Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh grew up during the time when Rus was at war, both foreign and domestic: the Polovtsy were maintaining their attacks, while the prince’s relatives were fighting each other over the apanages. On the death of his father Vsevolod Yaroslavich, Vladimir could rightfully receive the throne of Kiev, but, trying to avoid a new feud, he invited Sviatopolk, his cousin, to rule as the eldest in the family, although the local townspeople did not like Sviatopolk and would prefer to have Vladimir as their prince.
Sviatopolk died in 1113, and the inhabitants of Kiev elected Prince Vladimir, whose reign was considered the best period in the history of Kievan Rus. Monomakh managed to pacify the Polovtsy, and they ceased attacks on Rus for long. The apanage princes were subdued under the authority of Kievan prince. The cultural life of the country started to flourish. The number of monasteries was increasing, the temples were decorated with frescoes. The chroniclers began to compile their records. Vladimir himself wrote the «Instruction» addressed to the posterity, in which he described his own achievements and gave advice on how to act in various situations.
Мстислав Владимирович Mstislav Vladimirovich 1125-1132
Мстислав Владимирович — старший сын Мономаха — после смерти отца занял киевский престол. Его правление было недолгим, но славным.
Половцы, укрощенные Мономахом, узнав о его смерти, напали на Русь, но Мстислав, получивший ратный опыт рядом с отцом, сумел отбить набег. Следующим испытанием для молодого князя стал сильный голод — последствие очень холодной зимы 1128 года, в которую вымерзли озимые культуры. От голода и холода погибло очень много людей, особенно в Новгородских землях. Те, кто остался в живых, старались уйти в другие, дальние государства.
За время правления Мстислав одержал много военных побед. Ему удалось присоединить земли кривичей, чего не смогли добиться его предшественники, успешно воевал он и в Литве.
При жизни Мстислава удельные князья как-то соблюдали мир, после же его смерти в 1132 году этот порядок разладился, Русь распалась на самостоятельные княжества.
Mstislav Vladimirovich was the eldest son to Monomakh who took the throne of Kiev on the death of his father. His reign was short, and yet glorious.
The Polovtsy, once tamed by Monomakh, on hearing of his death attacked Rus again, but Mstislav, who gained the military experience following his father, managed to repel the raid. The next challenge for the young prince became the famine, which was a consequence of a very cold winter of 1128, when the frost killed the winter crops. Because of frosts and hunger, many people died, especially in the Novgorod lands. Those who survived tried to relocate to other, distant countries.
During his reign, Mstislav won many military campaigns. He was able to annex the lands of the tribe Krivichi, which could not be achieved by all his predecessors, and he waged successful war in Lithuania.
During the life of Mstislav, the princes maintained the peace, however reluclantly, but on his death in 1132, this order disintegrated, Rus came apart into independent principalities.
Ярополк Владимирович Yaropolk Vladimirovich 1132-1139
Ярополк Владимирович — сын Владимира Мономаха, как и Мстислав, с юных лет участвовал в боях против половцев, имел славу отважного воина и талантливого полководца. Но этого было недостаточно, чтобы управлять государством.
В 1132 году, после смерти Мстислава, жители Киева выбрали Ярополка князем. Ярополк же, наверняка из лучших побуждений, предложил княжество сыну Мстислава Всеволоду. Этот благородный поступок вызвал у других княжичей неудовольствие и подтолкнул их к беспорядкам. Снова начались междоусобицы, и единая Русь распалась.
Ярополку постоянно приходилось сражаться. Но и воинская удача тоже изменила великому князю. В боях он допускал ошибки, вел себя опрометчиво, проигрывал сражения. Собрать Русь воедино ему так и не удалось.
Некоторую славу уже престарелому князю принес его поход против поляков, победа в котором принесла Ярополку богатую добычу. Этот поход стал и последним сражением князя. По возвращении из него Ярополк Владимирович скончался, оставив наследникам обессиленное, слабое государство.
Yaropolk Vladimirovich was the other son to Vladimir Monomakh, and, like Mstislav, he took part in the battles against the Polovtsy since a young age, and had the reputa tion of a brave soldier and a talented war commander. But that was still not enough to govern a country. In 1132, on the death of
Mstislav, the residents of Kiev chose Yaropolk as their prince, while Yaropolk, most probably full of best intentions, suggested that the throne should go to Vsevolod, Mstislav’s son. This act of nobleness caused the displeasure of other princes and pushed them to launching the disorders. The feuds started again, and once united Rus collapsed.
Yaropolk had to keep fighting all the time. But the military success, too, failed with the Grand Prince. Waging the wars, he made mistakes, acted recklessly, and got the battles lost. He did not succeed in collecting Rus together.
The prince reaped some fame when being already aged, due to his victorious campaign against the Poles, which brought to Yaropolk rich loot. This also put an end to his battles: on returning, Yaropolk Vladimirovich died, leaving for his heirs an exhausted, weakened country.