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And suddenly, the horror was no more. In its place, fully and beyond recall, there came new strangely reeling waves of shameless passion. In her mind, then, Jill could picture her husband’s head bobbing and slaving down there between her widespread legs, his warm wet tongue licking and sucking… And she could feel his moistly ovalled mouth on her, could feel his tongue flicking into her… Oh God, it was wrong and lewd and perverse, but she knew that she wanted him to do it, wanted him to kiss her that way and make her have another orgasm… she knew she not only could but would have another one, whether from his penis or his mouth. she had to have an orgasm, a better one than that she had achieved with Harry Sommers, with her husband; she suddenly realized that, because therein lay the answer to the saving of their marriage! So simple, all so simple, and so workable, too, because she was different somehow, a different and emancipated woman inside..

She opened her eyes and looked into Tom’s face and said, “Yes, my darling, yes-yes-yes! Put your mouth on my vagina, kiss it and lick it!” she undulated her hips in an unconcealed eagerness, splaying her legs wide to reveal the naked, hair-fringed expanse of her heatedly moistened cunt. “I want you to, I want you to!”

Tom stared at her, aghast. Jesus Christ! Had he heard right? Had she actually… actually said that she wanted him to go down on her? Some of the rage drained out of him, and he stared at her with a mixture of incredulity and growing heat on his face. “You can’t… mean that, Jill. he managed.

“Yes, yes, I mean it! Put your head down between my thighs, kiss my cunt, Tom darling, hurry and kiss it! I’m dying to feel your wonderful kisses there.”

Her eyes were closed in passion, and her hands were moving convulsively up and down over her smooth curving hips in anticipation, her naked buttocks almost obscenely twisting and lifting off the bed. He couldn’t fathom this complete reversal in his heretofore cold and unresponsive wife, and the confusion dissolved most of the anger he felt at her infidelity, dissolved the need to strike back at her for what he had felt was a slight on his masculine pride. Now, there was only the uncertainty of the change in her, the complete reversal of form… and yes, there was the passion too, brought about by her concession to him, her begging him to perform an act on her that she had always thought to be too vulgar, her wanton twisting and contorting on the bed in an obvious uncontrolled lust.

And then, with his long thick cock hammering excitedly, and his sperm-bloated balls aching for release, Tom’s lustful excitement grew in increasing measures. Suddenly, he didn’t care about anything except going down on his wife, kissing her succulent young cunt as she had begged him to do, kissing her and kissing her and making her cum, making her respond to him for the first time.

Quickly, breathing in ragged gasps, Tom slid down on the bed until he was poised between her wide stretched and trembling legs. He stared down at her prominent pubic mound and the softly wet pinkish slit hidden below the softly curling hairs, and her clitoris like a quivering miniature phallus nestled there in moist passion. He could wait no longer then, and with a little cry of intense and long denied hunger, he pressed his lips forward and skewered his hot, hard wet tongue deep into the warmly perfumed recesses of her honey sweet cuntal channel.

“Aaaaaaaahhhhh!” screamed Jill in rapture as she felt for the first time the exquisite sensation of a man’s tongue being thrust into her hotly throbbing vagina. Her body convulsively jerked and her legs shot upward and pulled back so that her knees rested against her trembling, hard-nippled breasts – presenting the full naked panorama of her eager young cunt to his mouth.

Tom reveled in his young wife’s soft open furrow, his wetly ovalled lips and tongue making obscene wanton slurping sounds. His hands curled around her passionately trembling legs, pulling her firm young thighs close to the sides of his head to imprison it between them, and his fingers slipped into the valley between her sweat-sheened ass cheeks to pull her desire soaked vaginal slit wider still to the lewd oral penetration of her genitals. His fleshy tongue lapped upward and located the erect button of her clitoris; he used his teeth to nip it excruciatingly. She cried out in agonizing pleasure at the contact, and jerked hard at his hair as he licked and nibbled at the sensitive nub of her womanhood.

Jill’s long, honey colored hair whipped from side to side on the pillow, and she heaved and bucked her nakedly excited cunt tight up against his face, squeezing his ears with her inner thighs. Oh God, it was better than she imagined it would be! How could she have so long denied her husband and herself this wondrous experience? It felt as if his tongue were a hot poker invading her genitals, but such a deliciously sweet hot poker that she never wanted it to be removed… how could anything this tremendously pleasurable be wrong and wicked, as she was taught to believe, as she so long accepted with blind faith..

Faster and deeper and harder was Tom’s mouth fucking his lovely wife’s flailing body now, sliding his long hard shaft far into her wetly clasping vaginal orifice, tasting her secretions, like ambrosia in his mouth. His face was wet with her scented cuntal juices and with the sweat of his passion, and her cunt smelled as sweet as perfume, as sweet as wildflowers in spring, and her cunt hair and pussylips were softer than a baby’s skin against his cheeks and nose and lips. He kneaded and manipulated deeper and deeper in her hotly throbbing vaginal passage, and it was just as he had long known it would be, this licking and sucking between his wife’s widespread legs. She’d changed… it was impossible, but it was true and he had never been more thankful… Jesus, this was what he had waited all these years for, this moment, this responsiveness, this bliss and fulfilling experience of togetherness. His tongue leapt into the searingly liquid depths of her cunt again and again, and she cried out for him, screamed his name as he fucked her time and again with his hot tongue and burning wet lips. In her mindless passion, she pulled loose tufts of his hair, pounded her heels on his back, jerked and twisted and wantonly bucked her naked young body hard up against his voracious mouth’s merciless assault on her loins.

Jill’s mind was like a soaring eagle, flying far and high, farther and higher than any other mortal creature or human… had ever dared to ascend before. The episode with Harry Sommers was nothing compared to this! She could feel her orgasm coming closer and closer… oh God, she was almost there, almost there! It was going to be the most incredible and beautiful moment imaginable..

She screamed Tom’s name over and over again, screamed out her newfound passion and newfound ideaclass="underline" “I’m going to cum, going to cum my darling, I’m going to cummmmmm, aaaaaggggggghhhhhhh!”

And she was there, cumming, cumming to make that which she had known with Harry seem to be a frustration emptiness, cumming with her husband’s hot, slavering, feverishly-darting tongue swirling around deep in her wildly rejoicing vagina and his warm wonderful lips glued to her quivering pussylips while his hands squeezed and kneaded her soft white flesh. She screamed again and again, and then she was soaring farther and higher than any other creature, mortal or human, had ever soared before, flying free and superbly emancipated there among the drifting, soft white clouds.

She came back slowly, ever so slowly, and lay with Tom’s head cradled in her wetly pulsating loins and his saliva mixing with the secretions of her incredible orgasm. They lay there like that for a time, and then, tenderly, lovingly, she drew him up over her and with an exploratory hand found that his desire-hardened penis was still rigid and trembling. He had not had his release, and she wanted him to know some semblance of that which she had just known.