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“Fuck me, Tom,” she whispered softly into his ear, a smile of true peace of her face. “Fuck me now, my darling.”

“Will… will you… be able to cum with me?” he panted.

“Yes, darling. Oh yes, yes, yes!”

And he fucked her… no, loved her, for it was more now than a mere physical gratification on both their parts, it was love. He made love to her, and she went soaring again when he emptied his sperm-heavy balls far up into her wildly ecstatic vagina moments later, soaring higher even than the last time.

And higher still the next time they made love that night, and higher the next, and still higher the next.


Jill opened her eyes slowly the next morning, and gazed tenderly at the still sleeping form of her husband on the bed next to her. She smiled with satiated happiness, hardly able to believe that the events of the preceding night had really happened, that it wasn’t all just a dream she had forged from her previous torment and frustration. But it wasn’t a dream: she was here, and her husband was next to her, and together they had discovered the first fragile seeds of what Jill knew could be the rebirth of their marriage.

Tenderly, with almost motherly affection, she reached over and touched Tom’s hirsute chest, gazed with unparalleled admiration at the body of the man who had brought her so much pleasure, had brought her to a level of ecstasy which Harry Sommers, for all his sexual prowess, could never match… could never match because, with Tom, that ecstasy was not only physical, but the result of the deep love she felt for him. She couldn’t explain what had happened the last two days, and she didn’t even want to try. All she knew was that she was happy, unbelievably happy for the first time in a long, long while.

“I love you, Tom,” she whispered. “I love you more than I ever knew.”

Tom stirred, and then slowly opened his eyes to find his wife smiling at him. He blinked, as though he too were unable to fathom how, from the depths of despair, they had been able to find their love for each other in one beautiful night, a love which, though hidden, must have survived through all the three years of their embattled marriage.

“Good morning,” he said simply, reaching out to caress her nakedly exposed breast.

“Good morning,” she whispered in answer, and snuggled closer to him and the beautiful feeling of his hand on her nakedness. His fingers slowly felt the warm moon shape of her proud young breast, and he rubbed the erect little nipple with loving care and intensity.

“What a great way to wake up,” Tom smiled, “with my hand on your breast like this.”

“That’s because we’re in love, darling.”

“We’ve always been in love, Jill. But never like this. It’s never been this good.”

Jill smiled, and rolled her lushly ripened body closely up against his, cradling her head on his muscular arm.

“I guess you’re right, darling,” she breathed. “And it’s all my fault. I see that now. I’ve been so blind, so.

“It’s been both our faults, Jill. Mine as well as yours.”

“Maybe so,” Jill smiled. “But that’s all going to change now. I know it is.”

“Is it?” Tom asked lovingly.

“Yes, it is. I know now that… I have been cold. Cold because of all kinds of fears and inhibitions I’ve had for so long, so long, so long Tom, you couldn’t believe. When I think of how long I’ve been a slave to some kind of false morality, how all those things I thought were right were really only destroying me

“I know, baby. I know.”

“But it’s going to be different now. It really is. I’m free now, Tom.” Her eyes searched out his, and then gazed at the tiny twists of hair on his manly chest. “Or, at least I’m more free. I know now I can be the kind of wife you’ve always wanted, always deserved to have.”

“You mean because of what happened yesterday, with Harry Sommers?”

“Yes, partially,” Jill answered, looking up into her husband’s face to find the love and understanding she knew would be there. “I couldn’t explain what happened yesterday if I wanted to, which I don’t.”

“And neither do I,” Tom said fervently.

“But it’s more than the fact that we… that we were adulterous with the Sommers. If it were only that, last night couldn’t have been as beautiful as it was. But it was beautiful, darling, it was incredibly beautiful.” She lowered her eyes, as a slight flush came to her cheeks. “Maybe Harry Sommers did make me aware of the fact that I was a slave to my fears of sex, but it was you who freed me, Tom.”

Tom felt a huge lump rise in his throat at his wife’s words, and he realized that he loved this beautiful young girl more than anything in the world. He put his arms around her, and studied her face with infinite tenderness. She had changed, there was no doubt about that. She had seemingly opened up her spiritual wells and become as a sexual partner must be: eager, willing, demanding. He kissed her lovingly, and then smiled down into her innocently upturned face.

“Then I guess we should thank the Sommers for bringing us back together.”

“Maybe,” Jill frowned. “But that certainly wasn’t their intention.”

“How do you mean?”

“I mean I think the whole thing was planned from start to finish, Tom! There are just too many coincidences for it to be anything else. For instance, when Harry and I came in and found… found you and Gay here

Tom reached over and touched his wife, as though trying by his touch to relieve her from that terrible memory. “… well, the only way he got me here was to say that Gay wanted to meet me, when he must have known all along that she was with you. And then, I don’t see how he could have taken those pictures you were talking about without my knowing.

Again, Jill’s voice trailed off as she grew embarrassed over the memory of what she had done, or rather, what had been done to her.

“I thing you may be right, baby,” Tom agreed. “I mean Gay’s whole story was phony as hell now that I look back on it.”

“But it didn’t seem phony then?”

Tom looked down at his wife, and reached an arm up to stroke her golden hair, tangled and unruly from the previous night’s activities.

“No, it didn’t,” he answered. “I guess I was just too hurt and too angry.”

“And too aroused?” Jill smiled teasingly.

“Yes, that too,” Tom grinned back at her. “Are you angry with the Sommers?”

“No… no, I don’t think so,” Jill said slowly. “They were out for their own gratification, I guess, but I don’t care about their motives. They gave us back to one another last night, and that’s what’s important to me.”

“And to me, too.” Tom smiled fondly at his wife, and the urge to make love to her grew strong within his loins. His virile young cock became erect, tenting the sheets, and he reached out his hand again and caressed the soft warm flesh of her breast once more. Little ripples of pleasure made Jill tingle and she gasped with a mewling sigh.

Yes, yes… this is what she wanted. A responsive body and an appreciative husband. And love, lots of physical copulation with him to forever cement the bond between them. She had to have him again, now, in the morning, which previously she had thought to be an over-abuse of body functions. She curled around his questing hand, and in turn delved beneath the sheet with her own fingers. Down over his tautly tensed abdomen, down lower to the first tendrils of his pubic hair… down until she touched the now fully erect shaft of his penis. Tom groaned involuntarily, her fingers being like warm feathers of sensuality, and took his other hand and placed it up between her rapidly dampening thighs. She willingly splayed her… wantonly undulating her hips up against his hand so that her warmly moistened vagina and crevice were being rubbed. Her tiny clitoris peeked out of its hair-lined, flesh-rimmed nest and quivered upright with a new life.