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But the German "Tiger" -2 could fight with very heavy Soviet KV series, having an advantage in butting. Especially these large Soviet cars without armor slopes. Even stronger was the lion tank-a thunderstorm and a tank destroyer.</p>


Despite the skeptical mood of the German generals in the first half of 1943, "mouse"also appeared in the series. The car turned out to be super-heavy at 188 tons. Its advantage was that the Soviet tanks, even in the side could not shoot it. But the disadvantage was the weight, driving characteristics and the problem of transportation. Although the 128-millimeter gun is both formidable and relatively rapid-fire. Plus another 75-millimeter with a short muzzle, for shooting at the infantry.</p>


This tank was liked by Hitler, but was a pain in the ass for the military. The "lion" -2 looked more promising. In this car, for the first time in German tank construction, the engine and transmission were positioned together and across, and the tower was shifted back. As a result, the height of the tank's hull decreased. This saved the weight of the car. "Lev" -2 could become much lighter, which, along with the installation of the engine with a boost and power of 1200, could give the tank excellent driving qualities, and a low silhouette allowed it to be masked.</p>


There was another option-by keeping the same weight to strengthen the booking especially of the sides. Which is also good.</p>


In the first half of the forty-third year in the Third Reich, the production of tanks reached one hundred units a day. Moreover, almost all medium and heavy, not counting light and floating. The USSR increased the length of the working day to nine hours and mobilized part of the tractor plants, issued half as much.</p>


The Germans and their colonies also produced more than two hundred and fifty aircraft a day. The USSR brought the level to just under a hundred. And that at the cost of enormous effort.</p>


But there was also Japan with its colonies, and its power, especially the air force and Navy.</p>


Hitler achieved an advantage in technology over the USSR. And in the infantry, especially by mobilising foreign divisions under German command. In the first echelon, the Third Reich deployed over twenty million mobile soldiers. Even after the General mobilization, Stalin was able to deploy half as many troops in the first echelon. And there were five million more soldiers in the interior districts and in the far East.</p>


But the USSR at least did not let itself be caught off guard as the United States. And relying on the already completed defensive lines, he was ready to give his life dearly.</p>


Hirohito and Hitler agreed to perform synchronously on June 22, 1943. And end the USSR once and for all.</p>


In addition to the Germans and Japanese took part in the war against the USSR: Finland, Turkey, Romania, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Hungary. Plus Yugoslavia, which did not risk a revolt against the Germans. Greece and Switzerland, as well as Sweden, were occupied by the Germans.</p>


Bulgaria also joined the axis powers. And three-quarters of the Wehrmacht was made up of foreigners. This was a huge army assembled for battle.</p>


And Stalin conducted a General mobilization. Gathered fifteen million soldiers and prepared for an unequal fight. Now the slightest accident could decide everything.</p>


More precisely, only chance and great luck could save Russia.</p>


The Germans were well prepared. In addition to tanks, they also had self-propelled guns. Light "Hunter" which was armed with a 75-mm gun from the T-4. More powerful "bumblebee" with a 150-mm howitzer. Jagdpanter tank destroyer on The Panther chassis, and on the Tiger chassis - "Assault tiger". Here is the latest car at all super. She has a weapon: a 380-millimeter rocket launcher. And if it does, it takes down an entire bunker at once. And such a destructive and deadly projectile it has.</p>


Hitler was present at the firing range, and an entire multi-storey building was demolished with a single shot. And this caused a shock in the audience. The assault tiger was to be used to fight the red Army's powerful fortified defense lines. Russia had two main lines. Front Molotov, and the older, but thoroughly fortified Stalin.</p>


And the fascists, of course, needed powerful breakout weapons. Among other self-propelled guns there was also a "bear", with a 310-mm mortar. It punched huge craters in the rows.</p>


The Germans also had the latest developments in aviation. In particular, the ME-309, which had three aircraft guns in 30-mm caliber making 600 rounds per minute, and four machine guns in 14-mm caliber. Such power is simply amazing, and the speed at the same time is 740 kilometers per hour. This is a car. And it is difficult for Soviet aircraft to fight against such power. Focke-Wulf is also a terrible monster. Two 30 mm cannons and four 20 mm aviation cannons. Try to cope with this, plus more and armor. Yes, it is dangerous to contact Hitler in Russia.</p>


Stalin tried to negotiate. In particular, he promised to supply the Third Reich with raw materials and bread for free. In the most fascist Germany, it was already quite satisfying. They could have taken food from the United States. And there are rich lands, and a favorable climate. So there was no problem with food. Some types, however, were needed.</p>


But Hitler was determined to end the Soviet Union. He believed that the whole world should belong to the Third Reich. And prepared the enslavement of humanity.</p>


For this purpose, German and forced foreign scientists created new weapons. Developed and diskettes, and disc Belonzi and jet aircraft and ballistic missiles. The work was in full swing. But the Fuhrer did not want to postpone it again until next year. Maybe the USSR will invent something else.</p>


While Russia has a problem with technology. And in the forty-third year, the KV-6 tank entered the series. It became the heaviest tank in the world, weighing 250 tons, equipped with two guns: 107-mm, and 203-mm. A terrible car, but almost unusable, because of its huge weight, it is almost impossible to transport it in trains, and it is vulnerable to aviation. And I was stuck where I was. Also, like" mouse", unaffordable.</p>


Hitler even agreed with the opinion of experts and released "mouse" in the amount of only 150 pieces. Instead, it was supposed to develop the E-100. At this time, the Germans planned to compact the layout, make tanks with low silhouettes, relatively easy to produce, with a running gear that is easily repaired and passable.</p>