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And then, as if an admitting to herself that there was goodness and warmness to be found in making love, a certain relaxing of Jill’s mind took place. She found that her ability to move had returned, and she moved, slowly and rhythmically back against his huge, wonderfully hard penis with her warmly inviting buttocks. She found her voice again as well, and turning to shine her eyes of passion upon Harry, she said; “Fuck me”

Harry smiled triumphantly as he heard Jill’s whispered cry of total surrender, and he immediately levered forward with a victorious thrust. His huge, bloated cock surged like some monstrous dredging machine along the moistly warm tunnel of the young wife’s tensed cunt, spreading wide the tender membranous walls as it roared deep up against her womb. The bulbous, lubricated head hammered mercilessly against her cervix, while at the same time his semen-heavy testicles slammed hard up between her dampened and quivering thighs.

Jill suppressed a scream of anguish at Harry’s harsh onslaught as her glazed eyes stared at the sight of her husband and Gay Sommers in the other room. Gay’s warmly elastic cuntal sheath was molded wetly to Tom’s wildly rampaging penis, clasping it almost defensively as Tom withdrew to plunge again into her eagerly receptive cunt from the rear, flexing his hips to drive the great hot poker of flesh into the very core of her being.

Jill hurtled her own tormented buttocks back against Harry’s jackknifing penis in an almost reflexive action, but the involuntary movement only served to flower wider her passion-dampened cunt around Harry’s lust-thickened cock, and he thrust savagely again. He was fucking into her with long looping thrusts of his loins, seeming to gain impetus from the very bottoms of his toes, reveling in the complete subjugation of this innocent young married woman whom he and his wife had so gleefully plotted to corrupt.

In the whirling confused brain of Jill Parker were hot thoughts of self loathing and self-pity, born of the liquor she’d drunk and of her hapless experiences of the past two days. She hated Harry and Tom and the entire damned stinking, mixed-up world. I’m a harlot, a common gutter whore, she thought piteously. I have sunk to the lowest of all depths with this act I’m now apart of… and deserve this brutal rape of my body for having proven myself that I’m no better than a slut.

Harder and harder Harry rammed his thick mighty penis deep into her helplessly quivering vagina, and the pain at times was almost too much for Jill to endure. He hammered his hairy loins against her defenselessly upturned ass cheeks… again and again and again… and his huge sperm laden balls cracked like a slap on the face against her softly wet crotch as he fucked his passion-hardened shaft into her tight little cunt with increasing fury.

The pain, the pain… the pain?

And then, as if by some strange act of benevolence, there was no more pain!

It had simply and magically vanished! For the first time in her life she was having painless sex!

For a brief moment, Jill felt nothing at all, though Harry was still burrowing hard and deep into her wetly throbbing cuntal passage with his heatedly immense cock. Then, slowly, little paroxysmic jolts of pleasure filled her belly and soon the little jolts of pleasure filled her belly… and soon the little jolts became bigger ones, became wild and wanton waves of desire that threatened to consume her body in one paramount enveloping wave. Her hips churned in an undulating cadence back against his rock-hard cock with increasing fervor, and little tentative mewls of pleasure escaped her throat. Her head flailed from side to side, and the lewd carnal picture of Tom… her beloved Tom… bucking and fucking into the wildly twisting vagina of Gay Sommers dimmed before her eyes.

Her mind tried desperately, vainly, to dispel the prurient sensations which now controlled her whole physical and mental being; it tried to tell her that what was happening to Gay, was also happening to her… that it was merely a carbon copy of the same filthy perversion, that she was being fucked… yes, that was the word, dog-fashion as Tom was fucking Harry’s wife… But it was all useless, for crazily, impossibly, terribly, something strange and heretofore buried deep inside Jill Parker’s subconscious mind had stirred and come to life. Something had been awakened, to give forth these new and frightening ripples of passion that were not, in spite of her mind’s urgent suggestions, a product of her whorish submittal to her husband’s boss.

Gone now, with the flight of pain, was the degradation of the act of which she was partaking – and gone was the shame and the guilt and the fear and the self-pity and self loathing. They were gone, no more to return, and in their place were the surging inferno like fires which this lewd man and his hotly surging penis had branded forever in her hotly responding cunt and in her belly and in her soul. She was aroused, really aroused for the very first time in her life… yes, and she was responding, shamelessly, abandonly responding to a man… a man who wasn’t even her husband, whom she cared nothing for, who was triumphantly fucking her while they watched her husband doing the same thing to his wife!

Jill’s hips and loins swirled in ever-increasing submission now, attuning themselves to the hard strokes being heaved into her warmly clasping cuntal hole by Harry’s gyrating pelvis and battering ram cock. She liked it, it was good, good, soooooo goooood! Harder and harder she ground her eagerly rotating loins back against him, endeavoring to ingest more of his pleasure-giving cock deep into her very core, and then and then he stopped! For no apparent reason, Harry stopped and… Jill… gasping and panting… swiveled her head to look up at him with beseeching eyes that begged him to continue fucking her, to cum inside her and make her cum with him. Harry felt an intense burst of triumph, for he knew that he had snapped the barriers of her ethical and moral upbringing, initiated this young innocent forever into the carnal ways of the flesh, and that his massively throbbing cock embedded deeply in her honey-warm cunt was the battle stave which had earned him his title of vanquisher.

He wanted nothing more in that moment to continue to hammer forward into her tightly sweet young cunt until his sperm churning balls erupted with the great load of his hot seething cum; Christ knew, his testicles ached with the need for release at that moment. But if he did it that way, here in the doorway, the young bitch’s husband would become aware of them there (he never could refrain from groaning aloud, when he came, and the way this hot little cunt had put herself into the job of fucking him once her moral shackles had been snapped, he knew that she would probably scream herself silly).

Holding Jill by the waist, Harry gently drew her up so that, although she was still nakedly humped over with his powerfully pulsating penis still planted firmly inside her hotly wet cunt, she was standing as he was. Her face, flushed a brilliant red, dotted with tiny drops of sweat, contorted from the pleasure-pain of his lust-hardened cock inside her tight little cunt, continued to look over her shoulder at him with confused, kitten-like eyes. Slowly, carefully, making sure that his wildly throbbing shaft did not slip from its clasping elastic sheath, Harry quietly closed the door between the two rooms, and then guided the naked young blonde wife away from the doorway and across the room in a hobbling, ludicrous manner. It might have been almost laughable if it had not been for the fact that both were so near cumming, that their muscles were taut and straining with the need for crashing, billowing release. Jill, completely subjugated, her mind awash with her newfound excitement and need, did not even realize except in a dim, peripheral way that she was being led away from the lewd carnal sight of her husband and Gay Sommers’ bodies locked nakedly together.

Then, at last, Harry was easing Jill forward, down onto the sofa in the living room. She knelt there on all fours, gratefully, expectantly, her long damp blonde hair fanning out on the spread below and her smoothly rounded young buttocks upraised in a pagan offering to his every whim. Harry, panting from exertion and lust, dug both hands into the tender warmth of the softly yielding ass cheeks, spreading them wide. Then he poised his still inserted cock with the head just inside the warm wet vaginal channel… and finally heaved forward savagely once again to impale the trembling young wife on his rocklike flesh.