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"Well, now that I've made it with a girl, I just have to make it with a guy," Sue muttered.

Lacey felt her clit beginning to burn and itch again at her sister's words. "Yeah, that's tight. You're still cherry. So you're in a hurry to have it popped, huh?"

Sue sighed heavily. "Yeah, it's getting to be a real drag, you know?"

Lacey nodded. She knew all right. She remembered her own days as a virgin and shuddered with distaste. She was so much happier now, and she wanted that for her sister, too.

"What we did just now, Lacey."

"Yeah? What about it, Sue?"

"Well…" Sue flushed, "there's nothing wrong with it, is there?"

Lacy smiled and hugged her sister tightly. So the girl wasn't quite as liberated as Lacey had first thought. She still had a bit of a guilt hang-up. Well, that was only natural. Most kids would have had a lot more guilt than that to deal with. Maybe just a few words from her big sister would do the trick for the girl.

"No, honey," Lacey said, "there is absolutely nothing wrong with it! It's all very beautiful and natural. Just don't worry about it."

"Okay, I won't," Sue promised, feeling relieved. She knew she could believe and trust her big sister.

Lacey wanted to get the conversation back to the hot topic of someone popping Sue's cherry. "Honey, about your wanting someone to fuck you. You should be very, very selective about who does the honors."

"What do you mean?" Sue asked, frowning at her sister.

"Well, Sue, your first fuck is a real important experience. It will set the tone for your whole sex life."

"Wow!" Sue breathed.

"So," Lacey continued, seeing that she was really getting through to the girl, "it's important that you choose someone who can really give you a good first fuck. Someone with experience. Someone who really cares about you!"

"Like who?" Sue asked, feeling herself growing more and more excited at her sister's obscene words.

"Well, like someone in your family. Who else would love you that much?" Lacey asked.

"Someone like Daddy?" Sue asked excitedly.

Lacey gasped. "Yes! Someone just like Daddy! What made you think of him, Sue?"

"Oh, Lacey. I've always had dreams about Daddy being the one to fuck me! To pop my cherry! I think Daddy's so sexy and handsome! I would love it if he'd give me my very first fuck!"

Lacey laughed softly. Here she had thought she would have to work hard to convince Sue to let someone in the family fuck her. She need not have worried. The girl was already hot with lust for their father. What a trip!

"That's great, Sue! Guess what? Daddy's the one who popped my cherry!"

"You're kidding!" Laughing, the two girls hugged each other and began to kiss each other passionately all over again.

Knowing that if he stayed to watch them any longer, he would cum on the spot, Mike finally moved away and walked silently down the hall to his own room. His big ten-inch cock jutted straight out in front of him, and he knew that as soon as he got back into bed, he would jerk himself off while remembering his daughter's words.

He could hardly believe his luck. He had just learned that his sexy virgin girl, Sue, was hot for his cock. Well, well, he thought, smiling with excitement, I'll be only too happy to give her her very first fuck!


The day after her torrid fuck session with her big sister, Sue noticed that her father kept sending her strange glances. When she tried to meet his eyes and smile, he looked quickly away, leaving the virgin confused.

She didn't understand what was going on in her father's mind but the expression on his face when he looked at her was one of mingled anger and excitement.

All of the Kellogg's were outside at the river.

Lacey and Kate were playing tag out in the water; Joe and Chuck were throwing a football back and forth at the water's edge; their father, Mike, was sitting on the shore watching them all and Sue had just come out of the water, her bikini-clad body all wet and shining with the river water.

"Hi, Daddy," she said, plopping down next to him. She hoped that he had forgotten about whatever had been on his mind all that morning when he looked at her.

Rut when she looked up at him, wondering why he hadn't answered her, she shivered, seeing that same strange look, almost a gleam, back in his eyes.

Mike licked his lips as his eyes raked over his daughter's lush, body. He knew she was still a virgin, and he also knew that she was hot for his cock. He was sure of both things, thanks to his eavesdropping the night before. He closed his eyes for a minute and remembered the way his daughter had looked as she rested nakedly in her sister's arms. His cock hardened with the memory.

Sue gasped, seeing the way her father was looking at her. Her pussy began to ooze out its hot fuck juices, turning the virgin on more and more. She could see a damp stain darkening the crotch of her bikini panties and, glancing up at her father again, she saw that he saw it too.

Mike's eyes were now fixed on Sue's crotch. He saw the pussy juice stain and his cock hardened even more, filling the man with a lust he had never known before. He had never felt so hot for a pussy before, not even when he popped Lacey's cherry!

"Sue, let's take a walk," he said, rising to his feet.

"A walk, Daddy?" she asked, her eyes on the hard, cruel bulge of his crotch.

"Yeah, come on. I want to talk to you."

Soon they were walking down the beach, away from the others. They walked side by side, not touching, not talking. But every now and then they glanced at each other, both aware that they wanted nothing more than to fuck each other.

When they were far down the beach, Mike sat down on the ground and motioned for Sue to sit next to him.

"Sue, don't you think you have some explaining to do?" Mike asked, a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

"Explaining? What do you mean, Daddy?" she asked, feeling a tightening in her cunt.

"I saw you and I heard you last night with Lacey, Sue," he said, watching her closely.

"Oh my God!" she cried, clapping her hand over her mouth. She flushed with humiliation. What must her father think?

"What made you do something like that, Sue?" he asked, his cock growing harder aid harder.

"I… was just so turned on, Daddy… and Lacey said there was nothing wrong with it," she said, turning tear-filled eyes toward her father.

"She was right, dear," he said, placing his hot hand on her knee, making her tremble with excitement.

"She was, Daddy?" Sue asked, surprised. Suddenly her father didn't seem angry at all.

"Yes, she was. There's nothing wrong with it. Now tell me how it made you feel. Did you enjoy it?"

"Oh, yessss, Daddy!" she cried, flushing again. "I loved it! It felt so good!"

Mike's breath caught sharply. He was turned on by his daughter's words. He couldn't wait to shove his big cock up her virgin pussy and pop her cherry.

"Another thing, Sue," Mike murmured.

"Yes, Daddy?" she asked breathlessly, her eyes taking in the sight of his hardening crotch.

"I heard you tell your sister than you want me to fuck you!"

Sue glanced toward the river, her breathing now harsh and labored. She was turned on by the nearness of her sexy father and by his erotic words.

"Well, Sue? I want to know if that's true."

"Are you mad, Daddy?" she asked, still unable to meet his eyes.

"Mad?" Mike laughed and, reaching out again, stroked his daughter's bare arms, making her shiver with excitement. "Hardly! I just hope it's true! Is it? Do you want me to fuck you, Sue?"

With a cry of joy, Sue whirled to face her father. "Oh, yesssss, Daddy, I want you to pop my cherry for me! I want to feel your big cock up my pussy!"

Mike laughed again and held his arms out to his daughter. With another cry of joy, Sue eagerly moved into his embrace. She opened her mouth to receive his thrusting tongue while she rubbed her entire body against him, hoping she could make him as hot as she was!