience. Kevin avoids me because I'm part of those memories. I'm bound up with all

the sex and pain and horror of it. So yes, I was part of it, even though I never-I never hurt him.

I wanted to destroy her for it. I wanted to rip her apart into so many pieces not even God could

find a trace.''

I heard the ring of hate in his voice, real as what I'd heard from Kevin. He meant it, and I ached

for him, too. ''But you didn't, because you couldn't. You were as powerless as Kevin to stop


He said nothing to that. The Djinn were not comfortable with the idea of powerlessness; in a

sense, it was worse now than ever, because they had thousands of years of slavery to try to put

into some kind of context. He hurt, and I couldn't help him. Not with that.

''I'm telling you this because Kevin doesn't trust me,'' he said. ''And that's part of the reason I

sent Rahel with him. He's a bit fascinated with her, like most humans seem to be, and she's got

no history for him to fix on. If he can trust any Djinn, he'll trust her. But he'll never truly trust


This felt so intimate that it frightened me. He came here to face his fears, face his history, and

there was a lot of that to get through-more than I'd ever be able to understand. He could read

my life at a glance, if he chose, and that more than anything else made me feel disadvantaged.

David put his arm around me, and I leaned against him. We both stared at the fire for a long time

before he said, ''My birth mother was like you. Strong, like you. Beautiful. Willful, which gave

my father plenty of heartaches; it was a time when women were more constrained by society, or

at least had fewer choices in how to misbehave. She taught me many things, but one of the things

she gave me was a love of learning, and that was rare then. Not even the sons of kings were

learned; it wasn't considered manly.''

I closed my eyes and breathed in the night, the peace. Maybe this wasn't real, but it had a kind of

solemnity to it that we couldn't get out there, in the daily whirl of life.

''Tell me about her,'' I said, and snuggled closer to his warmth. ''Tell me everything.''

And he did.

Chapter Eight

When I actually did wake up, we were still driving, and I wasn't sure that I hadn't dreamed the

whole thing until David looked over at me. He had an expression, open and vulnerable, unlike

any he'd ever really shown me before. I'd never even realized how armored he was before, until

the armor was removed.

''I wanted to tell you all that,'' he said. ''I'm sorry I didn't before, but there never seemed to be

time. Always something happening with you. And it usually involves explosions.''

''That's an exaggeration,'' I replied with great dignity. ''Things hardly ever explode. They burn,

they shake, and occasionally they break, but explosions aren't my thing.''

''Point taken.'' He gave me an assessing look, and took the next exit. ''You need a break.''

''Buster, you need to learn how to take them, too. If you intend-''

''To live like a human, yes, I know. I'll start tomorrow. First thing. For tonight, I just want to get

you safely home.''

Home. I imagined the soft bed, imagined waking up with him, and imagined that it would be like

that every day for the rest of my life.

It seemed too precious to be true.

The truck stop where we pulled off the freeway was one of those open-all-night places that

specialized in everything, from deli sandwiches to wind chimes. After investigating the facilities,

which were scrupulously clean, I browsed the snack aisles and stocked up on road food, looked

over the DVDs, rummaged through the books, thought about purchasing those wind chimes, and

finally ended up with nothing but a bag of chips and a cold soft drink at the register. No sign of

David. I wondered where he'd gone off to; maybe he was still in the car.

I collected my purchases and went outside. No, the Mustang was empty. I went back inside,

strolled the aisles, saw nobody I recognized. Somewhere inside, a slight tightening started in the