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Vives — Vives J. Inscriptiones latinas de la Espana romana: Bd. 1–2. Barcelona, 1971–1972.

WuIIIeumier — WuIIIeumier P. Inscriptions latines des Trois Gaules. CNRS. Paris, 1963.

ZfN — Zeitschrift fur numisnatik.


Creation of the «Gallic Empire» one of debatable; but almost moments of history of the ancient Rome not shined in a domestic historiography. To the middle of III century AD the Roman Empire endured crisis. This crisis is defined in a historiography as the general or system though scientific disputes on its essence don t cease tIII now. The system Principatus more couldn't exist in new realities of that time. The dissatisfaction of different social classes with a policy spent by the Roman emperors and its administration led to fast change of emperors; and; as consequence; to instability of the central power. Political crisis was the deepest and was reflected in all control system of the Roman Empire; mentioning economic; social and spiritual life of empire. Separatism display in the provinces; which steels to proclaim own emperors; became result of this crisis. In these conditions the new governor who wIII answer expectations of various social classes was required and can overcome crisis consequences. The militarized layer of the population has decided to solve independently this problem; proclaiming emperors at own choice. The epoch of soldier's emperors was that period during which period the system Principatus has definitively been destroyed and bases of absolutely other control system — Dominatus were put.

The «Gallic Empire» — the name conditional enough. For fifteen years of the existence geographical borders of this state changed and sometimes it is impossible to establish precisely the fact of an accessory of this or that area; or its relation to Gallic emperors. The term the «Gallic Empire» began to be used in the French and German historiography from the end of XIX century. However there was it not casually. For a basis were the words of Eutropius taken out of context; — «Galliarum… imperium» = «Imperium Galliarum». The sources written by witnesses of events; in our disposal practically are absent. Remained are fragmentary and isolated; the information given by them; it is sometimes insignificant it is small. As important addition serves epigraphic and numismatic; especially finds of last years.

In a historiography there are two points of view on character of the «Gallic Empire». The first group of researchers — A.Alfoldi; M.BouvierAjani; I. Konig, E. M.Shtaerman; believes that in 260–270th there was an independent state formation led by the sovereign emperor. The second group is assured that Gallic emperors didn't consider themselves as sovereign governors; and saw itself a part of the Roman Empire (R.MacMallen; T.Kotuk; R Bastien). Last point of view amplifies the theory that the Gallic emperors considered themselves as sovereign Roman lords (J. Drinkwater; I.P. Sergeev).

Coming to power of the first Gallic emperor of Postumus became result of many factors. First of all, the big place in these events is occupied with those legions; the lifted Postumus on power top. Crisis and constant intrusions of the German tribes forced the population of provinces to search for an exit in more radical means; instead of to wait for charity from the Roman emperor. The person of the action, capable to have control over not only controls over armies, but also possessing administrative abilities was necessary to them. Anybody is better than the deputy with whom they existed side by side during long time, didn't approach. date of declaration of Postumus is enough disputable, as well as duration of its board. However the find new numismatic sources allow asserting that the Gallic emperor correcting during 15 years has been proclaimed in the winter 258–259th.

The Postumus internal policy has been directed on stabilization of position in the regions which were a part the «Gallic Empire». Epigraphically finds allow asserting that Postumus was sworn by Gallia, the both Germany, Britain, Spain, Raetia, and also under its control there was a coast of Flanders. As the right during this period operated post factum the «Gallic Empire» de facto represented independent the states, and de jure — its founder in every possible way underlined communication with Rome. It, and also the subsequent actions of Postumus allow asserting that it didn't have claims for the power in the Roman Empire. Existence of protected buffer zones — one more acknowledgement told. The Postumus merit consists that it promoted development of regions, having isolated them from Rome and having neutralized thereby negative consequences crisis. Having strengthened defensibility limes and region as a whole, Postumus has provided safety of the «Gallic Empire». From the moment of formation of the «Gallic Empire» The Gallic emperors along with the state transformations, carried out active financial to the policy. For economic situation stabilization in the new state it was especially important to adjust financial affairs. The coin should get weight in the market thereby to give the chance to the «Gallic Empire» to fasten commercial relations and to restore domestic trade circulation. As separate regions entered under jurisdiction of the new emperor, mints were defined also. The first Gallic emperor minted the coins on official mints of Lugdunum, Narbo, Augusta Treverorum, Colonia Agrippinensium, and from the middle of 60th — Mediolanum.

The financial policy of the first Gallic emperor has brought certain improvement to region economy, having allowed to expand craft manufacture and to recover trade in the considerable sizes. Postumus coins differed quality and the raised maintenance of gold and silver. Again there are large bronze coins, their releases become regular. In territory of the «Gallic Empire» active monetary circulation has been renewed. Postumus coins were highly enough appreciated in the trading reference. In it specify numerous treasures of coins in which find out considerable number of coins of the first Gallic emperor. We also can speak about intensive international relations in area of a policy, economy and culture. An attempt to conclude the unions with other risen deputies tells about perception Postumus of the state, as complete independent structure. It is possible to say with confidence that the Gallic emperor tried to conclude the alliance with east usurpers — Qpietius, Macrianus and the Ballista, and also with IIIyrian — Regallianus. The respect and the Postumus recognition was so is great that after its destruction successors didn t manage to keep integrity of the created state. One for other areas gradually passed under the power of the Roman emperors, obviously, having seen in stabilization of the central power the big benefit for the development and safety. Spain, at least, it s some areas after death of Postumus have passed under the power of the Roman emperor Claudius. Raetia, probably, stIII any time remained in structure the «Gallic Empire». It is known that by the time of submission Tetrici Raetia already left its structure. Gallia and Britain after liquidation of the «Gallic Empire» have put forward own emperors. Territorial losses, and, as consequence, losses in military forces, were negatively reflected in defensibility of region. Gallic emperors continued to use the defensive system created by Postumus, but without due control and it began to fall. The German intrusions have become frequent again.

Has started to fade and the financial policy of the «Gallic Empire». The maintenance of quantity of precious metals in coins gradually decreases; there are irregular releases of bronze coins. And though the basic mints continue the work, the considerable part of coins of Gallic emperors is minted on time mints. Circulation of coins in 2nd half III century carried, generally, regional character. Coins of the Gallic emperors were in use in all territory of the «Gallic Empire», on either side of the Rhine border and in Northern Italy. Thus bodies fisc the «Gallic Empire» had to undertake measures for revealing of the centers of stamping of imitations of coins. After destruction of Postumus fiscal actions, as well as many other things, have been almost curtailed.