Washington woke to the sun’s rays streaking through the blinds and thought about the fish bowl he lived in. People crammed next to each other, seeking privacy by not knowing their neighbors. That was no kind of life.
He should have moved back north years ago. This was the kind of place he should have brought Glenna up in, but Jane was an L.A. girl. She would have been lost without malls, perfect year round weather and a thousand and one different movie theaters. To move up here was to lose Jane. But eventually he lost her anyway and still he lived in the city, where your neighbors didn’t want to know you. Where if you were a little too loud on a Friday night they called the police, called him. He set his jaw and made a decision. He was home. He wasn’t going back.
He had a little money saved. After he split it with Jane he might have enough for a down payment on a small cottage outside of Palma or Tampico. One with a brick fireplace, where he could sit at night and listen to Bob Dylan or Billie Holiday in front of a roaring fire. He wouldn’t have a television. No outside influence, no cop shows, no news about politicians stealing tax dollars and making senseless wars, no game shows, no sitcoms, just good music and a hot fire.
There must be some kind of job up here for an ex-cop. He would ask Susan. She’d know and she’d help. They went way back and they didn’t come any better. Where else could you walk in on someone you hadn’t seen in over half a lifetime and ask them to alibi you, like he’d asked her, and know they’d do it, no questions asked? That’s the kind of people he remembered. That’s the kind of people who live up here.
Robert Frost was right, ‘Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in,’ but he could go Frost one better, ‘Friends are people who, when you have to ask, have to help.’ This was his home, it always had been. He had friends up here, friends like Susan Spencer. He’d look them up and he’d start today.
He pushed the covers off, sat up, reached toward the ceiling and yawned. He swung his legs out of bed, forcing his body to gingerly follow. He groaned, stood, stretched and yawned again. The morning was cool, but he knew the day would be hot, that’s the way it was in the Pacific Northwest in the summertime.
He had no need to tell anyone he wasn’t going back, well Glenna, but no one else. Jane had apparently found happiness with another, his job was kaput and if he never went back to that apartment it would be too soon for him. He thought about it on the way to the shower, he would have Glenna pack his things when she got back, give the required thirty day notice on the apartment, turn off his utilities and send his stuff up on the bus. He was staying. Now and forever. He wanted to finish out his life in this place. He wanted to die in this place.
He stepped out of the shower and toweled off, happier than he’d been in years. He went to the window and peeked out at the day. The sun was up, bright and orange. The town was starting to come to life. The fog was lifting. Everywhere he looked-green. Green, green and more green. He brought his eyes from the trees beyond the town, looked across the street and frowned. He spied Jim Monday and Glenna coming out of the diner. They were walking arm and arm. Monday was smiling, she was too, and she had the kind of smile on her face that he hadn’t seen since that horrible day. She was happy and it looked like she was in love.
His first impulse was to run outside with nothing on but the towel and wipe that shit eating grin off Monday’s face. Who did he think he was messing with Glenna? But he pulled back the reigns on his temper and studied his daughter’s face as they waited for a car to pass. She was radiant and who was he to judge. She was a smart girl, old enough to know her own mind, and if he had any doubts, all he had to do was run down there with his mouth flapping and she’d damn well tell him. That’s the way he’d raised her.
He shifted his gaze back to Monday as they stepped into the street. He was happy too. And the way he had his arm around her was more protective than possessive. Had Glenna told him about that horrible day? The way he held her, looked both ways before stepping off the curb, watching the big man get out of a beat up brown Ford Granada on the other side of the street, like any unknown man might be a threat to her, and the way his eyes crinkled when he looked at her, told him that maybe Monday wasn’t so bad for her after all. True, he was older, he was white and he was a lousy dresser. Washington laughed to himself, but he was a man and despite how hard Glenna had tried to hide it, he didn’t think she would ever be happy with any man.
“ Take what you get and make the best of it,” he told himself out loud. But he was her father and he was still concerned. So he jumped into his Levi’s. What could it hurt, a little talk. He’d be calm, not lose his temper, he thought as he laced up his running shoes. Problem, how to bring it up? He could say he saw them arm in arm leaving the diner, but what if they said, ‘So what? That doesn’t mean anything. We’ve been through a lot together the last two days and we’ve grown close, nothing more.’ Of course, he knew there was more, but he could hardly say she was wearing the look of a happy, satisfied woman, could he?
No, better to say nothing. He would wait, he decided. With his mind made up he went back to the window and peeked out in time to see them walking away from the motel, arm and arm, like lovers out for a morning stroll.
He jammed the room key into his pocket, strapped on his shoulder holster, pulled on his sweatshirt and hustled out the door and down the stairs, following. He saw them down the street, turning the corner at Kennedy, heading toward the beach. What’s wrong with you, he thought, they’re going to the beach, not eloping. Mind your own business. But he couldn’t help himself, he continued to follow, allowing them a generous lead.
Kennedy ended at Mountain Sea Road which paralleled the beach beyond. The pair stopped for traffic, then crossed the street. They weren’t arm in arm now, not even holding hands. Just two people out for a walk on the sand. Why couldn’t he leave it alone? Obviously he’d read the signs wrong.
They started up the dunes beyond the road. Soon they would be going down the other side and be out of sight. He should go back. It’s wrong to chase after her like this. He turned and took a few steps away from the beach, but he changed his mind. He couldn’t continue to follow, because once he crested on the top of the dunes they would see him. But what if he got ahead of them. He could run along the road for a couple hundred yards and climb up a sand dune and wait. If they did happen to see him, he could say he’d been out walking for some time and fancy meeting them here.
But which way? Left or right, north or south? He picked south and took off at a slow trot. Two hundred yards and he crawled to the top of the dunes to see if he could see them coming. He saw them going. They had left their shoes behind and were jogging on the wet sand. He had come up behind them.
He slid down the dune and started running south, the dunes between him and the couple he was following. He poured it on for another quarter mile then climbed to the top of the dunes again, only to find them even with him and still jogging. Damn, Monday couldn’t be in that good of shape. He’d have to quit sooner or later, preferably sooner, Washington hoped, huffing like a locomotive.
Now it was a matter of pride, he was determined to get ahead of them. He started jogging along the street for another quarter mile, till Mountain Sea Road turned and wound up into the hills. He kicked off his shoes. He could pick them up on the way back. Now he was jogging barefoot on the sand, still keeping the dunes between himself and them. Dismissing any thought of climbing back up the dunes to check their progress, he kept on, heart racing. He knew Glenna. She would want to prove she could stay with Monday, and Monday’s male pride wouldn’t let him quit till she did. Washington was afraid that he was in for quite a workout.