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“Father, I’m having a yard sale tomorrow morning at ten. Can you help me look after the kids?”

“Cecile, I’m not so good at that.” His tone was pleading.

“You’ll be fine. They like you.” This was a command. In fact, the children were quite distant with him. He thought he detected acid in her next remark. “You can bring your friend to help you.” Cecile knew Madeleine’s name perfectly well.

Homer was afraid of children. He could barely remember being one, and he really didn’t understand them or why they acted as they did. He certainly didn’t dislike children, but he found them emotionally opaque except when tribal or violent. Actually, he longed for Cecile’s children to like him. But he was not always ready to test the idea, and they had rather peered at Madeleine on meeting her.

“You’ve got to do this. What’s-her-name can help me with the sale. She’d just scare the kids. They don’t know her.”

“Why are you having a yard sale at all? Your furnishings are sparse now.”

“Not sparse enough, buddy, not by a long shot. So get it together, Grandpa, and head on down here.”

Cecile was always lightening her load, paring away at things, fixing a car that should have been traded, and he knew why: she was preparing for flight. She was readying herself for the moment when her life would change and she could escape. She had lost all her former levity, no longer introducing her father as a “forensic barber,” and had recently had her breasts dramatically augmented, a move he viewed as panic inspired by those magazines at the checkout.

He helped Cecile prepare the yard sale while Judy and Jack, seven and two, still slept inside and Madeleine waited for them to awaken. Cecile, a rag tied around her head, grunted enthusiastically as they hefted the NordicTrack to the sidewalk. A low egg-yolk-yellow September sunrise was stretching shadows across the street to lawns with uncollected morning newspapers. On the pavement an old steel porch glider rested, his lower back pain reminding Homer how it had arrived. Also: a bread box, an early microwave, percolator, a run of National Geographics, a yoga mat, a cactus, a birdcage, several of Cecile’s college paintings in the once universal style of Georges Roualt, a child’s English saddle with jodhpurs and boots (Cecile’s), scenic place mats, a standing ashtray with a lever that flushed the butts and ashes down a trapdoor, a silhouette of an Indian chief made with bullets, several rugs, a Monopoly game, a Parcheesi set, a Coup Feret set, a double-deck card holder for canasta, a checkerboard — these last worried Homer, as it was hard to imagine Cecile without her games — incidental Venetian blinds, canoe paddles, a Dutch oven, and a mosquito net. Here we hit the strata of the ex-husband, where lay the heart of the yard sale as they announced Cecile’s single status: commemorative whiskey bottles from Old Fitzgerald, I. W. Harper, Jim Beam, Ezra Brooks, and others, depicting Man O’ War, a largemouth bass, a fire truck, Custer’s Last Stand, the OK Corral, Elvis, W. C. Fields, cat-and-dog, rooster, turtle, an Indian with a tomahawk on a white horse, a Florida gator, a black rotary phone, the Run for the Roses, a Siamese cat, a kachina doll, the Wyoming bronco, a raccoon, the Chevy Bel Air, Ducks Unlimited, Van Gogh’s Old Peasant, and there was also a set of train-related decanters: engine, mail car, caboose, water tower. Homer found it dizzying but Cecile assured him it would be the big draw and she was right. One customer drove from Yakima, Washington, for the rotary phone, while a few more, drawn by the bottles, bought other items, mostly small cheap things to satisfy the urge for a transaction aroused by the bottles.

Cecile wanted to stay outside to guard the merchandise, so Homer waited in the living room with Madeleine for the children to awaken. They felt so apprehensive they hardly spoke, and Homer looked around at the room as if through Madeleine’s eyes. Only the front window admitted much light, enough to bleach the rug but not enough to lend any cheer. The living room of a single mother, he reflected, is a sad room. This one, containing so many things CeeCee had sent from Rhode Island, hoping for a response from Cecile, was especially sad. Even the old Aeolian player piano seemed to refer to cheerful times long gone by. The furniture was sad, the curtains were sad, the strewn toys were sad, the chandelier was utterly sad, but the china cabinet with its unemployed crockery was tragic. Over the fireplace there was still a color-saturated photograph of Dean, Cecile’s ex-husband, in a classic football pose: knee raised, twisting off the opposite foot, ball tucked under one arm, the other projected, fingers spread wide, barreling toward an imaginary tackler.

“That’s my son-in-law.”

“What became of him?” asked Madeleine.

“Still in town. He’s a bit impaired. He had an accident. They’re separated.”

“What kind of accident?”

Homer thought. There was a long version and a short version. He elected the latter. “He fell off a building.”

“Good grief. But he’s out of the picture?”

“Sort of,” said Homer, with meaning.

“I see. Once they’re in the picture,” said Madeleine, “they’re never really out of the picture, are they?”

How could my daughter have all this weight on her shoulders? His view might have been colored by his relationship with his grandchildren. He tried hard to charm and amuse them despite their lack of fondness for him. Still, he gave Cecile credit for an outstanding job: Judy and Jack were lively, curious, and confident. Also, they were calm. Judy was even a bit lofty. And why should they know him better? He never seemed to know exactly where he was, and the children could sense it. Jack once asked him if he was an alien.

“Why are you here, Grandpa?” Judy stood in her doorway, wearing her pajamas. She was seven and had chosen not to see Madeleine at Homer’s side, another alien. Homer had imagined a situation in which the children adored her on sight.

“I’m looking after you and Jack while your mom has her yard sale.” She was small with an oval face and burning black eyes. Homer’s attempt to explain things had a whiny edge that he could tell annoyed her. Jack wasn’t paying any mind and looked dopey. “Can you say hello to Madeleine?” He wondered whether he should have introduced her as Mrs. Hall, but he was somewhat jealous of Harry Hall, long dead though he may have been.

“Me and Jack are against the yard sale.”

“Of course you are,” said Madeleine merrily. “I dislike change too. But how can we stop it?”

Judy stared at her as though she were nuts.

Jack stood at Judy’s side, still half-asleep. To Homer, he resembled all two-year-old boys, though not nearly so fat as some. He had dark hair as his father once had, and it stuck out in a burr. He stared at Judy, awaiting her leadership. Then, as it was not forthcoming, he wandered to Madeleine and reached for her hand.

“Well, how does breakfast sound?” asked Homer, immediately recognizing the absurdity of the question, as breakfast had no sound. The new acuteness about diction, with Madeleine listening, produced this odd thought.

“Cheerios for me. Capt’n Crunch for him. Honey on mine. Sugar on his. The honey bear is over the toaster. It’s on a paper towel because it was sticking to everything. The bowls are still in the washer. We don’t use napkins, we use paper towels. Regular spoons, not soup spoons, and not too much milk.”

It didn’t take much for this to seem like drudgery. He was displeased by the cereal rustling from the waxed paper liners of the boxes into the bowls. It looked like packing material. “You don’t have to sit here and stare at us,” said Judy pleasantly. Madeleine strayed back out to the yard sale, doubtless to warm things up with Cecile. Homer watched her go.